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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 7b
July 26, 2012

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Win a Kaidel Sportswear bike jersey!
BUZZ: STIHL Tour de Trees Celebrates 20 years!
Upcoming Events
Kaidel shirts image Win a Kaidel Sportswear bike jersey! Ends Aug. 5!
We have three Kaidel Sportswear bike jerseys to give away! Sign up for your chance to win. Contest closes Aug. 5! These are high-quality, high-performance jerseys with designs featuring the places, sites and images we love about the Pacific Northwest! There are designs to suit every rider's style. Choose from the clean lines and rich colors of their Classic Racer jerseys featuring Washington, Mt. Rainier, Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Bainbridge and the San Juan Islands. These unique designs truly capture the spirit of the Northwest.

BUZZ: STIHL Tour de Trees Celebrates 20 years!
riders plant trees
Photo by Helen Steussy
Read about these events in the Buzz . . .

The STIHL Tour des Trees is a weeklong, 500-mile cycling event held each year to benefit the Tree Research and Education Endowment Fund (TREE Fund). Since 1992 the Tour des Trees has raised more than $5 million for scientific research and education programs related to arboriculture (the science of caring for trees in a landscape) and urban forestry. STIHL Inc., (yes, the chain saw manufacturer), has been the Tour's title sponsor since 2009. The riders plant trees along the way. 

The Dragons are coming!
The 8th annual Seattle Dragon Boat Festival will take place on July 28, 2012 on South Lake Union. It's a great day of free entertainment, activities for the kids, food, and of course . . .

First Cargo Bike Roll Call
Cargo bikes are taking Seattle by storm. Come out to Gas Works Park on Saturday, Aug. 11 for the Cargo Bike Roll Call . . .

Upcoming Events
phone: (206) 418-0747
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