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The AVN Asks - What's in a Name?

Freedom of speech A member of the Australian media has contacted the AVN to say that an unnamed group of medicos in Melbourne has started lobbying the government to force the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) Inc. to change its name.

According to the journalist, this group claims that the name - Australian Vaccination Network - is misleading.

"We are Australians; we are concerned with the issue of vaccination; and we are a network of thousands of individuals working together and with other organisations both here in Australia and overseas to ensure that freedom of choice and health rights are maintained. It is not up to a third party to say what we can and cannot call ourselves. The last time I checked, Australia was still a democracy. Will they be coming for our books next?" asked Meryl Dorey, AVN President.

"One has to wonder about the priorities of these doctors who are lobbying for the government to force a name change on a small organisation composed of health professionals, concerned health consumers and the families of vaccine-injured children while between 18,000 and 54,000 Australians are being killed every year by their treatments and mistakes. (http://www.medicalerroraustralia.com/).

"Why don't they clean up their own dirty laundry before attacking an organisation that has been lobbying for better healthcare, increased transparency and medical / pharmaceutical accountability for almost 20 years?"
Ms Dorey continued.

The Australian Vaccination Network has no intention of changing its name and any group or government department that believes it has the right to try and force us to do so will find themselves strenuously opposed.

Background information 
  • The name "Australian Vaccination Network, Inc." was first registered in 1996 and has been continuously used ever since.
  • The organisation's membership is made up of thousands of health professionals, parents and concerned citizens in every State and Territory as well as in several countries overseas including New Zealand, the United States, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Brazil, Chile and more.
  •  The AVN believes that all individuals should have the right to make free and informed decisions about every health issue. The government and the medical community have an obligation to facilitate these choices by not only providing up-to-date information, but also by funding independent research into the safety and efficacy of recommended medical procedures.
  • For over three years, the AVN has been under attack by several groups with pharmaceutical links who have resorted to death threats, abuse, harassment, cyberbullying and lies to try and force us to close our doors. Complaints against us are being submitted by these groups on an almost daily basis at an estimated costs of several hundred thousand tax-payer dollars. It is time for the government to call a halt to these vexatious claims and to hold the claimants personally liable for wasting the government's time and the taxpayer's money. 

For further information or to arrange an interview, contact:


Meryl Dorey - 02 6687 1699 or 0414 872 03

The Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.
PO Box 177
PH: 02 6687 1699 FAX: 02 6678 0894

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