Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 8 No. 34                      August 27, 2012 
In This Issue


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Diamond Rio publicity shot

FCC Suspends Special Access Pricing Flexibility and Plans to Issue Comprehensive Data Collection Order
On Aug. 22, the FCC suspended, on an interim basis, rules allowing for automatic grants of pricing flexibility for special access services in light of significant evidence that these rules, adopted in 1999, are not working as predicted and fail to accurately reflect competition in today's special access markets. The FCC also announced that it would soon issue a comprehensive data collection order that will help craft permanent replacement rules.

In a statement about the FCC's action, COMPTEL CEO Jerry James said: "We commend the Commission for taking this important step in developing pro-competitive policies for the broadband market. For years, COMPTEL has advocated that the framework for pricing of special access is broken and reform was long overdue. With this order, the Commission acknowledges that changes must be made in order to ensure that businesses across America can continue to benefit from competition and the innovative broadband services our members provide. We look forward to working with the Commission on its forthcoming market analysis. And, we appreciate that the Commission has suspended its pricing flexibility standards as it prepares to further collect and examine industry data that will provide a true picture of the market. This action will prevent competitive providers from facing excessive price increases while the analysis is completed and further reforms are pursued."
Discount Registration Deadline Extended to Friday
If you still haven't registered for the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2012 Convention & EXPO, you can still take advantage of discounted registration rates.  We've extended deadline to  register and receive the lower rate until this Friday, August 31.

After registering for COMPTEL PLUS, make sure you book your accommodations at our host hotel, the Gaylord Texan.  Rooms are selling fast - don't miss out! Also, be sure to register for the Golf Tournament, and start planning by checking out the schedule at-glance and impressive list of speakers, and scheduling meetings using our interactive COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner.

 The Dealmakers Return for Monday Mixer 
While you're at COMPTEL PLUS, don't miss the Monday night performance by The Dealmakers, a musical rock band comprised of BTI Systems employees who are finalists in the 2012 Fortune Magazine Corporate Battle of the Band competition. The Dealmakers return to perform at COMPTEL PLUS after being the featured act at the COMPTEL 30th Anniversary Party in Las Vegas in Spring 2011. Open to COMPTEL PLUS attendees, the Monday Mixer will feature appetizers, cocktails and special prizes. This event, sponsored by BTI Systems, takes place in Grapevine C on Monday, October 8 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
COMPTEL Joins Comments on
Petition for Direct Access to Numbering Resources

On Aug. 23, COMPTEL and Level 3 Communications LLC submitted comments on the petition of, which seeks a waiver of rules allowing the VoIP provider direct access to numbering resources from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator and the Pooling Administrator. In opposing the petition, COMPTEL and Level 3 noted that does not meet the standard for waiver, nor does it address issues relating to number exhaust, routing, intercarrier compensation and interconnection.
Veryx Technologies Delivers Test Solutions
for Service Providers, Equipment Makers

In business for 10 years, Veryx Technologies provides innovative test and measurement solutions for network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) and network service providers (NSPs). The company's test platform and test methodologies bring significant reduction in testing related investments while enhancing product quality and reducing time to market. Veryx ATTEST range of products is used for testing applications in service assurance, access, carrier Ethernet, data center, edge, enterprise, industrial networking and security.

Visit the COMPTEL website to read more about Veryx Technologies.
For more information on submitting a member profile, or updating an existing one, e-mail Anna Bayer or call 202-296-6650. 

All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

August 28       
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

September 4    Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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