August 2010
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Austin at the beachGreetings!  Last week, my 12-year-old nephew, Austin, recently spent a few days visiting me.  When he arrived I asked him, "What do you want to do while you're here?"  His reply came in four big words: "Play at the beach!"  Perfect answer. 

Although I live just 1 1/2 miles from the beach, I never take time to get away and relax at the beach.  During Austin's visit, we spent much of our time frolicking in the ocean waves and building castles in the sand.  When he left to go back home, I reflected on our time together and the importance of play.  

How often do you ask an adult, "What do you want to do today?" and get the response, "Play"?  Maybe that's why millions of people around the world are stressed and depressed.  As we age, we forget how to play once we assume the responsibilities of life.  Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children.  

What would your life look like if you played more?  What would your relationships look like with more spontaneity, laughter and festivity?  I encourage you to find time this summer to play.  Reacquaint yourself with the child inside of you.  Go for a bike ride, paint a picture, take a dance class, make brownies (and lick the bowl!)  Children can teach us valuable lessons, some of which can jolt us out of complacency and view the world from a whole new angle -- if only for moments at a time. 

Warmest regards,

interview photoTop 8 Interview Faux Pas

( -- Have you ever had an interview that went terribly wrong?  Did you get tongue-tied and let your nerves get the best of you?  Small mistakes are bound to happen, however, here are eight interview faux pas that hiring managers have witnessed and that you should avoid if you want to make a good first impression and get hired.  Read more.

woman's lips
Poll: Do Looks Matter More Than Education and Experience?

( -- We've all heard the stories about how pretty people have it easy: babies smile more around good-looking parents; handsome kids get better grades and jobs, and earn more money; the list goes on.  Still, we'd probably all like to think that we've earned our jobs on merit alone -- and that, in this economy, it's our skill that will get us back in the game.  According to a Newsweek survey, good looks have less to do with vanity and everything to do with economic survival.
  Read more.

View this video on how 'Looksism' Goes Pop!

Etiquette & Image Consultants Retreat in Palm Beach, Florida
October 1-2, 2010
with Jacqueline Whitmore

Successful entrepreneurs are open to reaching out for help. They know that peer guidance and advice are invaluable to future success. This "Train-the-Trainer" Retreat offers a structured program within a framework that you personalize for YOUR goals and needs to chart YOUR career transition, expand your business, or launch a business or new aspect of your work.

This two-day interactive retreat, which will take place in my Lake Worth home, is open to entrepreneurs, seasoned etiquette and image consultants, and anyone interested in starting an etiquette and image consulting business.  The weekend is designed to reveal career possibilities, hidden gifts, practical advice, and the resources to achieve your goals.  The experience is enriched with knowledgeable feedback from fellow attendees, which will place the discoveries in the context of practical new career directions for your business. Most importantly, this retreat provides a powerful network of contacts to help you enhance your business plan and take your career to the next level.

You will learn how to:

  • Position yourself as an expert
  • Attract new clients through speaking engagements
  • Pre-qualify clients with a confidential needs assessment form
  • Create more effective proposals
  • Set a competitive fee structure
  • Use social media to build relationships and brand yourself
  • Generate more media exposure
  • Write a book and create products
  • Start a blog
  • Make a stream of profits with webinars and teleseminars
  • And more!
Investment:  $595.00
Lunch for two days and a celebration dinner at The Ritz-Carlton Palm Beach is included.

Members of my Consultants' Connection Mastermind Group receive a 25% discount. 
Transportation and lodging are not included.

Click here to register:

Buy Now

Your space will be reserved when payment is received.  

To receive a complete itinerary click here.

*I suggest that you fly into Palm Beach International Airport and stay at the Sabal Palm House or the Mango Inn Bed & Breakfast.  Both inns are located within walking distance (just two short blocks) from my home.  If you want to stay on the beach, the Four Seasons Palm Beach is located 1 1/2 miles from my house.

All expenses for continuing education taken to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible.  Contact your accountant for details.
Facebook logoIs Civility on the Decline in America?

Are Americans becoming less civil in the way they communicate with each other?  And is the increasingly impersonal way people tend to communicate with one another today -- via email, cell phones and texting -- somehow contributing to this escalation in incivility?

According to a new, in-depth survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by Weber Shandwick and Powell Tate in partnership with KRC Research, an overwhelming majority of Americans view the erosion of civility in human interaction today as a major problem, and feel the distressing situation has been worsened by the recession
Read more.

world flagsTake the International Dining Etiquette Quiz

Would you know what to do if you were a guest in someone's home in China and were offered a "delicacy" for dinner?  Test your dining etiquette I.Q. by taking this fun and fascinating International Dining Etiquette Quiz!
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I Love Referrals!

Referrals are the highest form of compliment!  I will gladly pay a 20% referral fee to you if you recommend a new client to me. Payments will be made immediately following the receipt of the client's signed contract.

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In This Issue
Top 8 Interview Faux Pas
Do Looks Matter More Than Education and Experience?
Etiquette & Image Consultants Retreat
Is Civility on the Decline in America?
Visit Jacqueline's Etiquette Store!
open for business sign
New This Month!  Etiquette lessons in an MP3 format to play on your computer or iPod! Choose from nine individual audio lessons including: First & Lasting Impressions, Suit Up for Success, Techno-Etiquette, The Power of Positive Thanking and more!  Just $9.99 each.
Click here to visit our store.
Quick Links

Train to Become an Etiquette and Image Consultant Home Study Course!

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Business Class

Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work
by Jacqueline Whitmore
Sale Price: $13.57
Buy Now

Buy the Business Class CD Audio Album for only $34.95

Buy the Kindle edition for only $9.99

� 2010 The Protocol School of Palm Beach, Inc. All rights reserved.