Private Practice
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May, 2011
Quote of the month:
"There is more hunger for
love and appreciation
 in this world
than for bread."
by Mother Teresa
of Calcutta 


My Philosophy 

 My therapeutic philosophy is a combination of believing that discussions of the past can help you to understand where you have come from, which allows you to be able to define where you are today, which further aids in the creating of goals needed to help you reach your full potential. 


 I will treat you with compassion, understanding and respect, knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.



Life is not always easy.  It doesn't come with a manual.  But it usually does come with an instinct to seek help when it is needed.


I welcome the opportunity to help you work through current issues and to look at your future with a sense of hope and purpose.



Happy Mother's Day to the hard-working Mom's out there.  I thank the Mom's that may be looking down on us from above and all the Moms who can't be with their children on this day as well.  I thank the Mom's in the military who sacrifice their lives and their ability to be with their family so that we may remain safe.  I thank all the women who are "mom" role models to younger females, even if they, themselves are not currently filling that role to a child of their own.  I thank all those women who possess the maternal instinct to be protective and keep safe the children in their neighborhood or community. May Sunday be a wonderful day for you all.


Please forward this email to anyone you feel may benefit from its content.






Maryellen Dabal, MA, LMFTA

420 North Carroll Ave Suite 140

Southlake, TX 76092



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From The Positive Perspective.......


Whether it's Mother's Day, Father's Day, Graduation, birthday or anniversary we tend to remember those special days and thank others for being in our lives or for supporting us.  What if we were to  remember these individuals or any individuals in our life for that matter on just a regular ordinary day?


Just recently my daughter commented after we had been at a neighbor's house that this person was one of her favorite neighbors.  I never knew that.  I asked her if she minded if I told that neighbor and she said that would be fine.  Well, I told that neighbor and she was honored and said it had made her day.  I had no clue that it would impact her that much but was so happy that it did. 


Think of some ways you can make someone's day and go for it.  Call someone you haven't talked to in ages just to say hi and let them know you were thinking of them.  Bring some cookies to a neighbor you have never met - even though you have lived there for five years.  Call your spouse or partner or parent at work just to say you love them. Tell a store manager about a clerk or sales person who has gone over and above to help you with something.  When you receive excellent service over the phone with a company, ask if you can send their manager an email about how helpful they have been.


We are so quick to complain when people do us wrong, remember to give credit when people go out of their way to help us. We get caught up in "stuff" so much these days that we tend to forget to give appreciation to even those we know are there for us every day.  Make a date with your son or daughter just to be together and do something fun. Surprise a spouse or parent with an unexpected hug or card of thanks. You are only limited by your imagination.  Remembering people in this way can make you both feel good - if you let it.


So enjoy every day that you live here on this wonderful planet and look for ways to give some simple appreciation to those around you.  You may even get some back from an unexpected place yourself.  Watch that good feeling spread.


It helps to look at it From the Positive Perspective.....


I welcome feedback regarding the newsletter or questions about my practice.  I can be reached at  I cannot, however, give advice through email. For more information on my practice please visit my website:

I wish you well...