"Making connections that make a difference."
Founder and Editor, Jen Maidenberg
Assistant Editor, Mary Moscarello
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This Week on the Mindful Girl Blog: What's On Your Brush?Natural toothpase might not taste as good as the winterfresh one you've been using for years, but it's actually a lot less toxic... Read more |
February 2, 2011
NJ-based water filtration company offers advice on how to keep tabs on your tap water
"When water is tainted with chemicals or other pollutants, it negatively affects health. Recognize that removing or limiting exposure to impurities in water at the federal level is only part of the solution," says Mizar Turdio of Pur2o. >> read more
Book Review: "Little Patient Big Doctor"
This inspiring story of how a New Jersey mother dealt with her children's medical concerns is a useful guide for any parent. Today's challenging healthcare realities place the responsibility on us as individuals to ensure the best outcome for our family, says the author.
>> read more How is your bed contributing to your chronic health issues?
50 years or so ago, mattresses were made mostly from natural materials, untreated by chemicals. However, the majority today are made using a variety of petroleum-based chemicals, synthetic materials like plastic and foam, and flame retardants.>> read more
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NJ-based water filtration company offers advice about keeping tabs on your tap
Drinking water has gotten some serious attention from federal agencies recently. For the first time in five decades, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommended lowering the level of fluoride in drinking water. The move followed a report showing 2 in 5 children show signs of fluoride poisoning.
Also this month, President Obama signed legislation reducing lead amounts in faucets and plumbing fixtures to cut back on lead levels in tap water. Lead poisoning, usually attributed to low levels of exposure over time, can manifest in persistent fatigue, headaches or even low IQ levels.
Mizar Turdiu, Executive Vice President of PUR2o, a water filtration system manufacturer based in Morristown, NJ says these measures are a good beginning but may not be enough to ensure purity from the tap, especially in New Jersey.
"When water is tainted with chemicals or other pollutants, it negatively affects health," Turdiu says. "Removing or limiting exposure to impurities in water at the federal level is only part of the solution." Lead and fluoride are just some of the dozens of toxins that can be present in water, she says. "Water quality can vary from city to city so each person has to get educated about what is in their water and take action."
Well water users must conduct their own water quality reports periodically, but an online tool provided by the Environmental Working Group www.ewg.com can begin the education process for municipal water customers. Type in your zip code and the name of your water company to receive a report showing what is in the water in your area. Armed with this knowledge, Turdiu says, New Jersey residents can select the optimal filtration solution.
To schedule a no cost, no obligation water assessment in your home, contact PUR2o at: (973) 794-3175 or visit www.pur2o.com. Mention Mindful Living NJ to qualify for free installation of any PUR2o system, a minimum $200 value.
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 Book review: NJ mom's "Little Patient Big Doctor" reflects personal journey and offers useful tips
By Jen Maidenberg
For months, friends and acquaintances suggested I contact Haleh Rabizadeh Resnick, an author, attorney, and mom who lives in my hometown of Cherry Hill. Haleh also has kids with allergies, they told me, and is determined to educate parents on holistic options for healing.
So, I got in touch with Haleh who generously gave me a copy of her book, and my friends were right! Haleh is just as passionate about informing and empowering parents as I am. Her book is not only inspiring, but it's also an easy-to-read, enjoyable guide on how to be an advocate for your child in a healthcare system that often does not have your child's best interest in mind. Haleh has a healthy respect for doctors, but at the same time shares how trusting her instinct is paramount when it comes to her children's health. Learn more about Haleh's story here, or buy the book. |
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Is your bed contributing to your chronic health issues?
Often, when consumers purchase a new mattress, a lot of care is taken to consider a very important comfort-related question: Soft or firm. What you may not realize, however, is that the material used to create that preferred soft or firm mattress often contains chemicals which may create health hazards or aggravate conditions, such as asthma. Due to fire retardant laws in recent years, there are "a multitude of chemicals added to mattresses; most of which outgas as soon as you remove the plastic covering," says Mindy Segal of Orange Mattress in Maplewood. 50 years or so ago, mattresses were made mostly from natural materials, untreated by chemicals. However, the majority today are made using a variety of petroleum-based chemicals, synthetic materials like plastic and foam, and flame retardants. In greater numbers than in the past, health-conscious consumers are seeking information about "organic" or "non-toxic" bedding, says Segal, who custom makes a variety of mattresses including cotton innerspring, cotton and horse hair innerspring, solid latex mattresses wrapped in cotton and/or wool, and solid horse hair and cotton, among others. "We make our organic mattresses the old-fashioned way," she says. We asked Segal, "What should every consumer shopping for an organic mattress know? What should they look out for?" Her response: "The biggest deception I see is that manufacturers are making products with some natural materials in them; however, they are mixed with non-natural. For example, there are mattresses on the market sold as latex, but they're really comprised of latex glued on to synthetic foam. This means only part of it is latex (or natural), not the whole mattress. Most mattress manufacturers today are trying to 'get green,' but are blending natural and non-natural components. To some, this may not make a difference, but to others (particularly those with chemical sensitivities), it's important." Consumers should also know in advance that in order to have a mattress made without fire retardant, you must get a doctor's note stating you have a medical condition that requires you to sleep on a mattress without the chemicals used in fire retardants. For more information on organic mattresses, call 1-800-761-1100. |
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Upcoming Events If you are planning a free NJ wellness event, we will list it here for free (availability may be limited). Email us your wellness events or inquire as to how to get your listings in our monthly calendar.
"Race To Nowhere" Screening
February 10, 7 - 9 pm Sparta United Methodist Church in Sparta NJ from 7-9pm. The address is 71 Sparta Avenue North, Sparta, NJ. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.
The Power of Produce: Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally with Healthy Food Choices
February 7, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
This program is free and participants will receive a guest pass to be used at the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Centers. To register for the program at the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Whitehouse Station, call 908-534-7600. The Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Whitehouse Station is located at 537 Rte. 22 East, Whitehouse Station.
February Holistic Moms Network meetings
For date and time, see individual listings
HMN Morris County East, 2/15, 7 pm, Join us for an evening of reiki with Claire M. Schwartz of Miriam's Well Healing. Morris Plains Community Center . HMN Union County, 2/15, 7 pm. "Ayurveda For Families." This ancient system of healing from India is thought to be the oldest on the planet. Based on the five elements, and how they interact in our bodies and with the environment; diet, lifestyle and herbal recommendations are given to balance them. St. Paul's United Church - 213 Center Street, Garwood. HMN Bergen County, 2/16, 10 am. "What's in your water and what can you do about it?" Central Unitarian Church 156 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ.
Healthy Eating Workshop at Respira Salt Wellness Center
February 22, 12 - 1 pm or February 24, 7 - 8 pm Ever wonder if your diet is contributing to your breathing issues? Learn which foods support healthy breathing and which ones to avoid. Julie Cohen, Holistic Health Counselor and founder of Mad Nutrition, LLC will teach you about whole foods that support respiratory health and how to easily incorporate them in your diet. Experience salt therapy during the presentation. $15 workshop fee includes light refreshments. RSVP required. Email info@respirasalt.com or call 908-665-0333. |