September 2009
Dixon Studio
stained glass &
church interiors
New Book! 
A practical and prayerful guide to
church building
and renovating
for pastors
and lay leaders.
Save 15%
on orders placed
in September!
Shop online at
New Catalog
the 2010
print catalog
is now available
Studio Snapshot:
This Week's Work 
out for delivery: 
1 crucifix
 2 votive stands
1 window
in the studio:
1 tabernacle
1 icon screen 
lots of windows

 on the boards:
1 ambo
1 custom statue
2 life size murals
lots of windows

in our dreams:
a week off

in our hearts:
�2009 Dixon Studio
a newsletter from Dixon Studio
Planning to Build or Renovate?
Remember to plan for the beautiful along with the practical. A Master Plan that includes statuary, furnishings, and appointments along with walls and roof will ensure that the end product works as well to bring the faithful in as it does to keep the elements out.
Your church may not be able to afford everything at once but if you select all items during your Master Plan process, it will make for a well coordinated interior even if it must be completed in phases. Keeping this information on file also will simplify the allocation of future donations and bequests --and maybe even inspire a few!
Contact Dixon Studio if you would like more information on our master plan checklist or a free consultation on the process.
Above right:
Tabernacle at St. Edward Catholic Church; in Richmond, Virginia
installed by Dixon Studio as part of a master plan in 2005 
church3Church Architecture Network 
Looking for an architect for your church building or renovation project?  Want to see examples of church architecture? Read articles?
Check out the
Church Architecture Network online!

Sponsored by Dixon Studio, this website has provided the most comprehensive and reliable collection of information and resources to the religious community for ten years.
Check it out today... and sign up for the free newsletter to stay informed of additional features to be added in the coming months.
CoronationNew Mausoleum Mosaic
Dixon Studio has installed a mosaic based on the painting Coronation of the Virgin (c. 1645) by Diego Velazquez at the Queen of Heaven Mausoleum Garden at St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Measuring approximately 6' wide x  7.5' high, the classic painting was enlarged and modified by studio designer Ronald Neill Dixon to make it suitable for fabrication in tiles, which was completed in Italy.  The mosaic was then shipped in sections back to Virginia and installed by our craftsmen.

This exquisite work was unveiled on August 22, 2009 and dedicated by Bishop Emeritus, Most Rev. Walter Sullivan.
See and read more by clicking on the image above, or by visiting our new
Photo Galleries on our website.
canopyAnother Man's Treasure
One of the most gratifying experiences for us at Dixon Studio is to make connections among our clients and colleagues, turning the obsolete into the unique.
Over the years we have found new homes for old items... moving a mosaic from basement storage in Virginia to a Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Florida ...refinishing vintage pews from a warehouse in Georgia and installing them in Virginia ...and most recently alerting one religious institution in need of additional seating to another only blocks away that was storing 50 lovely wooden chairs.
Our latest challenge is to find a home for a pulpit canopy (aka 'tester') from a recently remodeled Presbyterian church.
See the
description of this item on our catalog website and let us know if you or someone you know might be interested this or a monstrance ...or a piano ...or other assorted treasures.
And, let us know if you have items to move on... We work quietly among the churches, never posting on ebay, and moving these meaningful items to new church homes where they will be respected and appreciated.
Above left:
Shop drawing for pulpit canopy.
See a larger version and photos at on the
Vintage page at
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