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July 2009

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Baby Beehinds ad



Two weeks left - please don't let this effort go to waste! 


It has been almost 3 months now since we began our drive to raisehourglass enough funds to put a full-page ad into the Copland Publishing magazines (Sydney's Child, Melbourne's Child, etc.) This publication is sent out to all clinics, surgeries and many other venues and is read by a huge number of new mums and mums-to-be all over Australia.
We need to raise $23,000 in total and if we get 2/3 of the money, the American organisation, Generation Rescue, will give us the other 1/3.
So far, we have raised $7,000 and we need to raise another $8,000 before Generation Rescue will give us the rest. I feel that we have given it a really good go, but it's time to say there needs to be a time limit.
We cannot get the media to cover this issue from our side at all. They still insist that there is no evidence that children are becoming autistic as a result of vaccination. We know this is not the case. The US Vaccine Court knows this is not the case. But the average Australian mum and dad has no idea.
It is vital that we get this information out there. It will blow the roof off of the claims by our government, our medical community and others who want to continue the cover-up of this issue.
Please, if you have not already donated towards this cause (please click here to read more about this effort and to see a copy of the ad), do so today. If you can, forward this letter (using the link below) to your friends, family, workmates or anyone else who has an interest in child health.
Today, is Monday, June 15th. We will give it until Monday, June 29th to raise the rest of these funds. Your help and support are very much appreciated.
Oh, one other VERY IMPORTANT thing. When you make your donation via our website, please use this link so we will know to direct your donation towards this fundraising appeal? It is for a $20 donation. If you want to donate more, just change the quantity (in other words, if you want to donate $100, just change the quantity to 5 and that will be 5 X $20 or $100 in total).
If you would prefer to donate via internet banking or deposit to our bank account, please use the following details;
Westpac Account
Account name
- Australian Vaccination Network, Incorporated
BSB - 032 591
Account number - 188223
Please be sure to leave your name as identification and also, you must email [email protected] to let her know that you have just deposited funds and that this deposit should be directed to the Autism Ad Appeal.
Thank you in advance for your help with this. Here's hoping we reach our goal!
All the best,
Meryl Dorey
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Swine Flu (H1N1)
As of this weekend, we have updated the information in our influenza information pack to include details of the Swine Flu outbreak (H1N1). This has substantially increased the size of the pack but we have kept the price the same. If you are interested in ordering one, please click on the link above.
I have also put and will continue to put information about this outbreak on our website. You will find those details by clicking on the link Pandemic Influenza. I am also continually updating our blog, nocompulsoryvaccination, with updated info on the influenza outbreak and other issues that affect our health. If you are not already following this blog, please do consider joining up and letting others know about it too.