Dixon Studio
now offers vestments from the finest European & American sources!
Not the same old suppliers in the big old catalogs... These are unique and
exquisite creations from skilled artisans.
See samples of the new Dixon collection: dixoncatalog.com

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a newsletter from Dixon Studio - August 2011 |
Summer in the Studio It's been a long, hot summer, with some cool news to pass along...
We have worked on various church beautification projects, involving new windows, old statues, and custom woodwork. We have transformed a chapel, tweaked a facade, and polished a few halos --on statues, not employees (or clients).
All the while, we have been adding to our catalog offerings and updating our websites. Check them out now and check back this fall, as we add more items and features!
Or, just contact the studio directly with your current 'wish list' and we will email you some specially selected options. |
Priestly Life Catalog 
Our catalog for clergy now has over 150 items!
All sorts of prayerful and practical things for
Sunday services or seasonal sabbaticals: artwork, books, clothing, mass kits, travel guides...
Celtic Cross Polo
And remember: all books are always on sale! |
The Studio Blog
Here at Dixon Studio, we're still creating medieval arts for a church that is two thousand years old...
So, we haven't exactly been in a hurry to join every new fad in social networking.
But, a mere dozen years after the term 'blog' was coined, we thought we'd try one on and see if you like our studio stories and other news, notes, and musings.
Click on 'annie's blog' on the studio website, or go to anniedixon.com. |
Art & Soul: the new studio journal
Did you receive your copy of the new studio journal in the mail?
Each issue will have a feature article by a colleague in the liturgical arts, along with information on current studio projects, and inspiration for your building / renovation / beautification project, as well as book reviews and whatever else looks interesting or helpful.
Next issue will focus on all things Marian... | |
 | Junk Mail? |  | |
We like to send news, notes, and helpful information to our clients and friends.
But, if you would prefer not to receive our emails, we won't take it personally
and we will promptly remove your name from our list. Just click the SafeUnsubscribe link below.
Or, if you really enjoy them, or have a question or suggestion, we'd love to hear from you.
Send an email to info@dixonstudio.com Or call: 800-619-1112.