
Quartz Hill AYSO, Region 638 Newsletter                  September 15, 2012    

Platinum 2011

In This Issue
Coach Corner
Referee Corner
Safety Tip of the Week
Tournament News
National Games News
Zero Tolerance Policy
EXTRA Program News
U05 Jamboree News
VIP News
Volunteer/Board Member of the Week
Snack Bar News
Joe Walker Track Alert
NO Pets Allowed!
Lost and Found
Game Results
Players of the Game
Standings (U10-U19)
Quick Links
Join Our Email List

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First and foremost, I would like to thank all the hard work our Board and many volunteers put in to get 1850+ players playing soccer for another year.  Please remember to thank someone that is volunteering when you see them (referees, coaches, snack bar staff and board members).  And don't forget to volunteer yourself - we can always use your help in any way, big or small. Without each of you there would be no Quartz Hill AYSO or any AYSO.

It was another great start to the season.  All the smiles, cheers, and memories made were a pleasure to watch and be a part of, even with it being so hot. If you want to see the pure joy of playing soccer, stop by and watch the U05 players on Saturday at the west side of Lane Park from 8:00 - 11:00am, or the VIP team at 9:10 am on Lane Park 2 and 10:20 am at LJW #3. The players love to hear the cheers!!!
Please remember that every game needs a referee (U10 and above.) No Referee, No Game, No Exceptions!! Classes are right around the corner: September 30th, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM or Evening classes, September 18th. 19th and 20th, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (must attend all 3 classes.)  Contact Tim Haddad for more information.


Players play!!!   Coaches coach!!!   Parents cheer!!!



Jack Rust  

Regional Commissioner  

Quartz Hill Region 638





Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives!!!!  




Help Wanted


QH AYSO currently needs someone to fill the position of Secretary.  If you are interested, please contact our Regional Commissioner, Jack Rust, at coachrust@gmail.com.

Remember, our Region is an all volunteer organization, and we can't do it without you!


News Flash 2 
Coach Corner 


Hello QH AYSO Coaches,

The 2012-2013 season is off and running, and with the exception of a few minor issues everything seemed to go relatively well.  There are a few important things I need to point out to all the coaches concerning the game cards.  We as coaches need to make sure we fill out our cards properly, this includes listing your players in numerical order, list both first and last names, checking your substitutions and final score, and identifying your players of the game.  For those coaches in U8 please remember to watch your opponent's players carefully and note the top three players (by uniform number) on the back of the card, this is important for player assessment for next season.  Please refer to your coaches' handbook for any issues with your game cards, everything you need to know has been clearly provided in the handbook.

Upper division coaches (U10/U12/U14) should be noting top players from the other teams.  All-star nomination forms will be coming out around the first week of October.  Applications for All-Star coaches will also be collected in early October, with coach selection occurring late October.

U06/U08 Soccer Drill of the WeekSharksandMinnows



Sharks and Minnows


Build a grid approximately 20X25 yards this field should be adjusted based based on the skill level and number of players participating. Each player should have a ball except for 2 sharks.

The players with balls (the minnows) attempt to protect their ball from the two "Sharks". The Sharks attempt to gain possession and knock the minnows (ball) out of the grid. Once this happens, the minnow can run around the grid once and return to the game. Each minnow has two changes, and the last 2 minnows remaining become the sharks in the next round.

  • Players only use left foot to dribble.
  • Players use outside of feet to dribble.
  • Players use sole of feet to dribble.

Coaching Points
  • Keep the dribblers under control and not panicked once the sharks get near them.
  • Inform players to keep the ball close within playing distance.

U10/U12/U14 Drill of the WeekFourCornersPassingGame2

Four Corners Passing Game


Create four grids that are about 5x5 yard grids and set them about 40X40 yards apart on all sides. Split the group into two teams and put one team in an alternate color.

Instruct the teams to pass among their team to keep possession while attempting to score a point by passing the ball to a teammate that is inside one of the smaller grids. The teams can score in any of the corners, however, they cannot score in the same corner twice in a row.

  • Do not allow players to stand inside the grids waiting for a pass. Instead, instruct the players to work on timing of the runs and timing of the pass to connect inside the grid.
  • Change the scoring rule to where the goal is scored only when a give and go is performed with the player that is in the grid.

