Councilmember Rose Herrera
March 2010 Newsletter

Spring is almost here! Soon, the days will be longer and warmer.  We will be back to Day Light Savings Time on March 14th.  It is my favorite time of the year and I look forward to all the wonderful outdoor events that come with the season.


March is both the time for springing forward and thoughtful reflection.  As a woman and a woman veteran who served in the Air Force, I am proud to proclaim March as Women's History Month & Women Veterans Month. American women have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways. As veterans, women's military participation and leadership has significantly increased over the last century and I am grateful for their sacrifices. Women have been leaders, not only in securing their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity but also in creating a more fair and just society for all.


This month, we also celebrate and remember the life and contributions of Cesar Chávez. He is a true American and local hero of San Jose. Cesar Chávez was so many things to so many people.  He changed California and the nation for the better through his civil rights activism and as a crusader for nonviolent social change. This holiday serves as a reminder to promote service to the community in honor of Mr. Chávez's life and work.


We have just the opportunity for you to serve your community. Save the date! The Great American Litter Pick Up event is on March 20th. This is a fun way to clean up San José and all ages are welcome to participate. Our District 8 site this year will be at the Meadowfair Community Center. Please join me! Registration will start at 8:00 A.M. and we will end with a free lunch celebration. The organization from District 8 with the most volunteers present will receive a donation toward their association.


At City Hall, the City's $116 million budget shortfall is the most pressing issue. This is going to mean tough choices for all. The City Charter requires us to balance the City's budget. You will see an open process that involves stakeholder input and thoughtful debate before the Council takes the final budget vote. I encourage you to join the District 8 budget meeting with the mayor and city manager's office on March 29th from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at Quimby Oak Middle School Library.


Thank you for reading the District 8 newsletter.  My staff and I are committed to helping you in any way we can. As always, please contact me at or (408) 535-4908 with any questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help.

Rose Herrera
News & Local Events

Fire Station No. 36 is a new two-company, two-story building of approximately 11,370 square feet.  This new facility will be located at 1924 Yerba Buena Road at the south end of Silver Creek Linear Park, near the intersection of Silver Creek Road and Yerba Buena Road. Fire Station No. 36, funded through the voter-approved Public Safety Bond in 2002, will replace Fire Station No. 24 and improve emergency services to residents and visitors within the Evergreen area.  Construction will begin in March 2010 and is expected to be complete in July 2011.


Great American Litter Pick Up

Saturday, March 20th, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm


Come join your neighbors to clean up litter in your community. The registration and kickoff site will be at the Meadowfair Community Center. Don't let litter trash your community!

Registration: 8:00 - 8:30 am - Meet at Meadowfair to pick up litter kits

Clean up: 8:30 - 11:30 am - Pick up litter in designated areas and drop off bags at designated spots

Celebration Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Meet at Meadowfair


For more information or to sign up contact the Anti-Litter Program at 277-3208.  


2010 JcPenney Community Round-Up Event Featuring a Spring Fashion Show

Saturday March 20th, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm


Join your community for a fundraising kick-off event! JCPenney's, in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Silicon Valley, and Co-Sponsor, Councilmember Rose Herrera, is sponsoring this event to help create awareness in the community to support youth after-school programs at the Boys and Girls Club Silicon Valley. Come watch as the Boys and Girls Club youth models feature your favorite JCPenney styles for the Spring at the Eastridge Mall Center Court!


For more information, contact Sheryl Julian Hilario at 238-0300 ext.232 or


2nd Annual Salute to Women Veterans Reception

Thursday, March 25th, 5:30-7:30pm


Celebrate the history of women in the military and highlight their contributions to the armed forces and our community at the 2nd Annual Salute to Women Veterans, hosted by the County of Santa Clara's Office of Women's Policy, City of San Jose Councilmember Rose Herrera, Commission on the Status of Women, Office of Veteran's Services, and the National Guard and Veterans Affairs Commission. The reception will take place at the County Government Center, Lobby Breezeway/BOS Chambers. Agencies and organizations will be in attendance to share resources and information for veterans.


