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May 2011

Is it spring fever? The long awaited green shoots of economic recovery? The rising tide of business "sustainability" -- and the massive economic opportunity it contains?


Whichever it is, the trend at Natural Logic's headquarters is clear: we're getting more requests, from more companies, in more industries, in more countries... all coming to us with more serious questions, deeper challenges and bolder aspirations. 

  • How high should we set the bar? (Short answer: higher than you've set it.) 
  • How can we embed sustainability into the heart of our business, and into the design of our products, services and value propositions? 
  • How can we engage and educate our own people, and our supply chain, so they can make these initiatives their own? 
  • How can we communicate - internally and externally - our vision, accomplishments and our shortcomings powerfully and honestly? 
  • How can we elevate the level of dialog and discovery, even with our most stalwart critics? 

What's striking is not just the level of goal being set but the recognition of the integral significance of these opportunities to the enterprise -- and to a planet facing growing concerns about energy, climate, water, infrastructure, food, competitiveness and more. And the conversations people are having about it.  


See below, and sidebar -- and the discount invitation to the Sustainable Brands conference, at the bottom of this newsletter. 

What is it about "sustainability"?


At a Net Impact panel last week in San Francisco, Levi Straus VP Michael Kobori, GreenBiz.com chairman Joel Makower, BluSkye Principal Glen Low, and Insitute for the Future visionary Jamais Cascio threw down the gauntlet repeatedly (in fact batted it back and forth across the room!): 


How can we move beyond the "less bad" version of sustainable to something truly regenerative - doing business in ways that absorb carbon, clean the air, build the soil, &c? 


Here are a few snippets from my tweetstream, to give you a flavor of the thinking that these gentlemen - and we here at Natural Logic - have been doing (it's striking how convergent so many of us are):


Cascio: "Sustainable" is woefully insufficient. Business itself - not just specific businesses - is unsustainable. 


Low: Companies have fiduciary duty to deliver long term benefit, and to do it for both shareholders and stakeholders.


Cascio: If your idea would have made sense 30 years ago,  it's nowhere near enough for the challenges we face. This calls for revolutionary change,  & even the best companies aren't even close.


Makower: What if energy becomes not only decarbonized, but so abundant as to be almost free? (As we've seen with computing power.) 


Kobori: HOW to do sustainability depends on your particular company and situation. WHAT to do doesn't. Start with an LCA of a key product, get a picture of you "cradle to cradle" impacts. THAT will tell you where to focus.


Low: LCAs? Maybe not. You don't need all that much data to make the right decision. 


Me: You need courage.


Makower: "We" don't have a vision of what happens if we get things right. We need that. Nobody knows how. 


(Not true, says I. See Declaration of Leadership for Sustainable Business.)

Cascio: We need to shift from growth-based to resilience-based business model. The ability to adapt (and resist collapse) will become more important than the ability to grow.

Low: This (sustainability/regeneration) hasn't gone to scale yet, because companies aren't rewarded for being regenerative. But if value of nature gets built in, then...

Makower: Change. We love the noun, hate the verb.

And yet... And yet...

Cascio: Transformation's in our DNA as humans. It's who we are. 

(Then why do we resist change? Because that's in our DNA too.)

Cascio: There's a reason that most futurists are on anti-depressants. But pessimism is a luxury of good times; in difficult times it's deadly.

Sunrise for Solar? 

Total SA, Europe's 3rd largest oil producer, is buying up to 60% of SunPower Corporation, the 2nd largest US solar panel maker. It's good news, because it gives a good company the resources to do better, to move forthrightly toward its goal to, in the words of COO Marty Neese, "make solar the no-brainer energy choice in the world."


(SunPower is a Natural Logic client. We had no role in this deal, take no credit, but we're glad to see them moving forward on the Sustainability Roadmap we built with them recently.)


But there's a cloud in the silver lining: was there no US buyer that saw the value of this company, or the prospects for the industry? It reminds me of conversations I've had recently with Mike Biddle, CEO of MBA Polymers, a leading innovator in plastics recycling. MBA is building plants around the world, but can't get the time of day in the US.


Meanwhile China is out-investing the US on renewable energy 12:1, in absolute dollars, and nearly 50:1 per dollar of GDP! We vote every day, people, with our dollars and yuan, francs, marks and rials. Which future are you voting for? Which world is your company investing in?

Natural Logic 
designs, implements and 
measures profitable sustainability strategies.
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Join the Conversation   

Please join us in San Francisco May 18 for the next in our In Conversation series.  


I'll be talking with Paul Herman, exploring the cutting edge of sustainable finance, how both CFOs and investors are re-thinking the business case for sustainability, and the critical challenge of "getting the prices right." 


Paul is Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of HIPInvestor.com ("HIP =  Human Impact + Profit"). He's a Wharton grad and a McKinsey vet, and author of The HIP Investor: Make Bigger Profits by Building a Better World. (R. Paul Herman is a registered representative of HIP Investor Inc, an investment advisor registered in the States of California, Washington and Illinois.)


We both have a lot to say on the topic, and a book-load (literally!) of examples too. It should be a fascinating evening; we hope you can join us. Register now.


You can purchase the audio of our first two hour dialog

 (with Bryan Franklin), on Cracking the Door to the C-Suite with Your Sustainability Message. (We'll post video of last week's conversation with Bob Dunham on Language and Leadership shortly.)   


Other upcoming events: 

The Sustainable Brands '11 conference takes place June 7-10 in Monterey CA. I'll be co-leading a pre-conference workshop on The ROI of Sustainability, and moderating a conversation with Seventh Generation founder Jeffrey Hollender and Joie De Vivre Hotels founder Chip Conley. And perhaps some surprises too. As a friend of Natural Logic, please use discount code nlogicsb11.


Videos of recent speeches: Sustainability in 7 (Designers Accord), Commonwealth ClubClean Tech Open -- and our video pages at YouTube, FaceBook and Natural Logic.)

Resources for You 


Sustainability In Practice, the eLearning version of The Truth About Green Business, brings interactive, on-demand sustainability learning right to your employees' desks. Click to arrange a preview.   


Strategic Sustainability Coaching can help you -- or a colleague, boss employee, supplier or customer -- excel. Visit here or contact Gil directly at 1-510-248-4943.


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Gil Friend, President & CEO
Natural Logic, Inc.
Email: gfriend@natlogic.com
Phone: 1-510-248-4940
Web: http://www.natlogic.com
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