What is Ladies Night OUT all about?
LNO is a group of fabulous ladies getting together, on the 2nd wednesday of each month. Like minded in their mission to create the very best work possible. There's a small fee to attend. Everyone brings a goody or beverage to share, And yes! it's ok to bring adult beverages.
This event is not about individualized instruction. A different project is chosen each month, the projects use simple techniques to create stunning results! and we're here to help you as much as we can, The purpose here is to explore and learn from each other. Share intuitions and insights, & ask questions.
Our LNO event came about as a result of meeting a literal host of talented & uplifting local artists, crafts people & members of the community. Many of these people just happened to find their way into Fusionglass co's Gallery. I always felt so inspired after meeting what I began to call "our hidden treasures". Many work from home studios and don't always have the opportunity to interact with liked minded individuals. I really believed this wealth of knowledge, experience & curiosity of the arts could be tapped and shared!
...and so LNO was born as a forum for these wonderful talented people to meet each other, & share their love for the arts. We do hope you'll join us and share YOUR creative energy too!
For more information please email : debbie@fusionglassco.com |