Please RSVP by March 22nd at owp@ceo.sccgov.orgor call 408-299-5135 for questions.


District 8 Community Budget Presentation

Monday, March 29th, 6:30 - 8:00 pm


Mayor Chuck Reed and Councilmember Rose Herrera invite you to attend a community meeting on the budget. During these tough economic times it is important that we all work together to help find solutions and share thoughts on how to solve the City's budget constraints. The Community Budget Presentation will take place at Quimby Oak Middle School Library. Please join us in learning about the city's budget and voice you concerns while offering ideas to help our city better serve you.


For more information, contact the District 8 Office at 535-4908


Grand Opening of State Farm Office


A new State Farm Insurance office recently opened on Saturday, January 23rd. The new office location is 2060 Aborn Road, Suite 240. It is rewarding to see a new business locate in District 8. Councilmember Herrera is very supportive of growing the economy in San Jose and focused on supporting our local businesses. It is so great to see such a beneficial company, like State Farm, a leading provider of insurance services open in our District 8 Community! 

 Aborn Park Playground Breaks Ground

The Aborn Park Playground broke ground on February 2nd and is scheduled to be completed in June 2010.


Read the full article


City's Solar Program Facilitates Donation of Solar Arrays to Overfelt and James Lick High School


The donations were provided by the Earth Day Network (EDN), a non-profit organization seeking to make green improvements at schools across the country that are working towards implementing environmental education curricula. Teachers from James Lick and Overfelt high schools have attended the City's Solar Schoolhouse workshops and are utilizing the City's educational solar tool box in classes.


In November 2009 at Overfelt High School, EDN staff, teachers and students developed garden beds, swapped electrical power strips and installed the 2.2 kilowatt solar array. This new installation will save the school $50,000 and 80,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over the systems' lifetime. A similar solar system will be installed at James Lick High School by Earth Day 2010.


For more information, contact Jessie Denver, San Jose Solar Program Coordinator at 975-2588. 


San José Ranks First in Nation for Teaching Bike Safety to Kids

According to a recent survey of the 50 largest U.S. cities, San José
ranks first in the nation for providing bicycle education to children.

More Details


Free Electronic Waste Recycling Event

Saturday, March 6th, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!  Come to this FREE City of San José and Santa Clara County electronic waste recycling event on Saturday, March 6th.

More Details


"Integrated Go-Green Program" - Volunteer for the Chaboya Middle School Community Garden

Saturday, March 6th, 9:00 am
Saturday, March 13th, 9:00 am 


In November, Chaboya Middle School was successful in a grant application to the City of San Jose for their "Community Garden, Composting and Recycling" project. Approximately $5,000 will be used for the purchase of the soil, lumber, sprinkler system as well as worm composting bins and compost tumblers. This is a campus-wide project involving all 7th graders, teachers, parents and the school district. This will kick start an ongoing project that will educate students about the greening of different aspects of their life.

Saturday, March 6th, 9:00 am: dig up lawn, assemble and install 12 redwood planter boxes.
Saturday, March 13th, 9:00 am: fill planter boxes with soil, install irrigation, and pour gravel for paths.

Bring your: shovels, picks, wheel barrels, hammers and drills.


For more information, email Eileen Ong-Osmond at or call her at 531-9032.


2010 Safe Summer Initiative Grant Application

Deadline: Friday, March 12th


The SSIG Program is a component of the Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force that provides grants ranging from $1,000 - $15,000 to agencies providing safe and fun recreational and/or educational activities during the summer to San José youth ages 6-18.


TO APPLY: The grant application will be available from February 15, 2010 until March 12, 2010 on WEBGRANTS, the City's online Grants Management System.  All proposers need to register to access the website.  Registration with WEBGRANTS is free.  To register and access the application, please go to 


Grand Re-Opening of the "New" Happy Hollow Park and Zoo

Saturday, March, 20th, 9:30 am


Happy Hallow will be re-opening on Saturday, March, 20th at the Happy Hollow Park and Zoo. The ceremony will begin at 9:30 am and gates open at 10:00 am.

