Quick News & Tips from Your Friends at
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Welcome to Data Designs Publishing's Quick News & Tips!                                   June 2010
     The weather is beautiful as I write this and I'm hoping it's still beautiful when it gets e-mailed and you all receive it. Take the opportunity to grab your laptop or your blackberry or your IPAD and head for a bench outside & enjoy. Not that it'll take long to read - we design and write the e-newsletter to be quick & easy to read, but hey...anything for a break in the beautiful sun. Enjoy!
      Sandy Hovatter, sandy@DataDesignsPublishing.com, 419-660-0500
In This Issue
A Quick Survey - Help us help you!
Our Favorite New Website: www.ScheduleOnce.com
Marketing Tip of the Month - Social Media 101: An Introduction
Social Media Stars - Check out the best on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
Data Designs Publishing Website Gems
Adobe InDesign Tips
Life is More Than Making Money - What Phil & Sandy do in their time off!
A Quick Survey
How Can We Help You?
We've been doing desktop publishing for a very long time. A couple of years ago we added book publishing to our services. We are considering branching out in a couple of new directions but want your input. Will you take just two minutes (that's all, we promise), to complete this three question survey? Thanks so much! (Let us know you've completed the survey and we'll reduce your July invoices by 5% - see the coupon below.)

Our Favorite New Website:

ScheduleOnce Logo

I've just been introduced to this site in the past week and I've already used it to schedule four meetings.
It's a great free online tool to help you coordinate the schedules of many people to find a time suitable for all to meet. The first meeting I scheduled included eight participants from at least three different US time zones and the United Kingdom. With ScheduleOnce it was a breeze.

I started to write instructions for using the site, but trust me it's easy enough that you don't want them here. Just go to the site.

If you're a Google calendar or Gmail user, you can connect ScheduleOnce with your Google information for even easier coordination.

In the past I've used Tungle.me for group scheduling. I found ScheduleOnce to be much easier. Click on the ScheduleOnce logo or web address above to get to the site.
Marketing Tip of the Month
Social Media 101: An Introduction

Facebook Logo  LinkedIn Logo
YouTube Logo
 Twitter Logo

Social media might seem like a fad, but it is rapidly becoming a gold mine in the marketing world. Here's a somewhat irreverent overview of each of the social media sites shown above.

Facebook is becoming more than the vehicle for your teenager uses to tell his or her friends what they're doing (or not doing) every minute of the day.

LinkedIn is the profession version of facebook, if you will - a place where professionals meet professionals and share what they're doing - perhaps not every minute but frequently throughout the day.

YouTube. We've all received links to ridiculous or ridiculously funny YouTube videos. For the longest time I thought that was all there was to YouTube. I was wrong. There is a great deal of really good content on YouTube, and it's not all that hard to find. Further, it can be a great place to post videos that promote your products or services.

Twitter is a world unto itself. I don't understand the person that tweets what they are doing every hour or so; nor do I understand the business that sends tweets every hour or more. Do people really think we have time to read all these tweets? I know I don't. However, Twitter is another social media venue that is increasing market share for those who use it well.

I do not pretend to be anything close to expert at social media. I am making an intent study of it, however and am beginning to use various social media in both our business and our ministries (see side bar articles - "Life is More Than Making Money").

In the coming issues, I'll focus on each venue and share insights about how you can improve your social media presence.

Social Media Stars -
Some of the Best at Social Media

Facebook Logo  Mari Smith's Facebook Fan Page is great. This links you to her "Welcome" tab, but check out how she uses her Wall and other tabs.
Data Designs Publishing Website News & Gems
NEWS: Well, we really can't quite announce it yet...
But we are really excited about the face lift that our website is getting. Watch for the official announcement in July!

Have you checked out our website lately? Here's just 2 things you'll find there:
5% off July
invoices  when
you mention this e-newsletter...
And More!
As a way of saying "thanks for reading our e-newsletter," if you mention it to us on the phone or via e-mail, we'll give you a 5% discount on your invoices created during the month July.

