Quick Links
Region 11 Website

Zazzle.com for Region 11 merchandise

Sweet Adelines International

Barbershop Harmony Society

Videos of Interest

NEW links appear
in red

Article about OC Times
in SPIN Magazine

Harmonica Virtuoso
at Carnegie Hall

Amazing musical
computer animation

Charice - 15-year old amazing singer on Oprah (then watch her duet with Celine Dion)

Randy Pausch -
The Last Lecture
(he died July 25, 2008)

Music Theory -
Intervals & Scales

Amazing Keyboard Juggler

Barbershop Humor!
(Click on each horse)

Music as Medicine

Black Keys Only - History of Amazing Grace

Paul Potts - amazing winner of Britian's Got Talent

Try this choreo!

Sweet Adelines YWIH promotional video

Gold Medal Moments - inspirational speech by
Jim Henry, bass of
Gas House Gang, and director of Ambassadors of Harmony

Panache singing
"Sweet Adeline"

Sweet Adelines Tokyo Chorus

Paper Dolls Quartet
(2008 Region 4 3rd Place Quartet) with 6-year old tenor

 April 2009

NEW DATE for 2010 Contest
Calendar Update March 18-21, 2010


The Rabobank Convention Center had a scheduling conflict with our convention date next year (originally March 25-28, 2010), and asked if we could move our convention to another weekend.

The Convention Center stated that there would be "considerable compensation" for changing our convention date. The RMT agreed that if the logistics could be worked out with the hotels and if we could get approval from International, we would consider changing our convention date to March 18-21, 2010.

As a result of our willingness to reschedule our convention, the Convention Center has waived nearly all fees to the region for making this change, saving the Region thousands of dollars for the 2010 convention. International has approved the date change and the hotels are booked.

Please change your calendars NOW
for next year's competition -
March 18-21, 2010!

Sign Up NOW for Summer Sizzler!
 July 10-12, 2009 | Bakersfield

Diamonds & Denim
"Diamonds & Denim"
July 10-12

Featuring the FABULOUS
Diane Porsch!

  • We are extremely pleased to have the hilarious Diane Porsch with us this weekend. With 35 years of Sweet Adelines experience - and a new 10th place International Chorus medal - Diane brings a great deal of humor to her highly-focused and informative presentations.
  • Friday Afternoon Classes for ALL! Great classes to improve your chorus communications and communication techniques, information for your Treasurers, and a new technology class called, "Me and My MP3"!
  • Quartet coaching Friday morning for top three quartets by Diane Porsch - open for observation
  • Friday Classes - Front Line Directors Only Track
  • Friday Afternoon DCP Class for DCP graduates or those currently enrolled in the program
  • STAR Chorus Rehearsal Friday afternoon and performance Sunday morning
  • Novice Quartet Contest on Friday night - and Novice Quartet Winner Make-Over on Sunday!
  • Saturday night we'll have the annual Winners' Circle Show and Love Gift Celebration. This show is jam-packed with terrific performers - see our Nashville competitors and always-entertaining The Perfect Gentleman men's quartet! There are two prices for tickets to the Winner's Circle Show ... $15 if pre-ordered with your seminar registration and $20 on site or at the door.
  • The show will be followed by another great Poolside Afterglow at the DoubleTree. If you thought last year's luau was great, wait until you see what's planned for their Grand Ol' Opry ...  line dancing, sing with the champs, vittles and cactus juice. Admission to the afterglow is free - and $20 if you're going to eat. You must pay in advance with registration if you're going to chow-down so they have enough vittles and cactus juice!

  • The Note-able Woman Award will be presented on Sunday morning. Be sure to get your forms back to your Team Coordinator/President so they have plenty of time to send the info to the Region by June 30. If you don't have your form, see your Team Coordinator/President.
  • There will also be awards for Chorus Scrapbooks and Chorus Newsletters. Bring your books to the seminar Friday so they can be judged. Awards will be presented Sunday morning.

All forms now available on the Region 11 website: http://sai-reg11.com/seminars_conventions.html

Deadline for housing, registration and
Novice Quartet Contest - May 25

So dust off your diamonds, dig out your denim, and come on down to Bakersfield
for the best Summer Sizzler ever!

