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Volume 100  �  Issue 1

Custodial Coach Dispatch
Impeccable Results While Spending Less... About 50% Less
Important Information

"Wet Look" Floors for Half

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Solve a Problem
Proactive Leadership is Key to  
Achieving Huge Custodial Savings
By Gabe Zanche, Sr.
Gabe's PhotoFinding prudent ways to save money has always been challenging.  Team success requires change that's exciting... Not Painful.
Paraphrased, this is what we hear from many customers:  'I could kick myself for waiting so long to come to you.  I get sick thinking about the money we wasted.'
To save big money, top executives need to rethink about how they press custodial managers to cut costs. They need to lead their custodial managers at thinking "outside the box" as to how custodial dollars are spent. 
Labor is about 95% of a custodial budget.  Therefore, a team's effort needs to focus on staff productivity.  Pressure for quick and easy-to-show "cuts" may cause managers to buy products based solely on price while leaving up to 50% or more of the big dollars fruitlessly hiding in the labor sector.
Much more can be saved from 95� than from a nickel.  Stay focused on productivity... the people side of your costs.
Reducing labor costs does not always have to be about layoffs... Start thinking about what it will take to get work done that the staff "never had time" to do.  Find ways to eliminate the need for overtime to get regular work done... Focus on improving productivity.  It is easier than what most leaders may think it to be.
Top executives must encourage custodial team leaders to focus the bulk of their effort on doing what it takes to improve labor output.  If maximum results are to be achieved using minimal labor, it is imperative that only high-performance products be used.
A side note and a possible future Newsletter story line:  
Not all "Green Certified" products are "high-performance" products.  It is most important to find products that are both.
All levels of management need to participate in the assessment of the quality, reliability, and convenience of a vendor's custodial education, training, and motivation programs.  With labor being 95% of your costs, inconsistent or poor staff training will lead to partial success... at best.
Why then, is it so hard to get a custodial program to work well?  Most sales people either have no experience with, or interest in, behavioral science, teaching, or training... nor, do they have the fortitude to bear the cost or put forth the effort for developing an effective program... It is easier to just take an order and move on to the next customer.  

It's a proven fact that the better a product performs, the less a customer will need to use of it.  Gabriel customers are able to reduce chemical usage by up to 70% or more.  
Because we don't have field salespeople, we are able to put the savings into product quality.  We count on product performance, good customer service, effective training, and veteran technical advisors to generate repeat business.
Allow us to help your team upgrade their custodial program for about 50% of what you are presently spending.  We have the proven track record and would be honored to provide you with references.
Call us today... 800-873-2000
The Gabriel Team helps customers achieve superb results while slashing labor and material costs.  We encourage everyone to attend our webcast education and training classes.  Yes, our customer success stories do focus on cutting costs.  But, the Gabriel Team gets its greatest rewards from witnessing the enthusiasm, pride, and self-confidence custodial personnel display as they proudlly take ownership of jobs done well.
Gabriel First Corp. - PO Box 191 - E. Rochester, NY 14445-0191
800-873-2000  -  585-381-7000  -  FAX 585-248-4949 
Visit Our Web Site: www.gabrielfirst.com 
E-mail us with an idea for a Newsletter Topic.