January 2010
Your source for fine kitchen equipment from Bosch, L'Equip, and more...
Welcome to Paula's Bread
Dear Fellow Breadlovers,

The new year and new decade has begun.  Many have made New Year's resolutions for life management changes but the usual top resolution is to lose weight.  Really what is needed is a resolution to have a nutritional meal plan.  You can always lose those extra pounds but at the expense of damaging your body.  Nutritionally balanced meals are really the key to renewed energy, weight loss and health.  So what does that look like?  This months issue will give some tips on making 2010 becoming the year of renewed health!

God bless you,
paula :)

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Carbs versus Protein!
There are so many fad diets out there which tell you to eat only proteins; eat only veggies; eliminate carbs; etc.  My hubby and I visited with a nutritionist who helped us to get a real perspective on properly feeding our body.  Fiber is king for weight loss!  Mixing protein with the carb is queen!  So what does that look like?  Your whole wheat bread is an excellent source of fiber so you don't want to throw out the high fiber.  You do want to 'throw out' the processed carbs; the white breads; and the sugars.  What you do need to do is eat protein with your whole grain 'carb.'  I usually eat some almonds or walnuts with my bread.  Please note: I only eat 10 to 12 nuts with my carb.  Portions are everything!  There are two major downfalls people suffer;  first, eating processed, high sugar foods OR second, eating way too much of any food. 

To bring health to your body, I would encourage you to put away the processed foods and turn your diet to more whole grains.  Second, if trying to lose weight, I would tell you to take the challenge of keeping a measuring cup to scoop your portions.  The typical diet will let you eat 1/2 cup portions with veggies and fruits.  Meats should be no more than 4 oz.  Another eating habit change would be to eat 5 times a day!  Now, we are talking!  These are small portion meals.  The purpose of eating 5 times a day is to jump start your metabolism and keep it burning fat.  Another, hint is not to eat after 7 p.m. and no dairy in the p.m.  Now that is a hard cream is so yummy at night. :)  Remember to drink lots of water and try the new outlook on eating by changing your new year's resolution to  a nutritional eating plan not a diet. 

New Grains for our Diet!

With the new year, I will pick back up the series begun before the holidays.  This month's featured grain is Oat Grain also known as Oat Groats.    Adding a variety of grains to our diet helps to deter allergies that can develop to wheat.  So with that thought, let's delve into Oats and how to use it! 

First we need some definition of Oat Groats.  When oats are in the berry form, they are called Oat Groats.  Rolled Oats that you see in the store are 'oat groats' that have been rolled.  Just as I explained about the wheat berry being preserved while in the grain form so is the oat groat.  Once it has been broken into flour or rolled to make future oatmeal, the nutrition is lost.  So what is the solution?  Fresh oat flour!  Use your Nutri Grain mill to create wonderful oat flour that you simply add to your regular recipes.  Oat flour is sweet and will enhance your quick breads, muffins, pancakes, cookies.  It is a wonderful addition for your baked goods.  Please note that you cannot use oat flour by itself.  The gluten content of oat flour is not enough to make a yeast bread by itself.  The normal ratio for your baked products would be 1/3 oat flour to 2/3 wheat flour.

Bosch Flaker Mill Attachment

The next question would be concerning rolled oats...oatmeal nutrition.  So what is a solution to keep your oatmeal fresh and full of nutrition?  You can easily roll your own with the Bosch Flaker Attachment!  You can make your fresh rolled spelt, oat, wheat flakes.  You will be amazed at the great taste fresh rolled oat grain has over the store bought rolled oats.  You will never want to go back to the nutritionally dead store bought oatmeal again.  Start flaking today! :)

Check out my Paula's Bread blog for steps in using your Bosch Flaker

Two types of Oatmeal by "Delicious Meets Nutritious Xagave" Cookbook
Steel Cut Oats

Steel cut oats are the oat groat cut into two or three pieces. When cooked, it has a nutty, crunchy taste and texture.  It is also referred to as Irish oats or Scottish oats.

