Yorkie TimesYTNR Logo
Newsletter for Yorkie Rescue 

January, 2012
In This Issue
New Board Member
New Year Greeting
World of Pets Expo
Rick Caran & Jilli Dog
Tellington Touch
Two Yorkies
Neeko's Joke
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Julie Gedro

Consulting Editor 
Mary Elizabeth Dugmore

Technical Editors
Laura Morrisey, Chris Dugmore
Letter from the Editor
Julie GedroJulie Gedro

Nicholas Gedro Speaks His Mind

N. Gedro, dictated to Julie Gedro


One Language


Hello and Happy New Year to everyone out there in Yorkie Land. This is Nick Gedro coming to you from Syracuse. Actually, as you can see, I am coming to you from my Mother's home office.


Nick Gedro


You know, two summers ago I was wandering the streets of the Syracuse University district. It was a hot night, the night before the 4th of July (so I guess that makes it July 3). I was hungry and tired and confused. I followed some amazingly delicious scents on Westcott Street of roasting lamb and garlic, pizza oozing mozzarella and feta and peppers, and of calamari, chicken, rice and beans. I tried to get a reservation for this place called Alto Cinco and turns out they don't like "my kind." Well, it's not really that they don't like "my kind" but rather, there something I learned about called a health ordinance or something or other, that does not permit me in restaurants. However, the owner, Jamie, saw me wandering around and he was afraid that I might meet a less than optimal fate trying to negotiate the pre-party traffic that was already kicking into high gear. Jamie scooped me up and walked me right across the street to the back door of a lady who appeared in a baseball hat, shorts and t-shirt. She looked pretty far out there, but kind of fun. Jamie told her what the deal was, and asked if she would take me in. Without hesitation, she said "Of course." Later that night I had dinner with this other four legged dude named "Buzz" and the food was terrific. I slept in a very soft bed. It took me a while to calm down. Frankly, it was pretty scary being on my own for so long. The lady put up ads in hardcopy and digital format to find my real home. She found it hard to imagine I had been abandoned. She, Jamie, and others were unsuccessful in finding out my past. After a few months of getting used to each other, the lady (her name is "Julie" but I call her "Mom" and other things when she is not listening) decided to adopt me.


And here I am, sitting pretty. Jockeying for position in a male-dominated (except for my Mom) household.


That is a bit about me, and I want to now get on to my message. A buddy of my Mom forwarded her a TV clip of a vignette about a Parisian terrier named "Orson." It was a clip about how the French love dogs. Orson looks a lot like me. My Mom giggled and wondered if Orson and I would be able to understand each other if she and I were to go over to Paris to hang out with him. I mean, dude probably speaks French dog, right, and I speak American dog.


Here is my answer.


There are many countries in this world, and hundreds of languages. There are people of many different colors who practice different faith belief systems and who have a variety of perspectives about life, commerce, the environment, taxes, the concept of the corporation, and where we go when we die. However, there is really only one language, and in Yorkie Rescue, we all speak it fluently. That language has compassion as its alphabet, patience as its dialect, and tolerance as its punctuation.


That language is Love.


My family and I wish you a 2012 that is filled to overflowing with Love
New Board Member

New Board Member and Secretary: Elaine LeshnowerElaine

We are excited and grateful to announce that Elaine Leshnower has agreed to serve on our Board of Directors. Elaine, who will serve as our Secretary, brings a rich background in business, education, and not for profit leadership and administration to bear on her new position.

Welcome Elaine!



 Neeko's New Year Greeting 


Neeko and companyHello and Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a Blessed Christmas and a Pawsome Holiday season :o)
Meee is happy to report that the past year brought a lot of Joy into my world. My Bro Ray joined our family in April and as you all know, Princess Aida came into our lives in July. With her arrival, things changed for the better for Meee. My invisible evil twin, jail bird Joey, moved out of our house completely making my Pawrents VERY happy. Meee realized that having Aida as my little Sis, had to live by example. 


Took Pawsome trips with my Pack and had lots of fun just enjoying life with family and friends. Of course, the highlight of last year was the Yorkie Ball :o) followed by our annual Florida vacation at Thanksgiving. So Meee is very thankful and grateful for everything that the good Lord sent into my life and on that note my New Year's resolution is inspired by the following quote:


~ In Gratitude For The Labors Of Others

By: Albert Einstein


A hundred times a day I remind myself

that my inner and outer life depends

on the labors of other men,

living and dead,

and that I must exert myself in order

to give in the measure as I have received

and am still receiving.



