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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter |
Volume 6, Issue 8a
August 9, 2012
Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.
Weekender: Columbia River Gorge
Photo by Rebecca Agiewich
Missoula Floods left us an epic playground By Rebecca Agiewich
Created by the epic Missoula Floods at the end of the last ice age, and navigated by Lewis and Clark in the early 1800s, the Columbia River Gorge offers up geologic and historic treasures galore.
Kaidel Sportswear celebrates Washington Rides with High Performance Jerseys
Celebrate your favorite Washington rides this summer in a performance bike jersey from Kaidel Sportswear. Based in Washington, Kaidel Sportswear offers quality, high performance jerseys with designs featuring the places, sites and imagery we love about the Pacific Northwest. There are designs to suit every rider's style. Choose from the clean lines and rich colors of their Classic Racer jerseys featuring Washington, Mt. Rainier, Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Bainbridge and the San Juan Islands. Or ride this summer in one of the limited edition, commemorative Space Needle 50th Anniversary jerseys. Or celebrate the natural beauty and environmental wonder found right here in our backyard with a jersey featuring a ferry and Rainier, a salmon leaping through a rushing river, or a Native American orca whale. These unique designs truly capture the spirit of the Northwest.
Warrior Dash is Coming to Oregon Sept. 8 & 9!
Warrior Dash is the ultimate event for thrill-seeking athletes. This 5k race is held on the most demanding and unique terrain from around the world. Participants will take on intense obstacles, and celebrate their feat with music, beer, and muddy shorts!
Great Urban Race Seattle is a wild urban adventure!
Teams of two-four solve 12 clues and participate in exciting mental and physical challenges while discovering the city in a fresh way. Included with each participant registration is: a t-shirt, clue sheet, race bib and post-race refreshments. The top 25 qualifying teams will also receive a medal and an invitation to our National Championship race! Not familiar with your city? No problem! You don't have to be a citywide genius to compete in Great Urban Race!
Upcoming Events |
Aug. 11: Great Urban Race, Seattle, WA
Aug. 11: Hopworks Bike to Beer Festival
Aug. 11: Summer Fitness Day; 5k, 10k, 15k, Du, kids, Seattle
Aug. 12: Tour de Peaks, Snoqualmie, WA
Aug. 12: CMY5K, Seattle, WA
Aug. 12: Peninsula Relay Challenge, Kingston, WA
Aug. 18: Beaver Lake Triathlon, Sammamish, WA
Aug. 19: Lake Union 10K, Seattle, WA
Aug. 25: Run-A-Muk 5k + 10k, Mukilteo, WA
Aug. 26: Barefoot Mile; Run/walk, option to run course 2x, Seattle
Sept. 8: Mountaineers OutdoorsFest, Magnuson Park, Seattle
Sept. 8-9: Warrior Dash, North Plains, OR
Sept. 16: Cycle the Wave, Issaquah, WA
Sept. 22: Kiss Me Dirty, Portland, OR
Sept. 22: Family Fitness Day; 5k, 10k, 15k, Du, kids, Seattle
Sept. 23: Muds to Suds Mud Race, Ferndale, WA
Sept. 30: Great Columbia Crossing 10K, Astoria, OR
Oct. 6: Extreme K Mud Run, Silverdale, WA
email: editor@outdoorsnw.com phone: (206) 418-0747 web: http://www.OutdoorsNW.com
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