Dixon Studio in the
Shenandoah Valley:
It's a Beautiful Thing
What better place to make beautiful things for the church than in "God's Country," as the Valley is known?
It is a place of natural beauty which has attracted many artists and businesses of a creative nature. Check out some of our favorites if you are planning a visit this way:
American Shakespeare Center
Barrenridge Winery
Blue Ridge Parkway
Frontier Culture Museum
Historic Staunton
Architectural Treasures
Staunton Augusta Farmers Market
Woodrow Wilson Birthplace Museum
& Presidential Library
Check our website for links to all of the above, as well as hotels and restaurants.
a newsletter from Dixon Studio - July 2009 |
Summertime in the Studio
The committees are on hiatus, parochial schools are closed, and even the pastor might get a few days of vacation. It's summertime!
But while things may slow down a bit at the churches, work continues in the studio. We are busy producing and installing stained glass windows, mosaics, and statues all summer long. Come see us, and our projects in progress!
Although the studio is not open to the general public, our clients and friends are cordially invited to visit. We do suggest you call ahead, as our site work makes for some irregular hours and days in the studio. But if your summer travels coincide with our schedule, we'd be glad to give you the grand tour, from showroom to art studio to fabrication facility --with a good helping of southern hospitality included.
See the sidebar for more information on visiting this lovely area, and the article below for information on projects in progress. |
On the Boards & In Production
On the boards, we are working on designs and shop drawings for stained glass windows, a soaring wooden reredos, an icon screen, and a grotto, as well as complete interior design for one planned church and one planning to renovate.
Currently in production, we are working our way through three large stained glass projects in Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, totaling 112 windows. 
At the same time, we continue to restore the century-old Franz Mayer windows at St. Francis Catholic Church, just around the corner. And preparations are being made for the installation of a mosaic at a columbarium next month... stay tuned! |
Summer Reading
Now is the time to catch up on reading...
From the practical to the pictorial, Dixon Books offers volumes of information and inspiration on religious art and architecture. Browse online at dixonbooks.com | |
Sweet Dreams...
Planning a visit to the studio? Want to stay a day or two and see the sights, taste the local fare, and relax in great place at a great rate? We have negotiated special rates for our visitors at one of the premier accommodations. Call Annie at the studio for more information: 800-619-1112. |
Junk Mail? |
We like to send news, notes, and helpful information to our clients and friends.
But, if you would prefer not to receive our emails, we won't take it personally
and we will promptly remove your name from our list. Just click the SafeUnsubscribe link below.
Or, if you really enjoy them, or have a question or suggestion, we'd love to hear from you.
Send an email to dixonstudio@earthlink.net Or call: 800-619-1112.
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