Betty Doo's News & Views 

The psychology of leadership: 21st century challenges & solutions

January 2012
In This Issue
The Dream..
Leadership Agility
Steve Jobs
The "BLT"

Keeping the
Dream Alive

Martin Luther King Jr.
January 16th we honored the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Let's keep the dream alive more 
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New name, new location & updated website: same great service!

Betty Doo Consulting
405 Waltham Street, #417
Lexington, MA 02421
T: 781-258-5156


Our leadership development firm is a referral-based business. Feel free to pass along our contact info or forward this email to anyone you think would benefit. Thanks!

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Leadership is both personal and global. As we move into the new year, we continue to face many challenges, most notably, how to manage change in an unpredictable future. Let's continue the dialogue on how to sustain high quality leadership during these difficult times.
-Betty Doo
Leadership Agility 
leadership agility book

Have you heard about Leadership Agility?
Leadership Agility is a research-based, developmental model of leadership. In their 2007 book, Bill Joiner & Stephen Josephs articulate how leaders move through stages, most typically:
  •  Expert Level--A tactical, problem-solving phase    
  • Achiever Level--developing as a strategic manager   
  • Catalyst Level-- collaborative, visionary leadership.  

In 2011 I had the opportunity to work on a leadership project with Bill Joiner and Deb Whitestone of Changewise Consulting which involved delivering assessment feedback using the Leadership Agility 360. This leadership model addresses the need for leaders who can successfully manage in contexts where complexity and change are prevalent. It presents a compelling framework, and I find it especially applicable for technical (e.g. financial, scientific, business) managers promoted for their functional expertise who want to develop a greater capacity for strategic, collaborative and visionary leadership. Check it out!   


Steve Jobs: Portrait of a Leader


I love Mac products, so it was natural that my son would buy me the new biography of Steve Jobs for Christmas. It is a fascinating story of leadership: the good, the bad and the remarkable.  The author, Walter Isaacson, paints a picture of a visionary, innovative and resilient leader who is also amazingly narcissistic, controlling and self-absorbed. Jobs' story is placed within the history of his times, capturing his love of Bob Dylan, vegan diets and spiritual gurus, while also highlighting the evolution of product innovations from personal computers to movies, digital music and mobile devices. I found it a fascinating read; whether you are a "MAC or a PC", or whether you love him or hate him, you are bound to find this story of a leader thought-provoking.  Below is a 10 minute youtube video providing some highlights from Jobs' work at Apple which you may want to check out. Ok, it is clearly an Apple promotional video, but still interesting history.
The First Macintosh
The First Macintosh

The "BLT" ..... Betty's Leadership Tip
(suitable for vegetarians)

Next time you are about to enter a potentially difficult or stressful meeting, take 2 minutes to stop and recharge. Take a few deep breaths, count to 10 or do whatever it takes to focus and feel in control.  You will be amazed at how this quick and simple strategy will help you maintain composure and enhance your leadership presence.