Coaching Points
  • Focus on the weight and accuracy of the passing
  • Make sure players without the ball are supporting the player with the ball at all times
  • Make sure the timing of the runs and timing of the pass are in sync.
  • Make sure players change the point of attack and are not forcing passes into congested areas


If you have a parent volunteer who would like to be certified as an assistant coach they need to contact the Regional Coach Admin, Scott Jones at sscejones@hotmail.com or (661)722-4003. Only certified coaches, having a current 2012 volunteer form on file, age appropriate training, and Safe Haven certification can be listed on the roster. An assistant coach must be on the roster for � the season to be approved for play outside our region. Therefore it is very important for U10/U12/U14 teams who may go to the area playoffs and beyond to get their assistant coaches certified early.

Crazy RefereeReferee Corner


We had just over 90 % of our referee spots filled this weekend with trained referees!  The games are so much better when we can have a full 3-ref team on a game.  One day soon I hope we will have a perfect day with every referee spot covered.  Many thanks to all our new referees, and especially our youth referees, who are taking on so many games.

Top Youth U8 Referee Contest 

This year we are having a contest to see which Youth referees can do the most U8 games.  Prizes will be awarded at our annual volunteer appreciation night. One week into the season and one of our top Youth U8 refs from last season is already in the lead.  Here are the standings:

Christiaan    3 
Brendan    2 
Makenna    1 

Top 15 QH AYSO Referees

These referees are our addicts, many of whom also ref our upper division U16 and U19 games on Sundays.  They started collecting their personal ref points 3 weeks ago, when our older players started playing in Victorville and Hesperia.

Williams, Walter: 12.5 
Aguilar, Melanie: 11.5 
Mendiola, Adam: 9.0 
Haddad, Tim: 8.5 
Schneider, Stefan: 8.5 
Mendiola, Matt: 7.5 
Huhman, Dave: 5.5 
Rivas, Jolman: 5.0 
Jones, Scott: 3.5 
Reynolds, Mark: 3.5 
Choate, Perry: 3.0 
Peck, Jeff: 3.0 
Sheely, Jay: 3.0 
Osman, Yonis: 2.5 
Rust, Jack: 2.5 

Become a Referee Volunteer 

Your last two opportunities to become a Regional Referee are almost here.  We have one all-day class on SUNDAY September 30th 8 am till 4 PM.  We also have a three-evening class 5:30-8:30 on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY September 18-20.  All classes are held at the Lancaster National Soccer Center in the EAST-side buildings, just east of 30th Street East and Avenue L.

You will need to register as an AYSO volunteer at www.eayso.org  and using your AYSO volunteer number, go to www.aysotraining.org and take the on-line Safe Haven training prior to attending the referee class.  Bring 2 copies of your volunteer form and 1 of your Safe Haven certificate with you to the class.

It helps us prepare if you pre-sign up for the class; this can be done at www.eayso.org - just log in and click "enroll in a class".  To find the class, type Lancaster in the "city" box and hit "search".  If you are unable to pre-sign up, that is okay just show up to the class anyway.

Referee FAQ's

Q) Why should I referee?
A) AYSO is an all-volunteer organization and there are NO games at U10 or higher without referees.  Also, it is a fun way to be involved and the best "seat in the house" is in the middle of the field.  In addition, if you are considering having your child play year-round tournament soccer, the kids with referee parents often gain an edge in team selection.

Q) I heard that teams can get referee points that affect the standings, and to make the playoffs a team must get referee points, is this true?
A) Yes, in U10, U12 and U14 the teams play 10 games and referees can get as many as 10 points to help their team of choice.  A team also has to get at least 7 referee points just to be eligible for the playoffs.

Q) How many points do I get for refereeing a game?
A) An Assistant Referee at U10 thru U19 or a Referee on a U8 game gets 0.5 points per game.  A "center" Referee on a U10 thru U19 game gets 1 point per game.

Q) I do not know the rules of soccer - does it matter?
A) No.  The Regional Referee Class will teach you all you need to know about the Laws of the Game to function as a referee or assistant referee.

Q) Do I have to buy anything?
A) We provide you with a uniform and all the basics needed to referee.

Q) My weekend schedule is crazy busy - who assigns games to me?
A) You do!  After taking the Regional Referee Class, we will send you an invitation to join "Arbiter Sports".  This is a web-based program that will list all the games that you will be qualified to referee.  You pick and choose which games fit your schedule. We do not assign you to any games.

