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How does $1,500 in free advertising sound? |
If the idea of getting more than $1,500 in free advertising exposure sounds interesting to you, please read on! Living Wisdom and the Australian Vaccination Network have developed a range of new and very gorgeous advertising opportunities (please click on the thumbnails below to see larger views of these pages to get an idea of just how tempting this bonus is!) just in time for your Christmas and New Year's promotions. All you need to do to access this great offer is book 2 consecutive ads in Living Wisdom editions 4, 5 or 6 (out in August 2009, Nov 2009 and Feb 2010 consecutively) and you will receive one of the following bonuses, absolutely FREE!
- A 100-word illustrated advertorial (free with 1/2 - full page ad series booking - see first thumbnail below)
- A college ad (free with a 1/4 page or 1/3 page ad series booking - see the second and third thumbnails below)
Click on thumbnails to view larger size.

PLUS - you will receive a free ad on our web site (more than 15,000 unique hits a day!) and in our bi-monthly e-newsletters which are currently targeting over 4,000 readers in each issue. The total value of this offer is over $1,500!* Of course, you can always book one of these great spaces without the need for separate advertising - they are very reasonably-priced for even the most cash-strapped of businesses and are a great way to promote a special product or service you would like our interested readers to know more about. The collage ad includes your product artistically collaged on a full page with product, price and company details indexed beneath for only $125 including GST The Advertorial ad which includes up to 100 words about your product or business plus an image and contact details in your own section on a page with other advertisers is just $350 including GST. Contact Dianne Trussell - or 02 6687 0469 - for further details. *Please note - current advertisers can still take advantage of this great offer by extending their advertisement booking by 2 issues.
Sponsorship offer gets even better! |
As you may or may not know, the government has refused to allow the AVN to become a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) - despite the fact that they have admitted that we qualify. Their reasoning is that people who access our information may decide not to vaccinate. The government doesn't feel that this is in their best interests and therefore, they don't feel we should be supported in this way. As a result, your donations can't be tax deductible.
We have worked a way around this however by putting together a group of great sponsorship deals which allow you to support our very important work while still being able to deduct your payment as sponsorship of our e-newsletters and the inside edition.
We know you would do it for love anyway, but we would really like to make sure that you get back from us as much support as you have given so listed below is information on how you and your business or practice can benefit from sponsoring the AVN's publications.
N.B. Remember, there are only a few days to go before the end of the financial year so this is the BEST time to be finalising your donations for the current year. After all - who would you rather see getting your hard-earned dollars - the government that is trying to make vaccination compulsory or an organisation that is working to ensure that your rights will always be respected and protected? Please read below: $500 sponsorship* Includes :
- 2 100% cotton AVN or Living Wisdom T-Shirts in your choice of colour and size (for the full selection of AVN t-shirts
available, please click here). Value $66.00.
- 1 one-year membership to the AVN and subscription to Living Wisdom for a friend, colleague or patient. Value $50.00
Total value of this package is $116.00 for your tax deductible sponsorship.
$1,000 sponsorship* Includes:
- Free tickets to every single webinar the AVN presents over the next 12 months - this will include access to the archives of all webinars we have already presented - an estimated value of over $300
- 5 100% cotton AVN or Living Wisdom T-Shirts in your choice of colour and size (for the full selection of AVN t-shirts available, please click here). Value $132.00
- 3 one-year memberships to the AVN and subscriptions to Living Wisdom for friends, colleagues or patients. Value $150.00
- One month's advertising on the AVN Home Page. Value $250.00
Total value of this package is $832.00 for your $1,000 tax-deductible sponsorship. $2,500 sponsorship* - Best Value! Includes:
- Free tickets to every single webinar the AVN presents over the next 12 months - this will include access to the archives of webinars all webinars we have already presented - an estimated value of over $300
- 5 100% cotton AVN or Living Wisdom T-Shirts in your choice of colour and size (for the full selection of AVN t-shirts available, please click here). Value $132.00
- 3 one-year memberships to the AVN and subscriptions to Living Wisdom for a friend, colleague or patient. Value $150.00
- 6-month's advertising on the AVN home page (Left-Hand Column ad). Value $1,500.00
Total value of this package is $2,082 for your $2,500 tax-deductible sponsorship.
Renewal notices just posted |
More than 400 notices were sent out earlier this week to AVN members and subscribers, alerting them to the fact that their subscriptions and memberships have expired and should now be renewed. We know how much you all have on your plates, but if you could see to these renewals as quickly as possible, we would consider it a great kindness. We truly need your support - without you - there is no AVN. And without the AVN - well, there is no support for you. So please, get those payments off in the mail today and help the AVN to continue to perform its vital work in educating and supporting Australians. Just to remind you - subscription to our magazine, Living Wisdom, is $44 / year and membership to the AVN is $22. If you would like to both subscribe and be a member - the cost is $50 / year - a savings of $16.00 and the best value. Please click here to read more about the benefits of subscription and membership.
Autism Ad |
We are entering the home stretch folks. On June 14th in our last e- newsletter, I put out an appeal for the final $8,000 needed to get our ad regarding the connection between autism and vaccination into all of the Copland Publishing magazines (Sydney's Child, Melbourne's Child, etc.). We have raised about 1/2 of that $8,000 but, like the saying goes (sort of!), you can't be a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead. $4,000 won't get the ad in these publications - we need another $4,000 and we only have 3 days to get it. Look at the sponsorship offer in the column above - you can direct your sponsorship towards this ad if you'd like and we will put you in as a sponsor of the e-newsletter whilst directing the funds towards this effort. You will be able to deduct this off of your taxes and we will be able to reach about 500,000 parents, doctors, clinic sisters and other interested parties across Australia. It's now or never - please help us get this ad off the ground. It could be the biggest and best action we have ever taken to raise the profile of vaccine injuries in Australia.
