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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 6a
June 7, 2012
Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Thirsty? Pick up our Beer Fest Guide!
Mountain Biking Movie Screening "Reveal The Path"
New Logo and Pinterest Contest
Seattle Animal Shelter's Furry 5k is June 10
Spring Wildflower Hikes
Buzz: 5k Foam Fest
Upcoming Events
Thirsty? Pick up our Beer Fest Guide!
NW Beer Festivals
Photo courtesy of Portland Beer Commission.
Pick up the latest edition of Outdoors NW to get the scoop on Northwest Beer Festivals. Our annual guide features a roundup of the Northwest's best fests as well as a review of five local breweries' seasonal summer releases - written exclusively for us by Kendall Jones, of the Washington Beer Blog. Hope you're thirsty, it's going to be a long summer!

see also: 
Seasonal Summer Releases!
Mountain Biking Movie Screening
Reveal the Path book cover
"Reveal The Path," a visually stunning adventure documentary that will ignite the dreamer in most of us, will be coming to the Northwest in June.

The creators of the award-winning film "Ride The Divide" are back with their follow-up film that is an inspirational story of adventure, taking viewers on a 36-day vagabond bike trip to some of the world's most visually stunning destinations.

Filmed on four continents, "Reveal The Path" features world-class mountain bikers, including Tour Divide founder Matthew Lee, star of "Ride The Divide," and Kurt Refsnider, 2011 Tour Divide winner.

Northwest Dates:
Salt Spring Island: June 21
Eugene:  June 26
Bend: June 27
Portland: June 28
Seattle: June 29
Vancouver, B.C.: June 30
New Logo and Pinterest Contest
ONW tree icon
If you haven't already heard, Outdoors NW has launched a new logo this week. Check our Facebook page for cool uses of the new logo, and don't forget to go to our Pinterest page and start repinning. You could win a free outdoors bag!


Seattle Animal Shelter's Furry 5k is June 10, 2012
furry 5k seattle image 125
Join the fun!  Run or walk with your dog(s) to raise money for the Seattle Animal Shelter's Help the Animals Fund, which provides veterinary care and supplies for sick, injured or abused orphaned shelter animals. Many animals receive the lifesaving care they need thanks to the generous donations of individuals and companies.
For more details, please visit our website:

    . . . 


Spring Wildflower Hikes
NW trails flower indian paintbrush image
Story and photos by Craig Romano.
The foothills are currently alive with the smells and colors of brilliant blossoms. Here are three superb wildflower hikes currently in bloom: Mount Pisgah, Patterson Mountain, and Grassy Top.

            Read on . . .   

Buzz: 5k Foam Fest
5k foam fest seattle image
There's no place like foam! The 5K Foam Fest is coming to Seattle, Spokane and Portland this year, a new twist on the traditional mud run. "The predictable rhythm of 5k races can get a bit stale after awhile," ... "Why not take your
love of racing and throw in some exciting obstacles to make the 5k fresh again?"

              Find out more . . .   

Upcoming Events
portland bike show image
Be a winner at an Outdoors NW event booth
Win Event Entries!
Visit . . .

June 8-10: Duthie Hill Mountain Bike Park, Issaquah, WA

June 9: 
Paddle the Dragon, Port Gamble, WA

June 9, 10:
NW Adventure Sports Festival, Port Gamble, WA

June 10:
Furry 5K, Seattle, WA

June 16: Tri Monroe, Monroe, WA

June 17:
Vancouver USA Marathon, Vancouver, WA

June 23:
Great Urban Race, Portland, OR

June 24:
Vancouver (BC) Half Marathon

June 30:
 Red-Bell 100, Seattle, WA

June 30:
Foam Fest, Seattle, WA

June 30: Terrain Portland Mud Run, Sherwood, OR

July 7: Clear Lake Triathlon, Mt Vernon, WA

Save the Date: July 18-22: Red-Spoke, Redmond to Spokane, WA

Save the Date: July 21-22:
Warrior Dash, Seattle, WA

Save the Date: Aug. 5: Ride the Hurricane, Port Angeles, WA 

Save the Date: Aug. 11:
Hopworks Bike to Beer Festival

Save the Date: Aug. 12:
Tour de Peaks, Snoqualmie, WA

Save the Date: Sept. 1: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

Save the Date: Sept. 8-9: Bike MS Ride, Mt. Vernon, WA

Save the Date: Sept. 30: Bellingham Bay Marathon, Bellingham, WA 
phone: (206) 418-0747
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