Q) I am an adult volunteer, what level games will I be set to referee?
A) After taking the Regional Referee Class, we will initially set your level so that new Adult volunteers can be an Assistant Referee or Referee on U10 games and a Referee on U8 games.

Q) I am a youth volunteer, what level games will I be set to referee?
A) After taking the Regional Referee Class, we will initially set your level so that new youth volunteers can be an Assistant Referee on U10 games and a Referee on U8 games.

Q) Are there mentor referees available to help new referees learn the ropes?
A) Yes.  We are always short of referees, but where possible there are a few of us who will come out and help you on your first games - just ask!

Q) When will I be able to referee higher-level games?
A) Talk to me during the season, and I can adjust the level for any referee who shows the inclination to move up.

If you have any questions about refereeing, please do not hesitate to contact me.

-Tim Haddad
Quartz Hill Regional Referee Administrator



Referee Training:


Oh, and by the way, our next (and last) regional referee trainings take place very soon at the Lancaster National Soccer Center (East-side buildings, 30th east & Avenue L):


Sunday, September 30th, 8am till 4 pm




September 18th, 19th, and 20th, 5:30-8:30pm

(all three evenings must be attended)  




You will need to register as an AYSO volunteer at www.eayso.org and using your AYSO volunteer number, go to www.aysotraining.org  and take the on-line Safe Haven training prior to attending the referee class.  Bring 2 copies of your volunteer form and 1 of your Safe Haven certificate with you to the class.


Safety Tip of the Week  


Ever wonder WHY you have to take jewelry off before playing soccer??  Maybe this excerpt from a sports magazine will help!

Before you play soccer, you need to make certain that you are not wearing miscellaneous accessories such as earrings, anklets and other pieces of jewelry that could be broken or cause harm. Earrings in particular are prone to being torn from earlobes when contact is made with a soccer ball.  In extreme cases, earrings have been jammed into the base of the skull or into an artery in the neck.   By removing these pieces of jewelry and other items of this nature, you can help prevent injuries to yourself or others.   If you are considering getting piercings and you play soccer, you may want to consider planning to have your piercings done when the soccer season is over.

Excerpt from TopEndSports - the sports science resource   


In the end, you do have a choice if the coach or referee asks you to remove the jewelry that you are wearing, you can remove it and play in the game or leave it on and watch!




Tournament News





Quartz Hill AYSO has the premier tournament soccer program in the Antelope Valley.  Each year our teams play all throughout Southern California and beyond as well as our very own Quartz Hill Shootout Tournament in May!  The tournament season is an excellent experience for both players and coaches.

We are currently accepting applications for Tournament Coaches in U10 - U19 Boys and Girls Divisions.  We are looking for multiple applications in all divisions.

Being a tournament soccer coach allows you to:
  • Help players improve their skills through a higher level of play and training during the Tournament season (November - June)
  • Meet coaches and players from all around CA, AZ, NV
  • Establish life-long friendships with players, coaches, referees and their families
Being a coach has many benefits, to get started all you need to do is apply!  Fill out the application (available at www.qhayso.org) and return to Mike Linder, Tournament Director, by September 22nd.  Please place your completed application in Mike's folder in the Board Member box, located near the snack bar at Joe Walker.
Tournament tryout dates are coming soon!  Look for the dates to be announced in early October. 


National Games News 


This past summer two QH AYSO Tournament teams, George Passantino's U14 Boys and Rodney Jacobson's U16 Boys,  had the opportunity to attend the AYSO National Games in Knoxville, Tennessee.  It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and another one is just around the corner in 2014!


Every two years AYSO holds their National Games, a soccer tournament for all AYSO Regions, somewhere in the United States and the next one will be right here is Southern California marking the 50th anniversary of AYSO!   It is a wonderful opportunity for the players and the coaches!
The tournament really should be considered a cultural exchange through soccer.  It consists of two games, played during what AYSO calls Soccerfest, where the players are broken up into teams with other players from across the United States.  Most of those on their teams during these two games, and the players they play against during Soccerfest, will be from the pool of players their Regional team will end of competing against. So the players get a chance to meet other players from all over our great nation and then compete against them.   