More Details


5K Rabbit Run/Walk

Saturday, March 27th, 8:30 am


Come walk to support Youth Scholarships in District 8 for Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Recreation Classes and Activities. This event is non-competitive and time is not ranked or recorded. All age groups are welcome to participate. Don't forget to bring a basket for an egg hunt directly following the race.

More Details 


Emergency Assistance Network


The Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) provides a variety of services to prevent homelessness and act as a safety net for residents facing eviction, utility disconnection, and hunger. The EAN offers assistance to help families and individuals recover from emergency situations, often providing case management and financial education in conjunction with: food assistance, utility assistance, rent and mortgage aid, and medical and transportation aid.

More information and/or locations 


2010 Amgen Tour of California


Volunteer opportunities for the 2010 Amgen Tour of California are now posted online at the official race website. Anyone wishing to volunteer for an opportunity to participate in the fifth-annual cycling race can apply online for positions, including hospitality, volunteer course marshals, security, and media operations, among others.

More Details 


Project Inspire After-School Program


Project Inspire is a year around enrichment and academic achievement program administered by the YWCA of Silicon Valley. The Program provides services to students of the East Side Union High School District. The program consists of a school year after school program aimed at improving academic achievement as well as providing high school students with an opportunity to earn credit-recovery in an after school setting. Programs provided include academic assistance, life skills enrichment classes, mentorship, self expression via the arts, field trips, leadership development opportunities and service-learning projects. In addition, the Program works with in-coming ninth graders during a summer session. For more information, contact Enrique Flores, Youth Services Director, at 295-4011 ext 230 or email


Census 2010 Outreach Begins


Starting in February, the City of San Jose will be mailing information in English, Spanish and Vietnamese on the Census to about 190K single-family residents via the Recycle Plus garbage bill encouraging residents to fill out and mail back their census forms by April 1, 2010. This is one of the first key citywide outreach efforts to educate residents on the importance of the Census. It is important to secure an accurate count of its population, including language barriers, immigration issues, etc.

More Details


Launch of Auto Repair Assistance Program (ARAP)


The City of San Jose was awarded $75,000 from the Metropolitan Commission's (MTC) Lifeline Transportation funding to implement a new 3-year Auto Repair Assistance Program (ARAP) to provide funds for emergency auto repair assistance to low-income and extremely low-income families and individuals. The ARAP program officially began on January 21st and is administered through the existing Housing Service Partnership (HSP) program. For more information contact Jessica Scheiner, Homeless Program Manager at 975-4417.

Upcoming Council Meetings
Tuesday, March 9th : 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 16th: 1:30 pm & 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 23rd : 1:30 pm 
(Councilmember Herrera will be proclaiming March as Women Veterans month) 
Tuesday, March 30th : 1:30 pm
(Councilmember Herrera will be proclaiming March as Women's History month) 
(City Hall closed Wednesday the 31st due to the Cesar Chavez Holiday)
Community Calendar

Weed and Seed Steering Committee
Wednesday, March 3rd, 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Location: Most Holy Trinity

(For information, call Jennifer Luc at 535-8507)
District 8 Community Roundtable
Thursday, March 4th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
(Meetings are first Thursday of every month)
Location: Evergreen Library
(For information, visit

Envision San Jose 2040 Task Force

Wednesday, March 8th, 6:30 pm

San Jose City Hall, Wings 118, 119, & 120
(For information, visit

Evergreen Business and Professional Association

New Member Coffee Chat
Friday, March 10th, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Location: Le Boulanger
(For information, visit

Councilmember Rose Herrera's Coffee Chat
Wednesday, March 17th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Meadowfair Community Center
(For information, call District 8 at 535-4908)
Evergreen Business and Professional Association Mixer

Wednesday, March 17th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Silver Creek Valley Country Club
(For information, visit

West Evergreen Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, March 17th, 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: O.B. Whaley Elementary School
(For information, call Carlos Da Silva at 591-4718)

