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September 7, 2011 

Wildfires Spread Destruction

See how fast wildfire spreads - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official]
See how fast wildfire spreads - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official]

The Texas Forest Service has responded to 181 wildfires over the past week and reports more than 700 homes were destroyed by fire over the Labor Day weekend.  Check the Texas Forest Service website for the latest information and a link to a Google Earth map of the fires in Texas., a project of the Austin Community Foundation has a list of ways people can help victims of the Central Texas fires.

Proposed Residential Rate Increase

Austin energy logoIn its first rate restructuring in 17 years, Austin Energy is recommending an overall increase of 13% in its residential rates. However, customers that use the least energy, less than 300 kilowatt hours per month, would see an increase of 60% in their average monthly bill.    The monthly bills for customers using more electricity would increase by 11% to 17%.   The major driver for the higher residential bills is a monthly Customer Charge and an Electric Delivery charge which together total $25 a month for each residential customer.


The Electric Utility Commission will hold three more public hearings on the proposed rates.  The next one will be held on Monday, September 19th at 6 p.m. See the rate proposals, read the report and learn about opportunities for public input at


High Energy Bills Got You Down?

This unusually hot summer has driven electricity usage to record levels.  This means summer utility bills have been higher than usual.  City of Austin utility customers who are behind in paying their electric bills now have until September 28th to sign up for a one-time six-month payment plan. Customers can use the six-month payment option by paying one-third of their delinquent total and paying the rest in equal installments over six months along with their monthly utility bill. 


Customers currently receiving benefits through various assistance programs may be eligible for the City of Austin Utility Discount Program.  The program provides utility discounts of about $400 a year for an average customer. Currently, almost 10,000 customers participate in the program.


Learn more about these and other Austin Energy programs to help people keep their cool in these hot summer months.


One in Five Households are Food Insecure

A report released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Household Food Security in the United States finds that almost one out of every five Texas households did not have enough food at some time during the last year. Texas ranked second only to Mississippi in the percent of households that were food insecure. 


In This Issue
Austin Energy Proposes Rate Increase
Help Paying Utility Bills
Texas Food Insecurity
Rethinking Airport Blvd
Texas Children Unisured
Probation Department an Example for Reform
The New "Jim Crow"
Race - The Power of an Illusion
Skillpoint College & Career Expo
Community Resources 101

Butler Award Nominations Open

The Spirit of Collaboration Butler Award, named for former CAN Executive Director Fred Butler, recognizes efforts that have brought people, organizations, and groups together to address community needs.  Collaborations may be CAN Issue Area Groups or other collaborative initiatives in Austin and Travis County that help to further the mission and vision of Community Action Network.   
Nominations close Oct. 28th.  Click here to learn more.   

Small Business Development

The CAN Community Council meeting on Monday, Sept. 19th will focus on programs and resources to help grow and develop small businesses. The meeting will be from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Boards and Commissions Room at Austin City Hall and will be broadcast and streamed live on Cable Channel 6

Deadline to Apply for CAN Community Council is Sept 30

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Airport Boulevard...Austin's Next Great Urban Destination

airport blvdThe City of Austin will launch a public planning process focused on the future of Airport Boulevard from Mueller to Midtown Commons with a Kickoff Reception next Tuesday, September from 5 - 9 p.m. at our Lady's Mennonite Catholic Church, 1320 East 51st Street. The City of Austin is working with Airport Boulevard owners, users, neighbors and other stakeholders to create a vision for rail service, revitalized neighborhoods, popular local businesses, and a new future for Highland Mall.  Learn more at


Texas Children Least Likely to Be Insured

doctor and girlA report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation finds that Texas accounts for 16% of all children in the U.S. who are eligible for CHIP/Medicaid, but who are not enrolled.  Texas tied with Florida for the lowest level of participation by eligible children in these public health insurance programs.

The report finds that many states have made strides in insuring children, and sixteen states have participation rates topping 90%.  However, about 4.3 million children who qualify for public insurance remain uninsured.  In Texas, the state-wide participation rate in CHIP/Medicaid for eligible children was 70%. 


Travis County Probation Office Featured in National Policy Guide

The Council of State Governments Justice Center has released a guide for policymakers committed to reducing the likelihood that probationers will wind up back in jail.  The Guide for Transforming Probation Departments to Focus on Recidivism Reduction describes how policymakers can engage key stakeholders, evaluate agency policies, and develop a strategic plan for implementing reform.  

The Travis County probation department is used as an example of how the steps can be carried out.  Since transforming its operations between 2005 to 2008, the Travis County probation department has seen felony probation revocations decline by 20% and the one-year re-arrest rate for probationers fall by 17%.     

The New "Jim Crow"

Jim Crow author
Dr. Michelle Alexander
Noted author Michelle Alexander will speak about her book "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" on Friday, September 23rd at 7 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church.  The book argues that the mass incarceration of African American men has created a racial under-caste subject to legalized discrimination and social exclusion.

Alexander is a professor at Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. She also has taught at Stanford Law School, where she served as director of the Civil Rights Clinic.  She began teaching after directing the Racial Justice Project of the ACLU of Northern California, which spearheaded the national campaign against racial profiling.

Race - The Power of an Illusion

CASA of Travis County and the Center for the Healing of Racism will host workshops on "Race -The Power of an Illusion."  The goal of the workshop is to explore, discuss and deepen understanding about racial disproportionality and disparities.  Workshop participants will screen a 3-part PBS documentary entitled Race - The Power of an Illusion with an in-depth discussion following each segment.  The workshop will be offered on Tuesday, October 25th and again on Wednesday, October 26th.  Social work Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are available. For more information, email

Skillpoint Alliance College and Career Expo

Skillpoint ExpoOn October 6th over 3,000 high school juniors and seniors will converge on the Palmer Events Center for the Fifteenth Annual Skillpoint Alliance College and Career Expo.  Employers, colleges, universities and workforce training programs are invited to help students understand options available to them after high school.  For information, visit the Skillpoint Alliance College & Career Expo website.

Learn to Use 2-1-1 to Connect People to Resources


Community Resources 101 is a free training for volunteers and front line staff on how to use 2-1-1 to refer people to the help they need.  Classes are held the last Friday of every month from 2-4 p.m. at the United Way, 2000 E. MLK Boulevard.  Call 2-1-1 the day of the training to confirm that the training is taking place.





    Working to promote equity and opportunity.


Community Action Network (CAN) is a partnership of agencies, organizations and individuals who work together to enhance the social, health, educational and economic well-being of Central Texas.  CAN's role is to enhance awareness of community issues, strengthen partnerships, and support collaborative strategies to promote equity and opportunity.

CAN Partners:  Austin Chamber of Commerce, Austin Community College, Austin Independent School District, Austin Travis County Integral Care, Capital Metro, Central Health, City of Austin, Community Justice Council, interfaith Action Central Texas (iACT), One Voice Central Texas, Seton Healthcare Family, St. David's Foundation, St. Edward's University, Travis County, United Way Capital Area, University of Texas at Austin, and Workforce Solutions - Capital Area.


CAN Issue Area Groups:  Aging Services Council, Basic Needs Coalition, Behavioral Health Planning Partnership, Central Texas Afterschool Network, Child & Youth Mental Health Planning Partnership, Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, HousingWorks, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Coalition, Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, Ready by 21, Reentry Roundtable, Regional Transit Coordination Committee and Success by Six.