The Mystical TreeAugust 2010
the mystical tree
May this email find you enjoying the beauty and challenges of life - for the more information and ideas we expose ourselves to, the easier it is to hear and feel the path to our heart, love & truth. Here is the list of casual classes and courses for the next three months, enjoy.
Brightest Blessings,
We are the ones we've been waiting for. ~ The Hopi Native Americans of the American Southwest.

Casual classes  

The below casual classes do no require you to book or have any previous experience.

(except if you want to give Reiki on Practise/Share evening)
Please arrive 5-10 minutes before start time.
Please contact Denise if you have any questions or require further information. 


Psychic Circle


On the last Monday evening of the month, Denise facilitates

a Psychic Development Circle at The mystical tree.

From 7pm to 9pm 
Cost is $20.00 a casual session


Psychic ability is the creative application of human intuition. The evenings are designed to assist you to fine tune and tap into your inner voice. In each session we will experiment and play with a different psychic, intuitive or divinational tool. All levels are welcome.

Here are the dates and topics for the rest of the year.


Monday August 30th - Learn to read Angel & Oracle cards

Monday September 27th - Explore your Dreams

Monday October 25th - Explore past, Future & Parallel Lives

Monday November 29th - Channelling



Reiki Practise/Share Evening


On the first Monday of the Month, Denise facilitates a

Reiki practise/share evening at The Mystical Tree 

From 7pm to 8.30pm

Cost is $15.00 a casual session


The Evening is designed to give Reiki Channels an opportunity to practise. 
If you have never tried a Reiki this is a great place to try it. The Evening will start with a short meditation and discussion, and then follow with group Reiki healings.


You must have completed a Reiki 1 course to be a Reiki Channel. 

Reiki means Universal Life Force and is a healing energy channelled through the practitioner's hands. Reiki helps to restore harmony and balance by removing emotional blockages and aligning the body, mind and spirit.

2010 Reiki Practise/share dates

Monday September 6th
Monday October 11th
Monday November 1st
Monday December 6th

Meditation Classes


Denise runs meditation classes every Wednesday Evening at 7pm

and Friday Morning at 10am.
The cost is $12.00 a casual session.
The actual meditation is 30-40 minutes long.

Giving yourself time to meditate is the start of a new journey... one on which you will encounter many wonders and experiences you may never have dreamed possible.

The style of meditation is guided visualisation - each class a different theme will be discussed and meditated upon.

"Meditation allows me to get out of my own way and stop thinking about how something will occur and what i have to do to make it happen. It helps me to let go and just be, leaving space for my life to unfold instead of trying to force something to happen" ~ Denise Jarvie


All courses require a $50 deposit to secure your place
To enrol or enquire, please contact Denise
September - Reiki 2   

The 2nd degree course will allow Reiki 1 channels to advance to the practitioner level. This level has one attunement opening you to a higher vibration. Your third eye starts to awaken, heightening your intuition. You will also learn sacred Reiki symbols that will help to intensify the flow of energy and the Reiki method of distant/absent healing.
September: Sunday 5th and Sunday 12th
Investment: $295.00 
More Information 
October - Magnified Healing� Workshop 
Merge with the powerful energies
of Kwan Yin, goddess of mercy and compassion, master of healing. This 5th dimensional healing modality is accessible to everyone who is called to self-healing and assisting others in their healing.
October: Sunday 10th & 17th 
Investment: $295.00 
More Information  
November - Reiki 1

Reiki triggers and enhances our own ability to heal ourselves, which in turn helps others to heal themselves. Personal transformation and deep inner healing may be experienced during and after the course.
November: Sunday 7th & 14th
Investment: $220.00
More Information  
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Please feel free to contact
me with any enquiries or comments - I would love to hear from you. Namaste Denise
The Mystical Tree
Valhalla - Studio 105
166d Glebe Point Road     
Glebe, NSW, 2037
+61 2 8065 0021
The breath of life, at any given moment inspires and illuminates love, wisdom and creativity - in fact it connects to all that flows within and without this amazing, infinite Universe. When the icy grip of fear stops me dead in my tracks - just when I think I can't go on - all I need do is focus on my breath, for all I seek is right under my own nose within the breath and in my heart. ~ Denise Jarvie
Image: Acceptance 
by Toni Carmine Salernoacceptance_s