Quick Links

Region 11 Website

Zazzle.com for Region 11 merchandise

Sweet Adelines International

Barbershop Harmony Society

Videos of Interest

NEW links appear
in red

Lion's Gate's last song
in the Nashville finals

Piano Stairs

Conan O'Brien does barbershop


Swiss Drummers at the 2003 Edinburgh Tattoo

Break Out in Song

Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale

New choreo for
YOUR front row?

Big Piano at
FAO Schwartz

Esscala - female
string quartet

Region 11 Tribute
to Joni Bescos


Belgium Train Station

Article about OC Times
in SPIN Magazine

Harmonica Virtuoso
at Carnegie Hall

Amazing musical
computer animation

Charice - 15-year old amazing singer on Oprah (then watch her duet with Celine Dion)

Randy Pausch -
The Last Lecture
(he died July 25, 2008)

Music Theory -
Intervals & Scales

Amazing Keyboard Juggler

Barbershop Humor!
(Click on each horse)

Music as Medicine

Black Keys Only - History of Amazing Grace

Paul Potts - amazing winner of Britian's Got Talent

Try this choreo!

Sweet Adelines YWIH promotional video

Gold Medal Moments - inspirational speech by
Jim Henry, bass of
Gas House Gang, and director of Ambassadors of Harmony

Panache singing
"Sweet Adeline"

Sweet Adelines Tokyo Chorus

 November 2009

Regional Convention -
March 18-21, 2010



  • Housing Reservation Forms
    due (no $$ yet)................................Nov. 19, 2009
  • Contest Entry Forms mailed
    from International..............................Dec. 4, 2009
  • Contest Entry Forms due
    to International:
    • Quartet forms due..................Jan. 18, 2010
    • Chorus forms due..................Jan. 19, 2010
  • Region 11 AET/Registration
    Forms due.......................................Jan. 18, 2010
  • Audience Pass Order
    Forms dues ....................................Jan. 18, 2010
  • Hotel $$ due....................................Jan. 18, 2010
  • Order of Appearance drawn............Jan. 25, 2010

All forms now on the Region 11 website:

Congratulations to our
Nashville competitors!

Nashville logo

Celebrity City
Taylor Made

We're so proud of your performances!

Thank you for your hours
of hard work and dedication
to represent us so well!

Region 11 members honored
for 50-years of singing!

Congratulations to these Region 11 members
who were recognized by Sweet Adelines
for 50 years of membership...

Sally Sipperly Bone

Lila (Pepper) Brandon
Voices United Chorus

Fay Dukes
Agoura Hills Harmony Chorus

Lili Gelberg
Santa Monica Chorus

Regional Directory now ONLINE!
Whew! It's finally here and thank you for patiently waiting for our 2009 Regional Directory. By converting to a commonly used program and uploading to the web, your RMT will be able to assure you a more updated and readily available regional directory.

Here is the link for access to the directory:

The password for access is our region's formal name with an 11 in between the two words. All letters are lowercase. If you cannot figure out this cryptic hint, please e-mail me and I will tell you the password: [email protected].

The password will change each year for protection and is being forwarded only to Region 11 members subscribed to our R11ng group, if a chorus member not on the R11ng needs access, feel free to have them contact me.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please know that Internet Explorer doesn't like password-protected pages. We recommend for safety and access reasons that you download Mozilla Firefox (it's free and an excellent web browser).

If you have any difficulty downloading the directory, contact me at [email protected] and I will be happy to forward it directly to you.

We will be updating the roster monthly, so forward any changes to me at email above.

Thank you again for your patience as we continue to strive to meet our members needs and facilitate better access to the information you need.

Erin Lunn
Communications Coordinator
Sequoia Pacifica Region 11


NEW DATE: March 18-21, 2010

June 11-13, 2010

November 12-14, 2010

Calendar Update
800 Club
Now you can purchase
fun stuff with the new
Region 11 logo on them!

Go to our new Region 11 online store
at Zazzle.com:


You can buy t-shirts, hats, mugs, buttons, tote bags, etc. -- all with the Region 11 on them! You can even customize the bumper sticker with your chorus' name and contact info!


Having trouble seeing the graphics?

Each of the articles above has a photo or graphic image with it. There are also several links within articles.

If you cannot see the graphics -- or if you don't see a big graphic at the top of this newsletter that says "Marketing Minute", check to see if you have a button or link at the top of your e-mail that says "Show Pictures" or "Download Pictures" (or something similar) -- clicking that should allow you to see all the graphics!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or have marketing you'd like to share with the region in the next "Marketing Minute", please send them to me!
Debbie Curtis
Region 11 Marketing Coordinator
[email protected]