Health month |
Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination Vaccine against the 'swine flu' will be ready in July. It has been developed in half the time it used to take to develop flu vaccines due to Baxter International's patented technology. This means about 13 weeks from drawing board to injection instead of the usual 26. Never mind time for testing to see if it is safe. You remember Baxter, don't you? It is the company that in February delivered seasonal flu vaccine to 18 countries that was laced with live "bird flu" virus.
With the declaration earlier this month by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the "swine flu" has reached pandemic Level 6 (they had to change the definition of level 6 to make this determination work), a whole series of bureaucratic prerogatives have been triggered, and local, state, national, and international agencies have been further empowered. In the U.S., all laws and conditions are now in place to see to it that you are forced to be injected with the new 'swine flu' vaccine, whether you want to be or not. In the U.S., the government is now able to mandate universal mass vaccinations at gunpoint. (for our readers in Australia, please refer to the Taking Action section of Living Wisdom Number 3 for information on how this same exact series of events can take place here and how it will affect you as well as what steps you should take to protect yourself from falling victim to compulsory vaccination and medication.) Click here and here to read more
Vaccine Doctor Given at Least $30 Million Dollars to Push Vaccines Dr. Paul Offit of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia earned at least $29 million as part of a $182-million sale by the hospital of its worldwide royalty interest in the Merck Rotateq vaccine. The amount of income distributed to Offit could be as high as $46 million. Offit has refused to say how much he made from the vaccine. The high price placed on the patents raises concerns over Offit's use of his former position on the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to help create the market for rotavirus vaccine -- effectively, to vote himself rich.
Must see video - A look back at the future Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda
Here is the link for the soon-to-be-famous 1979 CBS 60 Minutes episode concerning the 1976 swine flu pandemic in USA and the massive vaccination that followed. Note that this episode was banned after its first showing on television. It is now being released publicly on the internet for the first time, after 20 years!!! Click here to read more The WHO Plays with Pandemic Fire According to information from within the World Health Organization in Geneva, the UN organization supposedly monitoring global health dangers, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan plans to declare a Phase 6 Official Pandemic Alert in the coming days. This bizarre act if declared would come at a time that the country which had to date reported far the latest number of suspected H1N1 cases, the USA, has simply arbitrarily stopped reporting new cases. Click here to read more
Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder As the anticipated July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.
New FDA Records Obtained by Judicial Watch Indicate 28 Deaths Related to Gardasil in 2008 Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documenting 28 deaths in 2008 associated with Gardasil, the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), up from the 19 deaths in 2007. The total number of Gardasil-related deaths is 47 since the vaccine was approved in 2006. Overall, the FDA documented 6,723 "adverse events" related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered "serious," and 142 considered "life threatening."
AVN Library |
New book Mother Warriors
A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds
by Jenny McCarthy 
A New York Times Bestseller!
Across the globe, parents are figting Herculean battles against an intransigent medical community that refuses to believe that autism can be healed. Mothers are going into battle for proper diagnois and effective treatment, often at great personal cost. Jenny McCarthy knows what it's like - she put her career and personal life on hold when she realised something was wrong with her son, Evan. Her efforts have brought growing awareness to the controversy over the causes and treatment of autism. Now, Jenny wants everyone to know that there are other warriors out there, and their stories will inspire and inform anyone facing a similar struggle. Jenny McCarthy lives in California with her son, Evan, and Jim Carrey. $23.00 Buy here
Miracles Do Come True
with John Hinwood
Thursday 23rd July 2009  at 7pm to 8.30pm
For the last 21 years, Australian chiropractor Dr John Hinwood has been handing out a small white card to almost everyone he has met. The card has just three words written on it "Expect a Miracle" John estimates he has handed out almost 70,000 cards. John is a crusader for a better life for people. He believes that most people are not aware of the opportunities in their lives.
Don't miss out on your opportunity to hear this amazing man speak and have the opportunity to have him answer you questions afterwards.
Enhancing your child's health with chiropractic care by Suzanne Labrie
Thursday 6th of August 2009 at 7pm to 8.30pm
How to help your child (or yourself!) achieve their potential. Attention Deficit Disorder, behavioural issues, other learning difficulties and immune system dysfunction. The role of Chiropractic There are many factors that contribute to the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and related conditions, which can be part of learning difficulties, other behavioural issues and/or just generally compromised health. The chiropractic perspective is to investigate which of the structural, biochemical, and stress factors are involved which may contribute to the cause. One of the key issues is a lack of focus and concentration in an otherwise bright and creative child (or adult). This can often be from cranial faults (ie the bones in the head) and/or stress and/or toxicity, causing subsequent neurotransmitter imbalances and structural faults that can affect eye tracking etc.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the nervous system which make the nerves work properly and toxicity can prevent the enzymes from converting substances to their active form in order to make this happen.
The child (or adult) may be in constant "fight or flight" which can cause many immune system problems which may actually be the patients main symptoms. This seminar will give you an idea of where to start in terms of what your child might need and show some of the many options available to parents for any child to realise their potential, no matter what their symptoms.
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