2009 Region 11 Competition
Region 11 logo


2009 Region 11 Chorus Champions!


Bobbettte Gantz, Master Director

2009 Region 11 Mid-Size Chorus Champions!

Verdugo Hills

Gerry Papageorge, Director

2009 Region 11 Small Chorus Champions!

Harmony Showcase

Kira Wagner, Director

2009 Region 11 Chorus Medalists!

2. Verdugo Hills
Gerry Papageorge, Director

3. Santa Monica
Laura Pallas, Master Director <--NEW!

4. Golden Sands
Linda Kelly, Master Director

5. South Valley Sound
Mary Ashford & Lee Hays, Co-Directors

2nd Place Mid-Size Chorus - Santa Monica
3rd Place Mid-Size Chorus - Golden Sands

2nd Place Small Chorus - Kern Valley
Cheryl Borthick & Francine Stirling, Co-Directors

3rd Place Small Chorus - RiverOaks
Theresa Schonbach, Director

Most Improved Chorus - Verdugo Hills


2009 Region 11 Quartet Champions!

(Santa Monica, Chapter-at-Large #11)
Melissa Hockenberger, Shelly Wilner,
Debra Hockenberger, Lisa Kneebone

2009 Region 11 Quartet Medalists

2. Cheers!
(Channelaire, Chapter-at-Large #12)
Barbara Gregg, Viena Zeitler, Erin Zeitler, Amanda De Lucia

3. Spirit
(Agoura Hills Harmony, Harborlites, Verdugo Hills)
Gerry Papageorge, Pam Pieson, Corky Harvey, Catherine Berriz

4. Cachet
(Agoura Hills Harmony, Channelaire, Santa Monica,
Verdugo Hills)

Sally McLeish, Shawnna Bilyeu, Tove Hoch, Jeannie Vercillo

5. Ring!
(Chapter-at-Large, Queen Charlotte)
Stacey Riss, Ami Fewell, Sandy Shelver, Bobbie Jewell

What did the Judges have to say
to our CHORUSES?



Needs Attention

  • Red lips & intensity is a must
  • Continue to strengthen vocal skills
  • Stronger individual commitment to character needed by chorus members
  • Musical product must always come first
  • Lots of bouncy choreo that interferes with vocal line
  • Handle the "final pose" questions by stage crew ahead of time... not on stage

Doing Well
  • Continue to work vocal skills - it is paying off!
  • Joyful singing from upper level choruses was rewarded!

Needs Attention
  • Performing stamina needs to be strengthened - also suspects not performing enough
  • Except for a very few choruses at the top levels, the over-all sound lacks the ring that is produced from well-resonated, in-tune chords. Overtone sound missing.
  • Identify characteristics of each part and their responsibilities to the BBS style -- bottom 3-4 choruses too choral a sound, need BBS style
  • Need to expand dynamic flexibility even more
  • Need common approach to target vowel(s)
  • Always go back to basics to strengthen foundation of everything.

Doing Well
  • So many very creative choruses!
Needs Attention
  • Most song choices for upper level choruses were pretty good. The lower level choruses still have trouble with this as they don't always have the vocal skills necessary for the arrangement they have chosen. Continue to refine vocal skills
  • Lower level choruses had trouble starting the song together. TAKE A PITCH!
  • Many needed more support on their softs so the soft chords can stay in tune
  • Some had trouble staying in key at the beginning of the song. Many out of tune intros then got better in tune as the song continued.
  • Need more section unity - duet to strengthen unity
  • Individual voices pushing out on the ends of phrases
  • Address sync issues ... improve sneak breathing or change expressive plan to accommodate breaths ... can't just COPY big girls phrasing ... (ie: My Foolish Heart)
  • Need more vowel to vowel singing
  • Need more rhythmic breathing
  • Strengthen embellishments
  • Back beat is a big part of BBS - find your inner back beat!

