CAN 2010 masthead

June 20, 2012 

Medicaid Coverage for Parents

States provide medical coverage for most low-income children, with the help of CHIP and Medicaid, but, by and large, the parents of these children do not have coverage. Georgetown University Health Policy Institute has released a new study called Medicaid Coverage for Parents Under the Affordable Care Act that estimates that 4.9 million parents who earn 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or less will be eligible for Medicaid by 2014 under the health reform law. Texas is home to a larger number of these new, potentially eligible parents than any other state.


In its Texas Fact Sheet, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute estimates that there are 1.8 million uninsured parents in Texas and 40% of them, or 710,000, earn less than 133% FPL and are potentially eligible for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Most of these parents' children have medical coverage under CHIP or Medicaid or are eligible, but not enrolled.  Some characteristics of these parents are...

  • 55% of these potentially eligible parents work full or part-time.
  • 58% are Hispanic.
  • 51% speak Spanish in the home.
  • 72% live in a home where all family members are citizens and another 27% live in homes of mixed citizenship.



The Rise of Asian Americans 

Asian Americans graphA national survey by the Pew Research Center  notes that Asians are now the largest immigrant group in the United States. The report notes, "Asian Americans are the best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the United States. They are more satisfied than the general public with their lives, finances and the direction of the country, and they place more value than other Americans do on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success."  

Imagine Austin Unanimously Approved 

Imagine Austin logoAfter two and a half years of work and the input of thousands of Austin residents, the Austin City Council has unanimously adopted a new Comprehensive Plan. Imagine Austin will guide the City of Austin's growth, policies, infrastructure and service investments through 2039.


The Imagine Austin Plan identifies community priorities for sustainability, livability, mobility, equity and prosperity. The plan envisions a city of "complete communities" where residents can easily meet everyday needs close to their homes, jobs, schools and more. Imagine Austin calls for household affordability and healthy foods across Austin; good roads and ways to get around with or without a car; excellent schools and paths to prosperity for all; more connected activity centers; and a creative and diverse community that values and respects each other.


In This Issue
Rise of Asian Americans
Imagine Austin Adopted
Financial Tool Kit
Report on Minority Health
Improving Transit in the North Corridor
Low-Income Energy Summit
Travis County Community Development Action Plan
HIV Testing Day
Grants to Fund Transit Options
Immigrant Services
2-1-1 Training
CAN Focus on Early Education and Economic Development  
CAN Events Calendar
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Financial Tool Kit

Financial ToolkitUnited Way for Greater Austin has released a new Financial Toolkit that provides simple, useful information to help individuals understand the financial resources, products, and services in the community. The Financial Toolkit will be distributed to local employers and non-profits throughout the Greater Austin area with the goal of providing employees and clients assistance with their financial situations.

The Toolkit is a factual, convenient and easy-to-follow resource that addresses common financial issues, such as tax preparation, pay day lending, sub-prime credit cards, credit counseling, credit repair, debt management and consolidation, check cashing, identification needed to open a bank account, and much more.

The Financial Toolkit was made possible by a grant from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.  It can be downloaded at  There are also a limited number of 4 tier display racks, brochures and posters that can be displayed in businesses' break rooms or lobby. For more information, please contact Faith Ryan at

National Report on Minority Health

The Hogg Foundation and the federal Office of Minority Health have released a consensus report that provides a framework for eliminating health disparities by integrating behavioral health and primary care services.   "Eliminating Health Disparities through a Culturally & Linguistically Centered Integrated Health Care Approach" identifies strategies that are successfully being employed by integrated health and behavioral health care practices.


The consensus statements and recommendations are designed to inform a broad audience of health and behavioral health care providers, educators, advocates, consumers, youth and families, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders on health equity for all through integrated health care.


Project Connect: North Corridor

Project Connect North CorridorSix of the ten most congested roads in Texas are located in the Central Texas North Corridor which includes Georgetown, Round  Rock, Pflugerville and Central Austin.  Project Connect, a collaborative effort of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, the City of Austin, Capital Metro, and the Lone Star Rail District, is beginning a new effort to identify public transportation projects and services to improve mobility and access in the North Corridor.


An Open House with maps and staff to answer questions will be held Thursday, June 21st, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Austin Energy Assembly Room, 721 Barton Springs Road. Free parking is available at Palmer Auditorium.

