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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 9a
September 13, 2012

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Buzz -- OutdoorsFEST Wrap Up and more
10th Annual Harvest Century Presented by Showers Pass
Upcoming Events
Buzz -- OutdoorsFEST Wrap Up and more
ONW Outdoorsfest booth photo
Photo by Hilary Meyerson
Read all the Buzz . . .

The Mountaineers OutdoorsFEST last Saturday was a big success! Thanks to everyone who came out and visited our tent and signed up to win a host of great prizes. We'll be emailing winners directly so keep your eyes on your inboxes. Thanks to Washington State Parks, Osprey, Detours, Salomon, SUUNTO and all of our other great partners for providing prizes!

Footzone closes its three stores
The three King County Footzone stores, under the ownership of Kyle Cross since 1999, closed their doors Aug. 31 . . .

solve bag Oregon Coast Beach Cleanup
Thousands of volunteers will pack Florence-area beaches for the state-wide Annual Fall Beach Cleanup Day Sept. 22 . . .

RAW Retreats R.A.W. Retreats
Local cyclist Tracey Gramenz has been leading luxury bike tours all over the world for years. Luckily for us, she's focusing closer to home these days, and has founded R.A.W. Retreats . . .

10th Annual Harvest Century Presented by Showers Pass
harvest century logo 2012
On Sunday, Sept. 30 riders from around the region will enjoy a beautiful last look at summer and a first look into fall as they roll through the lovely landscapes of Northwest Oregon. You are invited to join in the fun. Free t-shirts to early registrants!

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phone: (206) 418-0747
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