ALSO, if you complete the survey above, just send us an e-mail saying you've completed it and we'll discount your July invoices another 5%

We appreciate your business!
Offer Expires: July 31, 2010
Software Tips
Adobe InDesign CS3/4/5
Copy pages from one document to another.
We've recently discovered that you can copy WHOLE PAGES from one document to another quite easily in InDesign CS3, CS4 or CS5.
  1. Open both the source and destination InDesign files.
  2. Tile the two open files: Windows Menu > Arrange > Tile Vertically
  3. From the "Pages" panel, select the page(s) you want to copy to the destination document.
  4. Drag the page(s) onto the destination document. A dialog box will appear asking you to identify where you want the new page(s) placed.
That's it! Easy-peasy...sort of.

Things to watch for:
* When you copy a page into an existing document, all styles used on that page will also copy to your destination document. This is fine if you want the styles added to your document.
* If there is already a style of the same name, the content on the newly added page will take the characteristics of the style as it is defined in the destination document.

To avoid these issues, prior to copying your page:
  1. Select all styles from the styles panel.
  2. Click on the trash can at the bottom right of the panel to delete all the styles.
  3. Select "[No Paragraph Style]" and check "Preserve Formatting" in the Delete Paragraph Style dialog box.
  4. Click "OK."
Some Final Tips
* Remember to re-assign styles after copying the pages to your new document.
* If you copy pages often, use styles consistently from document to document. It will save you tons of time.

Life is More
Than Making Money
In Our Spare Time...
We're thinking that many of you don't know what we do in our spare time. And it's about time you did!

Sandy has been writing a blog for more than three years. She describes ApprehendingGrace.com as addressing the intersection of faith and life by helping readers take hold of the grace that God has for them every day.

ApprehendingGrace.Com Banner

"I often find that during the week, whether through reading the Bible or the circumstances of an ordinary day, God shines His light on some Truth that He wants me to learn. It's with some apprehension that I share some of these Truths (because they often reveal weaknesses in me), but I've found that many others share the same needs and weaknesses that I have. I love it when people comment on a blog to say that what I've written has helped them."

In addition to her blog, Sandy is an ordained minister and preaches regularly. She dreams of actually writing the several books that are in her head and speaking with more frequency. But she's oh, so thankful for Data Designs Publishing - it's what gives her the freedom to pursue these other passions.

Last year Phil established two affiliate marketing sites to help raise funds for Christian churches and ministries and other charitable organizations. With over 250 stores on the sites, if you need it, you can probably find it on these sites. Typically consumers purchase from the stores they would normally buy from, paying the same prices they would pay, but 50% of the commissions go to the worthy organization.

Just a Few of the Millers

"I don't think it's a secret to anyone that last year was a tough one. It was the worst year we've experienced in business and, having survived a heart attack that most don't survive, I wasn't able to spend a lot of time earning money even when we had work to do. But we had a very good friend who was planting a church and I wanted to help. At the same time Sandy was doing some research on affiliate marketing. The two subjects marinated in my mind and I began to get the idea of creating an affiliate marketing website where at least 50% of the commissions would go to the various ministries featured on the site. ShopOnline2Give.com was born. I later added ShopOnline4Charity.com to help raise funds for organizations other than churches and ministries."

ShopOnline4Charity.org Banner

Support worthy organizations by doing all your online shopping from ShopOnline2Give.com or ShopOnline4Charity.org.

If you're associated with an organization that would like to be included on the site, have a representative of the organization give Phil a call at our Data Designs Publishing office - 419-660-0500.

Thanks for reading our e-newsletter. If you experience any glitches, please let us know.
If you have a tip you'd like to share, let us know that, too. If we use it in a newsletter, we'll be happy to give you full credit for it.
Just a Few of the Millers
Sandra Hovatter
Data Designs Publishing  
Copyrights & Credits:
�2010, Data Designs Publishing, Norwalk, OH
Adobe, InDesign, Acrobat, and CS (Creative Suite) are registered trademarks of the Adobe Systems Incorporated.
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