Our two teams had the opportunity to play against people from Tennessee, Illinois, Hawaii and meet many others. They traded region pins, badges, and Pineapples.  It was a fantastic experience that all were grateful to have been a part of - one that will be remembered forever.  Oh, by the way, the Boys U16 team made it into the semi finals!  Their parents, coaches, and the entire QH AYSO Regional Board is so very proud of their accomplishment.
Want to be a part of such an incredible experience?   Tryout for one of our Region's tournament teams!  Don't wait until 2015...tryout this season and gain a tremendous amount of soccer experience by playing in approximately six tournaments which would be equivalent to two more regular soccer season before the next year comes and be ready to compete in the National Games.


Region 638 Zero Tolerance Policy

In the past years, Region 638 has witnessed incidents where coaches &/or spectators questioned the calls of referees requiring referees to stop matches to deal with the situation. There have also unfortunately been incidents once a game has ended when coaches &/or spectators confront referees or other volunteers over decisions made during the game. These incidents prompt me to remind everyone that Region 638 has a long standing, zero tolerance policy prohibiting such behavior.

Our zero tolerance policy applies to all Referees and AYSO volunteers and will be enforced as follows:
  1. If a coach or spectator questions the call of a referee, the referee may stop the match, retrieve the game ball, and invite the coach onto the field for a conversation.
  2. During this conversation the coach may be told 3 things:
    • The purpose of the conversation is not to debate a call but to inform the coach that the behavior of the coach/spectator is unacceptable.
    • The coach has 2 choices. He/she can go back to their coaching area and coach per AYSO philosophies or the coach/spectator can leave the playing facility.
    • The coach/spectator will be sent off if the referee has to speak to them again during the match.
  3. If the referee is a youth referee, the youth referee may stop the match, retrieve the game ball, and find a board member to deal with the situation as described above.
  4. Any coach/spectator who is heard verbally abusing a referee will automatically be sent off by the referee (if an adult) or a board member (in the case of a youth referee). Verbal abuse includes foul and abusive language and comments with racial or sexual overtones.
  5. If the unacceptable behavior of the coach/spectator occurs after the game has ended it will still be reported by the referee and will be considered as a send off.
  6. Referees will report any occurrences where a coach/spectator is sent off and there will be an investigation to determine the subsequent penalty. The penalties are at the discretion of the Region and may include suspension from future games.
  7. The Region also reserves the right to investigate instances when abuse of a referee or volunteer is not reported by the referee or volunteer but is subsequently brought to our attention. The penalties are at the discretion of the Region and may include suspension from future games.
EXTRA Program News



The Quartz Hill Extra Teams kicked off their season last weekend with two road game wins! On Saturday, the U11 Girls Extra Team traveled to Saugus and won 3-0.  Then on Sunday the U16 Boys Extra Team traveled to Agoura Hills and won 3-2.  CONGRATULATIONS to both Quartz Hill Extra Teams!


Check the QH AYSO website for the Extra Schedule and Standings throughout the season (http://www.qhayso.org/Extra_Teams/extra.html ).  Home games will be played at Marie Kerr for the U11 Girls Extra Team, and at Upper Joe Walker for the U16 Boys Extra Team.  The first home games begin on Sept. 22nd with the Girls U11 Girls Extra Team taking on Canyon Country at Marie Kerr East 12:30pm, followed by the Boys U16 Extra Team taking on  Moorpark at Upper Joe Walker on Sept. 29th at 2:15.  Come and watch some great soccer matches with other cities and cheer on our Quartz Hill Extra Teams!! 

Game Results  


September 8th  

U11 Girls  

Quartz Hill 3 - 0 Saugus


U16 Boys 

Quartz Hill 3 - 2 Agoura Hills 



UKI Coach Training Program


Did you know that QH AYSO arranged for a Coach Training Program with UK International Soccer Camps this season?  Do you know what that means for our coaches and our players?


This means that we are providing additional training to our coaches so they can better train our players.  It is COACHING TRAINING to help coaches with practice session ideas, answer questions, and provide guidance on the field.  Each training session will be followed up with an email with additional training ideas.   This will be a great experience for both new coaches and the more veteran, experienced coaches, providing both with tools to enhance their practices and game skills/tactics.   


Each week the UKI Coach Training has a set schedule with reserved fields for the trainers.  Coaches may sign up to bring their team (or any number of their players) to an age appropriate session and take advantage of this additional resource by clicking this link:




Space is limited to only 2 teams at a time but any coach may come to any session and observe without their team. 

Coaches - don't miss this great opportunity to grow as a coach!

