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Legal update
legal updatesFor those of you who have been asking - which is a lot of people! - here is a very brief update on the two cases described earlier where DoCS has been trying to take children off of families due to their decisions not to vaccinate.

For the case in Sydney, this family is still in hiding awaiting any indication from either the Supreme Court of NSW or DoCS that it will be safe for them to bring their family back home. They have been speaking with an attorney which the AVN has helped them to find in NSW but so far, though DoCS has been making some conciliatory noises, the Supreme Court has not dissolved the order saying that their child can be removed and until this is done, they will have to stay where they are. We are hoping that by next week, we will have some better news but of course, regardless of what happens, we will keep you all informed.

With the case in QLD where 3 children were removed from a family after their youngest, a child born 9 weeks premature was injured by a Hep B vaccine, the family has retained an attorney which the AVN is helping to pay for thanks to the generosity of our members and others who believe that their children should not be kept away from loving parents simply because they don't want to vaccinate them. Aside from the FACT that there is no law making vaccination compulsory, in this family's case, this child has already been permanently injured by a vaccine (verified by expert medical reports presented in their court case) and is now blind and spastic as a result. According to the information received this morning, DoCS don't simply want to give this poor child another Hep B vaccine - they want him to receive all of his shots up to date including vaccines which are not even on the schedule yet like the 'flu vaccine.

We are desperate to help these families as I'm sure many of you are too. The estimate for defending the QLD case alone is somewhere in the area of $30,000 and we are nowhere near that as of yet. As you can see below, a challenge has been issued for large donations but don't feel that this means we don't need your help if you can't afford to give $500, don't worry! $5, $10 or $20 from each of you would go a very long way towards getting these cases heard and won and don't forget the AVN when you are donating. We are stretched beyond belief at this point in time and really need your assistance more than ever so please - if you have an extra few dollars there that you think you can spare, visit our web site and donate.

One last thing, speaking of our web site. We have had a few people email us to say that they had trouble accessing the site. We have also had email issues. I am unsure of why this is the case or of why this all seems to have started at the same time as our efforts on behalf of these families began, but we are trying to track down the source of the problem. If all of you could please click on this link - http://www.avn.org.au - and let us know if you have any issues in getting the page to open up, we would really appreciate it. Please note the error message you get and email the information to Janiece. We will give this information to the web people who are helping us.

Remember too that if you can't access the site but would like to help us financially, you can either FAX your donation to us on 02 6687 2032 or direct deposit the funds to AVN Gift, BSB: 032 591 Account number: 196282. Be sure to email the details of your donation to Judy so she can send you an emailed receipt and to leave your name as identification as well.

Thank you so much for your help - together we will make Australia a safe place for caring and informed parents to raise their families.
fighting fund1
Donation challenge race flag
The following email has just been received by me. This person has already made a very generous donation and they are challenging you to do the same. The gauntlet has been thrown down folks - who will take up the challenge? I am starting the counting now - can we get another 10 X $500 donations (or more) happening? I will let this anonymous donor and the rest of you know as soon as we've reached our goal. Ready....set....GO!
Please don't forget while you're at it, to make a small donation to the AVN as well. 

Dear Meryl
After the newsletter today I would like to donate more to the fighting fund.
Can you let people know that if a further 10 people donate $500 each (or more) for this critical issue I will donate a further $500. Annonomously.
It could be any family in this position - if we act now it won't be all unvaccinated families.
Thanks again for your untiring work and generosity of spirit
Kind regards
Name withheld upon request
AVN donation 2
Call out for volunteers 
LW1 cover shaddowWe are expecting the first issue of Living Wisdom to arrive at our office in Newrybar during the week 22nd - 26th September. We would really appreciate the help of any of our local members (and by local we mean anyone from Coffs Harbour to the Southern Gold Coast) to assist us with the distribution of the magazine. If you are coming from far away, please make a day of it and visit our great organic markets, beaches, cafes and other local attractions. Please email Janisse if you are available. It is simple repetitive work with plenty of time for a social chat while we work. We have had very few volunteers for the last couple of issues, so if you are able to help us we would be very grateful for your support. The final dates will be posted when we have been notified by the printing company.
fighting fund3
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