Love to all,


Special Thanks to this months Donors
We couldn't do it without you...
Barbara Buechele
Pam Mindt 
Janice Tomlin
Elaine Leshnower
Nina Callahn
Ilene Young
Sandra Flolo
Doreen Haller
Russell Johnson
Loretta Switzer
Paula Fonseca
Betsy Vandenburg
Michele Valenta
Kim Moser
Carrie Follett
Corrine Ellison
Roz Mach
MaryElizabeth Dugmore

The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Inc. is run solely on private donations and fund raising efforts made by people like you who love this Breed. We appreciate your support
Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Donations
We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Chanel need your help
ChanelThis is Chanel, she is a six month old little yorkie that has a Liver Shunt.  Today, January 5, 2012, she will have her scintigraphy so that they can locate where the shunt is and then tomorrow she will have the ameroid constrictor put in and it will slowly close over the course of the next few months and Chanel's liver will start flowing blood the way it is supposed to and she will have a happy normal life again and will be ready for placement in her forever  home.  This surgery ranges from $1800 - $2000 and requires an additional Bile Acids test three months after surgery.  Our liver shunt fund is at an all time low and we would appreciate your support and a donation large or small  to help us to continue to save some of these adorable little yorkies.  
A liver shunt, or a portosystemic shunt, is a normal fetal blood vessel that in the womb bypasses liver tissue, allowing the mother's system to filter out toxins for the developing baby. In some animals, however, the shunt remains open after the animal is born, compromising its liver function, slowing growth, and eventually resulting in death of many affected animals. Congenital portosystemic shunts may be repaired with traditional surgical approaches, but a technique developed at the University of Tennessee several years ago implants an ameroid constrictor, a tiny C-shaped piece of metal ring. The constrictor fits around the shunt, causing it to slowly shut down over several weeks. Dogs receiving this method of surgical repair generally have a shorter surgery and fewer postoperative complications than traditional methods.

YTNR Donations

Willow need your help
WIllowWillow is an 8 week old Yorkie mix she has a "persistent aortic arch".  This condition occurs in puppies when a structure like a ligament entraps the esophagus at area of the aorta where it leaves the heart.  It's like a rubber band being placed around the esophagus limiting the passage of food.  What happens then is the esophagus gets stretched out 2 -3 times it's normal size due to the back up of food and water.  This creates a "megaesophagus", another problem.  This is causing Willow to regurgitate her food when she eats.  The treatment for this condition is to surgically remove the ligament to free the esophagus.  

Willow is on her way to The University of Tennessee to have this life saving surgery and we need your help.  Dr Tobias has estimated that it will cost $1600 - $2000, your donations will help  us to help Willow back to her happy puppy life. 

YTNR Donations
World of Pets Expo
Lovely LUCY the Wheelchair Yorkie plans to attend the "World of Pets Expo" on Saturday, January 28, 2012!   She has graciously permitted me to offer her a ride and be a member of her entourage from around 12 Noon to 3pm.  Lucy will be wheeling all around the vendor's section getting her January dose of retail therapy. 
The address for the Expo is:

Maryland State  Fairgrounds (Cow Palace)
2200 York Road
Timonium, MD  21093
If you would like to greet Lucy during her time at the Expo, kindly reply to my email at tinaannbyers@yahoo.com and I will give you my cell so we can meet up. Thanks!
Tina Ann Byers
Proud Rescue Yorkie Mommie of Mikey, Tashia, Liah and Lucy!
Marinated Ham and Cheese Sandwich  
Recommended by Judy Burtner

  • Marinade:
  • 3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks or 12 Tablespoons) butter
  • 1/4 cup sweet onion, minced
  • 2 Tablespoon poppy seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 
  • 2 Tablespoons hot or spicy mustard 
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped parsley
  • Sandwiches:
  • 24 (about 2 x 2-Inches each) small dinner rolls (see Note)
  • Horseradish mayonnaise (see Note)
  • 24 (about 3/4 pound) thin slices of deli ham (see Note)
  • 24 (about 1/2 pound) thin slices of Swiss cheese 
Line two 9 x 13-inch baking pans with non-stick foil or butter traditional pans. 

To prepare marinade, saute minced sweet onion in butter over low heat until onion is soft and translucent. Add poppy seeds, garlic powder, Worcestershire saucemustard, and brown sugar. Stir until brown sugar is melted into the sauce. Remove from heat and stir in parsley. Set marinade aside to cool while you assemble the buns. 

Slice the buns in half. Spread bottoms of buns with a thin layer of horseradish mayonnaise. Fold ham slices to fit the bottom of each bun. Repeat with Swiss cheese slices, folding to fit buns. Replace bun tops. Place ham and cheese buns into prepared baking pans. Pour marinade evenly over both pans of buns. Cover tightly with foil. Refrigerate overnight. 

Preheat oven to 350 F. Bake marinated buns covered for 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes. 