Rolled Oats
These are made by steaming the groats and flattening them with a roller and are the type most people are familiar with because they are referred to as "Quaker Old Fashion Oats."   They cook more quickly than steel cut oats and have a smoother, softer consistency when cooked.
Oat Flour Recipes
Apple Cinnamon Steel Cut Oats!
by Delicious Meets Nutritious Xagave Cookbook
1 cup steel cut oats
4 cups water
1/2 tsp. salt (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
4 tbls. Xagave
1/2 cup of apple chunks or grated apple

Put all ingredients except apples into a pot.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes of cooking.  Add apples last 5 minutes of cooking time.  Pour into bowl and top with Xagave or Xagave Maple Syrup.  Add nuts and milk to taste.

Oatmeal Honey Raisin Bread!

by Shelly's Bread Cookbook
7 cups hot water
1 cup oil and 1 cup honey
8 cups freshly milled white spring wheat
4 cups rolled oats OR freshly milled oat flour
2.5 cups chopped raisins
4 Tbs. ground cinnamon
2 Tbs. salt
2 Tbs. dough enhancer
1/3 cup vital wheat gluten
5-6 Tbs. SAF yeast
8-10 cups additional white spring wheat flour

In Bosch blender, add 3 cups hot water and 2.5 cups raisins.  Let soak for 5-10 minutes, then pulse so they are just chopped and not pureed.  Pour into Bosch mixing bowl and add 4 more cups of hot water.
Add the rest of the ingredients, with yeast on top, except last amount of flour.  Pulse, until flour is completely moistened.  Turn off and sponge (rest dough) for 15-20 minutes.
Turn machine back on to speed 1 while adding the additional flour, until the dough cleans the sides of the bowl.  Turn to speed 2 and knead for 3-5 minutes.
Grease hands and divide the dough into 6 equal loaves.  Place in greased loaf pan and let double in size.  Bake 350 degrees fro 30-35 minutes.
Yield 6 loaves!

Cooking instruction for Steel Cut Oats:
by "Delicious Meets Nutritious Xagave" Cookbook
Four cups of water to one cup of oats.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.  If you want a ready breakfast in the morning, put them in the crock pot overnight on low. (use a 3 to 1 ratio of water to oats in the crock pot.)  If you have leftovers, they can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated in the microwave.  Top with Xagave.

So, how can you make steel cut oats out of your oat groats?  The Nutri Mill grain grinder has a coarse setting much like cream of wheat; the Bosch Flaker can be put on a coarse setting; or simply crack the oat groats in your Bosch blender!

Issue: 7
Your source for fine kitchen equipment from Bosch, L'Equip, and more...
In This Issue
Carbs vs. Proteins
New Grains for Our Diet
Oat Flour Recipes
Customer Corner
Tips for the Harried Woman
Customer Corner

Bosch Universal Plus Mixer

We have begun making bread.  I watched your DVD over and over and the kids and I had so much fun learning to make it.  We were able to make 2 pizzas, 2 dozen cloverleaf rolls for Thanksgiving, cinnamon rolls, and 2 loaves of bread the first time we tried.  The next week I had to make 6 loaves of bread and cinnamon rolls and now it looks like I need to make some again.  We are going through it so fast. Everyone loves it!

Kimberly B., Japan

Have a customer comment you'd like to share? Email me!
Tips for the Harried Woman

How do you handle life when it throws you a curve ball?  Life is full of what I call Ebenezers in our lives.  These are milestones which mark levels in our lives where we are given a choice on how to react to our curve balls.   God gives us a chance to spread our wings and grow to a new level with Him; or we can dig our heels in and react to the milestone with bitterness and dismay that life is so unfair.  Just as we watch our children grow at different stages into a more mature person, God is growing us, His children, to maturity through our milestones.  I encourage you to look at this past year and see God in all the circumstances and use that as a springboard to know that He holds tomorrow and this coming year in the palm of His hand.  I am so thankful that nothing takes God by surprise.  Read my blog for a past Ebenezer that I had about home schooling.  It is rather humorous with what God used to get my attention. :)
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 Encouraging Thoughts:

"If you believe, you will get anything you ask for in prayer" (Matthew 21:22).  Don't reduce this grand statement to the category of new cars and paychecks...the selfish pool of perks and favors.  The fruit God assures is far greater than earthly wealth.  His dreams are much greater than promotions and proposals.

God wants you to fly.  He wants you to fly free of yesterday's guilt.  He wants you to fly free of today's fears.  He wants you to fly free of tomorrow's grave.  Sin, fear, and death.  These are the mountains He has moved.  These are the prayers He will answer. That is the fruit He will grant.  This is what He longs to do.

from: "And the Angels Were Silent"

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