Happy Holidays!
Dear Cartoon Subscribers:"
The Holidays are fast approaching! We have a new group of Christmas Cartoons for you. Because some of you will be fying... here's a head start on a ongoing new TSA Airline Pat-Down Collection. Let us know if you have a terrible (yet funny) TSA pat-down experience to share :-)

We wish you a Joyous Holiday Season with your Friends and Family!

Christmas Cartoons 2010

Santa Steps in Reindeer Poo

The Christmas Tree and The Starfish jpg
What Naughty Kids Get For Xmas jpg
Christmas Tree Shopping With The Kids jpg
Santa And The Goldfish jpg
Hot Tubing With Frosty jpg
Christmas In Punjab flash
Xmas Gift from a Harrassed Husband flash warning...
     may offend some

Jingle Bells and Gas flash
Animated Christmas Greeting Card flash
Put Your Husband Here While Shopping jpg
All Our Christmas Cartoons 102 of them

TSA Airline Pat-Down Collection

About The TSA Pat-Down jpg
Miss TSA Pin-Up Calendar 2011 gif
Up-to-date Security Measures jpg
Scanning The Statue of Lilberty jpg
Dark Colors Make Me Look Thinner jpg
Help You Make It To Your Flight flash

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Visit toilette-humor.com, you'll find a link to all the latest cartoons in the center of the page. "New" is marked next to each one. http://www.toilette-humor.com

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Go to the Website and click on the ones in the center column that say NEW or visit our Question and Answer section which will help you with all kinds of problems. Computer Problems that is. www.toilette-humor.com/faqs.html If you are still having problems and just KNOW it is my fault, please let me know (with the details, specific cartoon link, your computer type, your operating system, your browser type and version). Thanks so much! help@toilette-humor.com