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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 7a
July 12, 2012
Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
BUZZ: Get in a good paddle this weekend!
Cycle Washington in comfort and style
Gregg's Greenlake Cycle turns 80!
Gear up to cycle at Bike MS
Upcoming Events
BUZZ: Get in a good paddle this weekend!
SUP lady
Photo by Carolyn Price
July 12 Outdoors News Shorts
Summer events are in full swing in the Northwest this weekend. Whether you want to get in a good paddling at the Paddle Bainbridge, ride your brains out at the STP or opt for an indoor spin for a good cause, just say yes to summer!

Paddle Bainbridge

Get in a good paddling at the annual two-day Paddle Bainbridge this weekend . . .

Outdoors NW at STP this weekend
The back roads from Seattle to Portland will be filled with 10,000 cyclists . . .

Women Riders Unite TONIGHT!
Cycle University is teaming up with Cycle the WAVE . . .

Gregg's Cycles Celebrates Anniversary - 80 years of cycle retailing!
Gregg's Cycles, the iconic bike shop and cycling institution, will be hosting a celebration . . .

Cycle Washington in comfort and style
kaidel sportswear shirt
Washington's back roads offer beautiful routes to explore and get fit. This summer, ride in a Pacific Northwest bike jersey from Kaidel Sportswear. These performance jerseys wick away moisture, showcase locations from Seattle to the San Juans, and feature local artwork. Visit Kaidel's booth at the STP Finish Line in Portland on 7/14-7/15, or at the Green Lake Block Party on 7/14.  Event Details
Gregg's Greenlake Cycle turns 80!
Greggs 80th logo
Gregg's Cycle is proud to announce our 80th Anniversary Celebration July 21st and 22nd!  Come celebrate with us at the Greenlake store with special weekend-only pricing, food trucks, face painting, balloon art, and free raffles all day long. Seattle's oldest family owned bike shop.  Don't miss this great event! . . .

Gregg's 80th Sale . . . 
Gear up to cycle at Bike MS
Bike MS logo
On Sept. 8 and 9, Bike MS cycles into Mount Vernon, WA. Grab a friend and gear up for one of the most challenging rides in the country. Funds from the two-day event support MS research, programs and services. For more information call 1-800-344-4867 and press 2, or visit:



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event photo June 2012
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