Players - ask your coach when your team will be attending one of the sessions!


U05 Jamboree News


A huge "Thank You" goes out to all those who participated in making our Region's first U05 Jamboree session of the season a great success! Your hard work and dedication brought lots of smiling faces to our fields on Saturday! 


The following consists of important information to all U05 parents:

  • Parent Volunteer Forms:  All parents who have not yet filled out their volunteer forms need to do so online at www.eayso.org.  Once your form is completed, print out 2 copies, sign, and turn in at fields.  Blank volunteer forms will be available at the fields to fill out as well.  Make sure to bring a valid picture ID.  
  • Field Set Up & Take Down:  All sessions starting at 8:00am require the help of parents to assist in field set up which consists of preparing fields for the day's activities and goal set up (please arrive about 7:30am to ensure the session begins on time.)  All games that begin at 9:30am require the help of parents to assist in taking down the fields which consists of taking down all goals, picking up all cones, and ensuring that all trash in area is picked up and disposed of properly.
  • Equipment:  All players must bring a size 3 soccer ball with their full name written on it to all sessions / games and every player must have shin guards.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via Shutterfly, email, or by phone. I look forward to seeing you all at the fields!


Thank You,

Julie Woods

U05 Program Director


(661) 609-7354



A message from VIP Soccer Stars: 



The VIP Soccer Stars were just that...STARS!!!! They did an amazing job in their first games and would like to thank to the U12B Sting Rays and U14G Fatal Crush for coming out and being such worthy opponents.! 


The Soccer Stars would also like to give their thanks to their coaches, all the Buddies, and the parents who support our teams.   


Here's to a great soccer season, GO SOCCER STARS!!!!





Volunteer/Board Member

of theWeek


Every week QH AYSO will honor one Volunteer and one Board Member (if one is nominated) who has gone above and beyond the call of duty.  Nominations may come from anyone - a coach, player, parent, board member, etc.  Forms are available from your coach or at the Snack Bar. The person chosen by the Board as Volunteer of the Week from all the nominees will receive their choice of a free Quartz Hill AYSO t-shirt or an item from the Snack Bar; all nominees will be acknowledged for all their hard work and time!   


Our Volunteer of the Week for September 17th is
Teresa Binkley


Teresa Binkley, parent helper, Golden Destroyers, U10B.  Teresa helps take practice notes and consistantly assists the coach! Nominated by Coach Tarlock Bath 


Our Board Member of the Week for September 17th is Jill Gousman

Jill Gousman, Asst. Coach/Board Member, Sparkly Mint Geckos, U06G.  Jill tirelessly volunteers Saturdays from dawn to dusk  many, many hours behind the scenes, and helps me coach.  She is often bombarded with all of the problems and difficult situations.  Without Jill our Region would be just average and not as it is, outstanding!  Many do not know the amount of work, volunteer work, that goes into putting this program out there and there are certainly not enough thank yous!  We appreciate Jill and all of the volunteers!  Nominated by Coach Tracey Hill


Other Nominations:


Patricia Gahret, Snack Coordinator/Sponsor, Fatal Crush, U14G.  Patricia prepared the snack schedule the same day that the team schedule came out and also is the sponsor for our team.  Nominated by Coach Steve

Alex Noe, parent, Honey Badgers, U8G.  Alex went above and beyond helping during the game.  Nominated by Coach Ben Sheen

Jason Reichert, Asst. Coach, Missiles, U10B.  Jason stepped forward for ref training and then refereed two games this week.  Nominated by Coach John Reddeman

Christian Rodriguez, Youth Coach, Firecrackers, U10G.  Without Christian, I would be lost.  Nominated by Coach Michael McComas

Richard Basulto, Team Helper, Electric Bees, U08G.  Richard transports the banner to and from the games each week.  Thanks!  Nominated by Coach Addington

Nicole Hardwick, Field Paint Day Volunteer, Firecrackers, U08G.  Nicole brought out her teenage kids with her to volunteer on field paint day.  They did a great job.  Thank you.  Nominated by Coach Raul Guzman


SnackBarNewsSnack Bar News


The schedules for both snack bar and field monitor duty are posted on our website: http://www.qhayso.org/volunteers/VolunteerSchedule2012.htm. Notices have also been placed in the coaches boxes for all upcoming shifts.  If your team has been assigned snack bar or field monitor duty, please send 2 adults and have them check in at the Snack Bar.