Doing Well
  • Enunciation of choruses was generally very good. Judge could understand almost every word.
  • Continue to work on vocal skills (eternally-ha)
  • Keep vowels open and resonant
  • Synch challenges with individual voices on internal phrases - caused by sneak breathing
  • Expand the dynamics
  • Some phrasing too difficult to execute by all
  • Use rhythmic breathing techniques - particularly the prep breath speed at the start
  • Inconsistent vocal stamina
  • Smooth out lyrical flow
  • Emotional communication only evident in top 3 choruses
  • Lack of pitch - don't start in right key - wiggle until they get in it ... sometimes half way into songs
Overall, the judges commented that we are
a lucky Region in having wonderful examples
of great quartets and choruses to pattern.

What did the Judges have to say
to our QUARTETS?



Doing Well
  • Several had good use of whimsy, humor, playfulness
    and flirtation
  • Physical Expression is getting better
  • Work evident on vocal skills but we can always use more
  • Many wonderfully entertaining groups
  • Great job, Regional educators
Needs Attention
  • Need more poise & command of the stage (work timing, build stamina)
  • Need assistance on timing (entrance, pipe technique, break, exit) - don't wait until applause stops
  • Work on building stamina - energy wanes about 3/4 of the way thru song
  • No pitch pipe storage in front of costume or bra. Showman- ship judge felt VERY strongly about this.
  • Wear RED lipstick & nails (if you do nails) and rosy cheeks needed and eyelashes are a must....the more brown or neutral colors tend to look muddy or dirty on stage. When iin doubt, GO RED!
  • Many hairstyles too casual and incongruent with costumes. Must have a "respect for the stage".
  • Shear pants NOT appropriate - at least opaque black stockings. Better, but still not a good idea under stage lights.
  • Some costumes ill-fitting and too tight (pants in particular)
  • Need better understanding of characterization
  • More creativity needed - take more risks
  • Many had NO choreography -- and you cannot get away with this as you could 20 years ago.

Doing Well
  • Congratulations to regional leaders, coaches & faculty & singers who provided the audience and judges a big variety show with many different performance levels.....more ABOVE C than below!
Needs Attention
  • ALL should take a pitch - most first lines were out of tune and fragmented
  • Take time starting the song - set the mood - many were out of control and out of tune to start
  • Look for and work on bass/lead match
  • Vowel production needs common approach - vowel shape and same resonance space
  • Lack of comfort level on stage indicates that some are not performing enough. Do more performing (not harmonizing the wall) and then bring that to the stage.
  • Vocal performing stamina not high enough
  • Need to understand role of each part within the quartet. Region could offer class with demo of part responsibility / balance / adjustments (suggested using Shimmer! as demo)
  • Suggested region offer class in levels: beginner, immediate, advanced vocal techniques

Doing Well
  • Most quartets had good song choices at the upper levels.  (B+ and above) The lower level quartets tend to choose songs that are beyond their current singing capabilities... songs they hear at international, but don't yet have the skills to handle.
Needs Attention
  • Quartets seemed to be in a hurry to start their songs and this led to many problems
  • Finding and stay on tonal center - hone in on the tonal center.  A rushed start often meant it took all the way to the chorus of the song to get in the groove.
  • Breath together IN TEMPO - causing loads of sync issues!
  • Smooth out phrasing and use forward motion - beware of rush, rush HOOOOLLDD, rush, rush HOOOOLLLD phrasing
  • Work tuning and tonal center and more clean interval singing
  • Vocal stamina fell of on the tail end of the songs... oh darn!

Doing Well
  • The enunciation of the words were very good region wide
Needs Attention
  • Synchronization of inner phrases
  • Keep vowels open and resonant and turn diphthongs as one
  • Breath management - IMPROPERLY executed sneak breathing causing sync errors
  • Must take vocal pitch -- lack of makes for sloppy entrances
  • Smooth out lyric flow - emphasize proper words/chords
  • Forward motion not always there - lacking urgency
  • Strengthen embellishments & the barbershop CRAFT
  • Work toward consistency in word inflection and energy
  • Emotional communication apparent in very few - very few in touch with artistry portion of this category
  • Expand dynamics - especially in the soft to medium and medium to loud areas

"Britian's Got Talent"

If you've been vacationing in a remote area of the world or hybernating in a cave for the past month, you may have missed the new sensation from the TV show, "Britian's Got Talent".

