Fenton High School Guidance Department E-Newsletter
March 2012
Coming Events
Scholarship deadlines approaching
COD Application Night at Fenton
ACT National Test at Fenton on April 14
How to make the most of a campus visit
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Dear Fenton students and parents,


Welcome to the current issue of the Fenton Guidance Department E-Newsletter.  We hope that you will find this newsletter to be a valuable and helpful source of information as you navigate your way through the high school years and the college planning process. 

The Fenton Guidance Department
Scholarship information for seniors

Seniors are encouraged to visit the Fenton website for an updated list of available college scholarships. On this webpage, students will find three additional links to an Online Scholarship Bulletin, Scholarship Resources, and Community Scholarships. Students should read through each scholarship listed and note the criteria and approaching deadlines. Scholarships listed under "Community Scholarships" are guaranteed to be awarded to a Fenton student. Click here to access the scholarships page on the website.  If you have questions or need assistance with an application, please contact Sarah McDougal at (630) 860-4811 or via e-mail.

College of DuPage application night
COD will be hosting COD Application Night on Monday, March 12 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Fenton in room 128.  College of DuPage admissions and financial aid representatives will be on hand to help senior students and their parents complete their FAFSAs and their COD applications.  If you have any questions about this event, please contact counselor Freddy Cano at (630) 860-4797 or via e-mail. 

Juniors: April ACT national test deadline quickly approaching


The Prairie State ACT test that all junior students take on April 24 at Fenton does not include the optional writing portion.  Many universities require that you take an ACT test with writing.  The guidance department recommends that you take the ACT National test on Saturday, April 14 at Fenton.  This test can include the writing portion needed for college admission.  The cost of the test is $49.50 and you must register online by March 9.  The cost includes sending your scores to four colleges of your choice.  We highly recommend you send your scores directly from ACT.  It can delay your admission decision and will cost $10.00 per school if you don't include the schools on your registration form.  If you have questions, please contact your student's counselor for more information.   


Click here to register online for the ACT. 


Making the most of a campus visit


Spring is a popular time of year to visit college campuses.  Visiting the campus before applying to the school is highly recommended, as it will give you a sense of whether or not it is a good fit for you.  To read about how to make the most of a campus visit, click here for an article entitled "Campus Visit Checklist: Make the Most of Your Trip."



The Fenton High School Guidance Department is here to help you and your student.  Please do not hesitate to contact your student's counselor for information on college planning, careers, standardized testing, academic assistance, or social/emotional issues. 

Also, please make sure to visit our website to access a wealth of information on college planning, careers, financial aid, scholarships, testing, college visits, and other upcoming events.