Notes: Use pre-baked dinner rolls. They usually come in a sheet of 12 rolls, stuck together. If you use this type (I like the sweet whole wheat ones by King's Hawaiian), you should be able to slice the entire sheet horizontally to assemble, rather than doing each one individually. Be sure to slice through to separate the buns slightly before pouring on the marinade. Feel free to use your own homemade yeast rolls. If you are on a budget, adjust this method to use large hot dog rolls, cut into thirds or halves. (You may need to adjust the baking time.) 

Horseradish mayonnaise is easy to make at home, but there are decent commercial varieties to use as a shortcut. You can use traditional mayonnaise if you need to avoid horseradish. For the ham, I used a rosemary sun-dried tomato deli ham, but feel free to use your favorite. Just be sure it is sliced very thin (ask for it shaved) and use a high-grade, low-moisture ham for best results. The buns are equally as good using smoked turkey or roast beef. 

Yield: 24 appetizer servings

Have a great dog?

What's special about your dog? Do you have a "Pawsome Tale" or something special to share about your Yorkie?  We would love to hear about your life with and share your story and picture's in our Yorkie Times.     


Tellington Touch

Happy New Year, Yorkie Lovers!

Doing our best for our beloved animal companions means so much more than good food and love. Here are a few of my favorite user-friendly resources to have on hand to answer questions, provide non-medical help, and support me in taking responsibility for my animals' health and well being!




The Nature of Animal Healing The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat by Martin Goldstein, D.V.M.


"Positive, compassionate... vivid and engrossing.... This is a life-affirming book that should interest any pet owner." Publishers Weekly

This quote perfectly expresses how I feel about this wonderful book! It's widely available in paperback, and reasonably priced.


The Loved Dog The Playful, Nonaggressive Way To Teach Your Dog Good Behavior By Tamar Geller with Andrea Cagan.


Gentle, loving, full of surprises and valuable insights into our dogs. She even helps us understand better how to play with them! Geller's chapter on The Seven Basic Needs is worth the price of the entire book! There are a zillion dog books on the market these days. This one is a Top Ten.


Speaking for Spot Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live a Happy, Healthy, Longer Life By Dr. Nancy Kay, Specialist, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine  


This well written 'insider' book is filled with really useful information about every aspect of veterinary care, including our relationship with our vets. Empowers the caring pet owner to be a true advocate for their animal's health and well being. Often helps avoid decisions that lead to regret!




Through A Dog's Ear By Joshua Leeds & Susan Wagner, DVM, MS.


Scientifically composed music for stress and anxiety relief. Their growing catalog provides soundscapes for at home, in the car, thunder storms and more. There are books, too.   I am grateful to these people for this work that helps so many animals live healthier, happier lives... which is a gift to the animals' people, too!   They support shelters and rescue groups, as well as individuals.   You can read more, listen to samples, sign up for their newsletter, and often download free music on their website.





Chinese Herbs:


From the Herbsmith web site:

"For centuries the Chinese theories have offered herbal solutions that support health, not by simply addressing the issues, but by balancing the body's underlying disharmony. The result is better overall health, leading to better quality of life.


Now Herbsmith brings the wisdom and success of these ancient formulas to the modern dog and horse (and cat). Modified and perfected through over two decades of veterinary clinical practice, Herbsmith blends deliver results that so many people are looking for."


Go to www.Herbsmithinc.com for more information on these fine products. The good people at Herbsmith are there to help you, too. Just ask!


Flower Essences:


Gentle, powerful, supportive of our animals and ourselves. Flower essences are totally safe for all Life. They address and balance any and all emotional imbalances.


603 469-3662   WWW.GREENHOPEESSENCES.COM     green.hope.farm@valley.net 





The animals with whom we share this planet have much to teach us, and that includes our dogs. This book has been around for a couple of decades now, enriching lives for all who embrace it. A wonderful way to expand our vocabulary in our ongoing conversation with All Our Relations. Just what we need as we move into the transforming energies of 2012!


MEDICINE CARDS The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals By Jamie Sams & David Carson, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico





Visit www.ttouch.com for a vast array of books, DVDs, equipment, inspiring stories, and practitioners in your area.


Love and New Years Blessings to All!

Penny Case

Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner


Two Yorkie's, One Tiny Footstool -- Can you find both dogs?

Two YorkiesMy girls will lay anywhere to catch some rays. This picture shows them on a tiny foot stool. I have it covered with a towel because it is silk and Kori is a licker. You can see a crack of sun shining through. Every night I cover the sofa with sheets so they can relax and watch tv with me. I love snuggling with them and watching them and everything about them. It is like I am a Yorkieholic.

Neeko's Joke


~ Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.


"Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!"
"That's all fine," said the boss, "But where were you yesterday?" ~



Love to all,