Susan Boyle has taken the world by storm, and was recently feature in People Magazine, as well as on Good Morning, America, ABC Nightly News and others.

Susan's performance (already viewed more than 16 millions times on YouTube.com) gave her a slot in the upcoming semi-finals -- her next performance is slated at the end of May.

Also making the semi-finals is 12-year old, Shaheen Jafargholi, another amazing talent!

Click here to see both performances:



The American equivalent - "America's Got Talent" will air this summer. In the meantime, you can watch many of the "Britian's Got Talent" and "America's Got Talent" performers on YouTube.com!

Are You on Facebook?
Hundreds of your Region 11 friends are now having a great time keeping up with each other on Facebook. Several of our choruses have Facebook pages, and now Region 11 has a Facebook page, too!

It's fun... it's easy ... and you can "play" as often or as little as you prefer.

Consider joining this interactive social network - it's not just for kids anymore!

If you need help getting started, e-mail Debbie Curtis (curtisnotes@aol.com) and she can get you signed up!

Exciting marketing and membership opportunities from International

FREE Webinar

Saturday, June 6, 2009

10:00 a.m. CST

"Marketing Your Chorus,
Part II"

Presented by Kathy Carmody

Part II of the "Marketing Your Chorus" Webinar will discuss many of the same principles of the original presentation, plus provide an in-depth look and navigational tour of the online Marketing Center.

Here is a glimpse of what to expect in this upcoming Webinar:
  • Examining the condition of your chorus
  • Creating goals
  • Defining each member's responsibilities
  • Using the Marketing Center
  • Target marketing
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Preparing your chorus
  • Executing your marketing plan
  • Turning guests into members
  • Retaining members
To register for this Webinar please click the link below and complete the online registration form:

Members who are unable to attend the live session can access the recorded version through the online Marketing Center for viewing on demand. Please click here to find the links to previous archived Webinar recordings, http://web.me.com/sweetadelines/

About Webinars

Webinars are presented live through the Internet where registered members will be given a Web link and if requested a phone number for access to the audio and video portions of the presentation.

To attend a live Webinar, you'll need a reliable, high-speed internet connection, plus computer speakers or a phone connection.

Webinars are presented live through the internet where registered members will be given a Web link for the video portion of the presentation. A phone number will be provided to those who request to access the audio portion of the presentation by phone. More information on system requirements will be available after registration or click here to learn more: https://www2.gotowebinar.com/webinar/pre/faq3.tmpl.

Members who are unable to attend the live session can access the recorded version through the online Marketing Center for viewing on demand. Please click here to find the links to previous archived Webinar recordings: http://web.me.com/sweetadelines/ Marketing_Center/Training_Library.html.

FREE Podcasts

Legendary Conversations
SAI has added a new Podcast series to the Web site, called "Legendary Conversations". The series starts with an entertaining and informative collection of conversations with luminaries
Joni Bescos
and Renee Craig. Click on this direct link: http://www.sweetadelineintl.org/podcast.cfm.

Music Education Class: The International Treasure M.A.P. - Search For Musicality, Artistry, and Physicality
Featuring Harborlites Chorus under the direction of Pam Pieson with an introduction and follow-up interview with Kathy Carmody. Join the 2008 International Champion Chorus and uncover the clues revealed at the Master Class held in Honolulu, Hawaii. To view the class, go to http://www.sweetadelineintl.org/musiced.cfm.

800 Club
Now you can purchase
fun stuff with the new
Region 11 logo on them!

Go to our new Region 11 online store
at Zazzle.com:


You can buy t-shirts, hats, mugs, buttons, tote bags, etc. -- all with the Region 11 on them! You can even customize the bumper sticker with your chorus' name and contact info!


Having trouble seeing the graphics?

Each of the articles above has a photo or graphic image with it. There are also several links within articles.

If you cannot see the graphics -- or if you don't see a big graphic at the top of this newsletter that says "Marketing Minute", check to see if you have a button or link at the top of your e-mail that says "Show Pictures" or "Download Pictures" (or something similar) -- clicking that should allow you to see all the graphics!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or have marketing you'd like to share with the region in the next "Marketing Minute", please send them to me!
Debbie Curtis
Region 11 Marketing Coordinator