AquarianYoga Center

Sat Nam ! 



"God and me, me and God are one."

Excerpts of a lecture by Yogi Bhajan on August 21, 2001)

At an early age you ask this question: "Why are we born? What is the purpose of birth on this planet Earth?"
When we are almost middle aged, when the heat of the young blood is gone, and a little cold seeps in, we start asking: "What is my purpose?"

The fact is that whatever you have achieved, it is because of the karma. It is because of the karma of previous lives. Opportunities, wealth, health, happiness, relatives, friends-they are all part of the karma. This life is to settle the account, to pay for the karma, and to progress on the path or dharma-whichever dharma you may have.

Somebody was telling me that he had committed a blunder. I asked him a question. I said, "Did you know it was a blunder?"

He said, "Yes."
I said, "Why did you commit it if you knew that it was a blunder?"
He said, "That's what I am wondering."

You do all wrongs because there is no commitment. When there is no commitment, there's no character; when there's no character, there's no dignity; when there's no dignity, there's no divinity; when there's no divinity, there's no grace; when there's no grace, there's no power to sacrifice-and then there's no happiness. It's a simple rule; it cannot change.

All fruits that grow on a tree are not going to ripen. Some are going to drop when green, some will ripen, some will be picked, and some will be served to nurture to pay their karma. Likewise, when you nurture somebody...


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Join Akalsukh this Saturday, April 28th for an amazing workshop:
  • Are we subject to the wheel of Karma?
  • How can I move from Karma to Dharma?
  • How do I turn negative into positive?
  • What is fate versus destiny?

"Karma has to become dharma. Dharma is where the account is cleared. It is where your discipline and commitments make you positive and graceful...That ability to turn negative into positive, to support all your actions with your facets and manners is the result of meditation." - Yogi Bhajan


Yogis said it takes 8.4 million lifetimes to receive a human incarnation.

It is the highest privilege and unique gift to be here on this planet that it is said even...


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Coming Up!




Saturday, April 28thMoving from 'where you are' to 'who you are'...
Saturday, May 5thJoyful Sounds of Kirtan with Satkirin Kaur Khalsa
Sunday, May 6thFull Moon & Healing Gong (Save and win with Moon Package)
Sunday, May 13thMother's Day special class & Book Signing event
Sunday, May 27thJai-Jagdeesh Kaur Khalsa

TRAINING, Weekend of September 7,8, and 9th

Child Play Yoga Training Program with Gurudass Kaur




Akalsukh Singh