Youth Eastside Services Lifeline Online
 April 2012 

Fighting SistersWhen Anger Gets the Best of Kids

Some helpful hints for parents


With so many recent stories of guns in school, bullying and kid-on-kid violence, it might be a good time to review some simple anger management skills with your kids. Anger is a natural emotion, but because it is fueled by hormones, it can quickly get out of control, and even be frightening for some children.  Fortunately there are some easy ways to help your kids control their anger. Click here for written tips, or here for a recent interview on Q13 with YES Counselor Noble Erickson. 


In the News 
Important information you want to know

"Cinnamon Challenge" is dangerous: Poison centers are warning about the health risks associated with the intentional misuse or abuse of the spice cinnamon in the "cinnamon



happy studentReducing academic pressure may improve success: Children may perform better in school, and feel more confident, if they are told that failure is a normal part of learning, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. 


Bullies and their victims prone to suicidal thoughts: Children who are either victims or bullies both suffer ill effects. By 11-12 years of age they are at highly increased risk of considering suicide, or have planned and engaged in suicidal or self-harming behavior, according to a recently published study.


Spring & Summer Parent Education

Great new classes to help parents 


New Positive Discipline classes are launching this month. Additional classes on a variety of hot parenting topics have been added over the summer, including:


Parenting Through Divorce or Separation

Friday, June 22, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at YES Bellevue

Cost per parenting couple: $10

RSVP to, or call 425.747.4937


Talking to Your Teen about Marijuana in the Age of Legalization

And other drug and alcohol trends

Wednesday, June 27, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at YES Bellevue

Cost per parenting couple: $10

RSVP to, or call 425.747.4937  


Transitioning to Middle or High School

Saturday, August 18 at YES Bellevue

9:30 - 10:30 a.m. for middle school parents

11:00 - noon for high school parents

Cost per parenting couple $10

RSVP to, or call 425.747.4937  


Positive Discipline

New classes starting in April. Visit YES online for details

If you would like a YES Educator to speak to your parent, office, or faith-based group, please email us, or call 425.586.2322.


A Special Thanks to YES Volunteers

Because of you, more kids know someone cares


April 15-22 is National Volunteer Week. A special thanks goes out to the YES Volunteers who give of their time to help YES reach more kids and families.  Last year, 174 volunteers gave 15,910 hours of service valued at $339,040.  So far this year, 114 volunteers have given more than 5,000 hours! Thank you for supporting YES with your gifts of time.  If you are interested in being a volunteer, there are openings for mentors, handyman, marketing intern and office helpers. Just email us and let us know what works for your schedule.



Spring is a time of renewal and hope. Every day at YES,  hope is renewed for kids and families who are dealing with abuse, depression, anxiety or substance addiction. Many of them are able to seek help thanks to the generous support of donors to our Lifeline Fund. As the weather warms up and we head outside---- take the opportunity to get to know your neighbors better, talk to the kids in the local parks, or reach out to a family who might be going through a hard time. If we isolate less, and interact more, there is greater hope for all.    



Patti Skelton-McGougan 
Executive DirectorGiveBIG 2012  
Mark your calendars for the Seattle Foundation GiveBIG event May 2. Donations made to YES through the Seattle Foundation on this day will be partially matched.