Austin Energy Hosts Low-Income Energy Summit
Austin Energy has made recent changes and improvements to its Customer Assistance Program (CAP) for low-income utility customers. Now that City Council has voted to increase electric rates for the utility, the CAP program will become even more important for the people who qualify.

Austin Energy will host a full-day low-income energy summit on Thursday, June 28th, at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol. The summit will provide an opportunity to learn about the new Customer Assistance Program and electric rates, network with other service providers, and provide input to Austin Energy on how the program can be improved. The event is free, but registration is required. Register on-line at
Travis County Seeks Input on Community Development Action Plan
Travis County invites public comments on its Action Plan for spending an estimated $896,341 in federal Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). These grants, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, are to benefit low- to moderate-income residents who live in the incorporated areas of Travis County or in the village of Webberville. CDBG activities are aimed at revitalizing neighborhoods, improving affordable housing options and providing improved community facilities and services.

The County began accepting comments on the proposed Action Plan this week and will continue to accept them through July 17th at 5 p.m. Comments can be provided by mail or email or at two public hearings to be held before the Travis County Commissioner's Court on Tuesday, June 26th at 9 a.m. or on Tuesday, July 10th at 9 a.m.  A draft of the Action Plan and more information about how to provide public comment can be found on the Travis County Community Development Block Grant website.

National HIV Testing Day

HIV Testing DayThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 20% of all people infected with HIV are not aware that they have the disease.  Early detection is important to improve quality of life and to protect partners and family members. 


The Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department is offering free and confidential HIV testing. People can receive free HIV testing on National HIV Testing Day, Wednesday, June 27th. Testing is available without appointment and on a walk-in basis from 1 - 7 p.m. at the Rosewood-Zaragosa Gym, 2800 Webberville Road.


Try this HIV Testing locator site to find other HIV testing locations.

Apply for Grants to Fund Transit Options for Low-Income Clients

The Capital Metro Board of Trustees has allocated $250,000 to a Basic Needs Transportation Fund, administered through the Austin Community Foundation, to provide transit assistance to low-income, transit-dependent people. A Basic Needs Transportation Fund Board is now accepting applications for proposals in two areas:

  1. Bus passes for homeless, refugee and/or the working poor, and
  2. Twelve-month demonstration projects to provide services in areas that are under-served by transit, but located within the Capital Metro service area.

Proposals will be considered by the Basic Needs Transportation Fund Board, which includes representatives of non-profit organizations, Capital Metro, and transit users. The deadline for applications is Friday, June 29th by 5 p.m.  For more information, visit the One Voice Central Texas website

Immigrant Services Resource Fair for Case Managers   

The Social Services Case Manager's Network will host an Immigrant Services Resource Fair on Friday, July 20th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Goodwill Community Center, 1015 Norwood Park Blvd.  The resource fair provides an opportunities for case managers to learn about programs and services available to immigrant clients, and allows those serving immigrant clients to let other agencies know of the services they provide.  For more information, contact 

2-1-1 Training

Help2-1-1 Texas offers free monthly trainings on when to use 2-1-1 Texas and how to search the 2-1-1 Texas database to find information about available community resources. The targeted audience for these trainings is social services professionals and volunteers. Registration for the training sessions, offered the last Friday of each month, is not required.


Training sessions  are held on the last Friday of every month at  2 p.m. at United Way for Greater Austin, 2000 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and last about an hour and a half.  For more information, call 2-1-1 and select option 1 or email Amy Price at 





    Working to promote equity and opportunity.


Community Action Network (CAN) is a partnership of government, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations who work together to enhance the social, health, educational and economic well-being of Austin/Travis County.  As a convener, connector and informer, CAN:

- enhances awareness of community issues,

- connects efforts and strengthens partnerships across issue areas, and

- provides a collaborative forum for developing strategies that promote equity and opportunity for all.

CAN Partners:  Austin Chamber of Commerce, Austin Community College, Austin Independent School District, Austin Travis County Integral Care, Capital Metro, Central Health, City of Austin, Community Justice Council, interfaith Action Central Texas (iACT), One Voice Central Texas, Seton Healthcare Family, St. David's Foundation, St. Edward's University, Travis County, United Way for Greater Austin, University of Texas at Austin, and Workforce Solutions - Capital Area.


CAN Issue Area Groups:  Aging Services Council, Behavioral Health Planning Partnership, Central Texas Afterschool Network, Child & Youth Mental Health Planning Partnership, Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, HousingWorks, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Coalition, Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, Ready by 21, Reentry Roundtable, Regional Transit Coordination Committee and Success by Six.