Saturday Special
  Carne Asada Tacos!!!
3 for $5

Important Reminder Heading

No Smoking Sign


QH AYSO is a Kids Zone which, among other things, means we have a strict no smoking policy.  Please refrain from smoking at any field or area that is utilized by QH AYSO  - this includes the parameter of the parking lots where children may be walking by.  If a child can see you, you are in a location where you are not allowed to smoke.



Thank you for your cooperation!


Each week as the games come to an end, our fields and the surrounding areas are littered with TRASH!  We need to show respect for ourselves and our community and not leave our trash behind!   Before you leave to go home and enjoy the rest of your weekend, please make sure that our fields, the parking lot, and the roads where we park are clean!  If you are the last game of the day please make sure to pick up any trash still remaining and also return any AYSO trash cans to the snack bar area or pick up location for your field.

Together we can keep our fields and our community clean!

No Cleats

on the

To all Parents, Coaches, and Players:

Please do not run on the Joe Walker track while wearing cleats!  This can cause severe and costly damage to the track which QH AYSO will be responsible for repairing.


Thanks for your cooperation!

No Pets


As in previous years, Quartz Hill AYSO will continue this season to observe the No Pets Allowed policy.  Pets are not allowed at any practices or games at any field anytime, with the exception of service animals.  This rule is for the safety of our children, families, and pets.  Please make sure to let anyone know who is coming to support your player of our policy.  Anyone with a pet will be asked to leave the field and the game will be stopped until they have complied. 



If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact our Safety Director, Steve Deplazes, at 785-840-7256.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Lost and Found
Looking for a lost ball, gym bag, or even a set of keys?  Come by the Snack Bar at JW/LP and take a peek at our Lost and Found - your lost item might just be in there!  Any unclaimed items will be donated to a worthy charity at the end of the season!

Anyone who lost a cell phone on picture day, please contact Tracey Hill at traceyhill55@yahoo.com
Quartz Hill AYSO would like to thank our Sponsors for the 2012 Season!   The donations from our sponsors allow Quartz Hill AYSO to provide soccer scholarships and help to keep our registration fees affordable so that everyone can play. It is clear that without the generous support of businesses and individuals, Quartz Hill AYSO Region 638 could not continue to offer our children such a well-rounded soccer program at such an affordable price.  We thank our wonderful sponsors for their support and ask our players and their families to support these sponsors whenever possible in return! 


Allstate - Currado Insurance Agency
B&L Fire Protection Inc
Blazing New Trails
Burkey, Cox, Evans & Bradford
Career Care Institute
Cinemark IMAX
Dr. Buckley, DDS
Dr. Les Kurian, DDS
Dr. Raffy Sustento, DDS
Emard Chiropractic
For the Day
Gary Little Construction
Harris Motors
Joshua Medical Group
Katrina Stello Real Estate
Keith's Plumbing
Kuzyk Law
Levesque Family
McDonald's - Marroquin Org.
Monster Fitness
Nueva Vision Trucking
Palmdale Regional Orthopedic Specialists
Quartz Hill Mini Storage
Rich Meier's Landscaping
S&G Custom Electrical
Safesplash Swim School
Shanks Construction
Snow Orthodontics
Southwest Custom Painting
State Farm - Sam Maston
Temperatures Unlimited, Inc
The Barber Shop III
The Hart Room
The Infinity Group Inc
Theurer Orthodontics
Trauma Solutions
Tustin Nissan
Valencia Acura
Valleywide Dental - Dr. Robert Haze
Van Dam Farms
West Point Physical Therapy Center

Sponsorships are still available!  Sponsor a team for only $275 and be featured in one of our Sponsor Directory that will be handed out in early October AND emailed to the entire QH AYSO community along with other advertising perks!

Check our website for more information or contact our Programs Director, Tracey Hill at 661-350-1047 or traceyhill55@yahoo.com



Game Results Title



Game Results 2012-09-08 Boys



Game Results 2012-09-08 Girls



Players of the Game Title


Player of the Game 2012-09-08 Boys



  Player of the Game 2012-09-08 Girls



Standings Heading

Standings 2012-09-08 Boys

Standings 2012-09-08 Girls


Upper Division Standings as of 2012-09-12     

Please do not reply to this email - you will not receive a response.  If you have questions, please refer to our website, www.qhayso.org, to find the appropriate Board Member and email them directly.