Reid - Hillview Airport Association
Wednesday, March 17th, 7:30 pm

Location: Hillview Airport Terminal
(For information, call 251-4939 or visit
King Ocala Neighborhood Association SNI NAC
Monday, March 15th, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Location: Boys & Girls Smythe Clubhouse
(For information, call Jennifer Luc at 535-8507)


Envision San Jose 2040 Task Force

Wednesday, March 8th, 6:30 pm
: San Jose City Hall,

Wings 118, 119, & 120
(For information, visit 
West Evergreen SNI NAC
Monday, March 22nd, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Location: Meadowfair Community Center
(For information, call Carlos Da Silva at 591-4718)

FREE Notary to Senior citizens
Every Saturday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Location: Evergreen Library
This free service is available to seniors age 50+. You will need to bring either a valid driver's license, government issued ID card or passport. Your name on the identification must match the name on the documents(s) to be notarized. Loan and mortgage documents are not included in this free service.
(For more information, visit

Involved Evergreen
2nd Wednesday of the month
Involved Evergreen hosts community events at Evergreen Village Square. Meetings of the I.E. Steering Committee usually occur on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Square.
(For more information on upcoming events or to join the group, please see the Involved Evergreen yahoo site)
Know a D8 Great?
Help us recognize those outstanding community leaders who live, work, or volunteer in District 8! Please write to us at letting us know why you
  recommend that D8 Great!
(Contact Angie Vazquez at 535-4908 if you would like to include an upcoming event or meeting in future newsletters).
In This Issue
Upcoming Council Meetings
District 8 Team
Important Phone numbers
Connect with Rose
Join Our Mailing List
Contact Us
Office of Councilmember Rose Herrera
District 8 Council
City of San Jose

200 East Santa Clara St, 18th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113

T: 408.535.4908
F: 408.292.6469

Our Website

City of San Jose - District 8
District 8 Team
Jennifer Malutta
Chief of Staff

Aaron Quigley
Senior Policy Advisor

Dominique Reynaga
Council Assistant

Angie Vazquez
Council Assistant

Toni Stangel
Executive Assistant/Scheduler

Commendation to the Chaboya Middle School Stormgears at City Hall on 2/23

2010 Community Honorees, The Tully Ocala King Neighborhood Association at the Mayor's Community Breakfast on 2/18

Vietnamese Heritage Flag
Raising Ceremony at the City Hall Plaza on 2/16
The Spirit of '45 "In the Mood" Reception at the Center of Performing Arts on 2/11
29th Annual Evergreen School District Speech Contest Awards Ceremony and Reception at Chaboya Middle School on 2/10
Aborn Park Play Lot Groundbreaking 
on 2/6
 Aborn Park Play Lot Groundbreaking with Youth Commissioners on 2/6
Councilmember Herrera accepting a "Celebration of Democracy" award for her support of the Asian community at the Republic Day Celebration on 1/31
Proclaiming Catholic Schools Week at Most Holy Trinity with Principal Suarez
on 1/31
Councilmember Herrera with "Our City Forest" staff, Linda Hawkins and neighbors at the
Tree Planting on Fallen Oak Court on 1/30
Councilmember Herrera and Councilmember Liccardo with D8 student accepted into the People of International Student Ambassador Program
  Holocaust Remembrance 
 Proclamation Presented at the 
  City Council Meeting on 1/26
Grand Opening of State Farm on 2060 Aborn Road
on 1/23 
January's Coffee Chat at the Evergreen Library on 1/20
January's Coffee Chat at the Evergreen Library on 1/20
California Community Partners for Youth Welcome Home Celebration at Overfelt High School on 1/18
Important Phone Numbers

Emergency Mobile:



City Hall Customer Service:

Animal Services:






Code Enforcement:


Evergreen Community Center:

Evergreen Library:


Lake Cunningham Regional Skate Park:


Library Services:


Parks & Recreation:


Recycling & Garbage:

Street Light Repair:

Street Maintenance:

Sidewalk Repair: