June, 2007 Hilary Scott Fan Newsletter
Writing a new soundtrack to your life...
This newsletter is designed for all those fantastic Hilary Scott fans who want to know more about the artist, her music, upcoming gigs, the band....

We want this newsletter to be one of your favorites, so we invite feedback on how to make it better. Our contact information is listed at the end of the newsletter. Drop us a line!

Hello from Hilary Scott
Hilary Scott   Hilary Scott and the Hilary Scott Band
As the summer heats up, I get ready for big changes in my life and in the music. My seven years in Columbia, Missouri, have been wonderful for me as a person and as an artist. I've made so many friends, had a chance to be embraced by a town of music lovers, and met some of the best musicians (and best people) I've ever had the chance to know - my band members. With my eyes turned toward the future (and with some tears in them) I announce I will be moving to Seattle in mid-July; the next step on my road to hope. While in Seattle, I will be working on some exciting new projects and researching where my next permanent home will be.

While I will miss Columbia and its amazing people terribly, I am overjoyed to have the opportunity to return here several times a year for Hilary Scott Band performances at some of our favorite festivals and venues. I hope the absence will make our hearts fonder. We are looking forward to seeing all our friends out at the 4th of July Fire in the Sky Celebration. We will be playing from 8-9 pm on Faurot Field (University of Missouri's football stadium) and it will surely be a show to give me warm memories of mid-Missouri. I'm looking forward to being back in town in late August to play several shows in Columbia, including the Blues 'N Roots 'N BBQ festival, (September 7 and 8) which will be a great time.

So as Independence Day nears and I move onto the next phase of my journey, I want to thank Columbia, my home. I will miss you. You may be out of sight, but never out of mind.

Gig News
  Inside Columbia "Best of Columbia"
Come on out to one of the HSBand's favorites mid- Missouri venues - Cooper's Landing! This Saturday, June 23rd the Hilary Scott Band plays from 7-10pm at this relaxing and beautiful spot on the river. You can get delicious Thai food, enjoy live music, sit out by the campfire and commune with Goose! You need to come on out to see what that means - it's a great experience!

July 4th get your family together and come to Faurot Field (University of Missouri Football Stadium) and enjoy live music, the symphony and fireworks to celebrate Independence Day with Columbia's Fire in the Sky! The Hilary Scott Band plays from 8- 9pm. If it rains on the 4th, the entire celebration will take place on the 5th.

More Mid-Missouri dates will continue to be booked, and Hilary will be returning to the area in late August to play several shows including the Roots'n Blues 'n BBQ festival (including acts such as Taj Mahal and Tab Benoit) which takes place on September 7th and 8th. The exact day and time for the Hilary Scott Band performance TBA. Check out the festival's website for more information at: Roots 'n Blues 'n BBQ

Industry News
  Travelin' the road... Uncle Bo's Ad
Hilary has recently been asked to be part of a project entitled America's Songs. Spearheaded by Keith Colley, the project is meant to promote the artists involved and also present a compilation of songs geared toward a positive viewpoint of America. Hilary is writing a song for the project, and will record one or more with Mr. Colley at some point this summer either in Los Angeles, or in his Seattle-based studios.

Hilary was recently interviewed by Agnes Dautraix of France for her music website, The Sound of Musik. Hilary met Agnes through My Space, and the two immediately struck up a conversation about their favorite artists, and musicians that seem to cross international boundaries. Agnes mentioned that after having listened to some of Hilary's songs online, her favorites were My Friend and All Along. Agnes is not only an avid music lover, but a singer as well, having performed in several gospel choirs in her native country of France. Here is the link to the interview in English: The Sound of Musik , and to Agnes' blog in French: Le Baba Blog de Miss Lucy

Efforts to distribute Hilary's music through sales on European websites are beginning, and there is the possibility of a tour in Italy sometime in the late fall or early winter.

The Kansas City Rockers For Life compilation CD featuring Hilary Scott and other bands in the Kansas City vicinity is almost finished and will soon be available for sale. The Rockers For Life project is the brainchild of Illumina Records, and is a drunk driving prevention campaign targeted to young people. We'll bring you more information about this project in the August newsletter.

If you haven't visited the Hilary Scott website in a while, it has a new look! Hilar y's My Space page and the ban d's My Space page are also getting some exciting interest - log on and become our friend!

Digital downloads of Hilary's music are, as always, available on iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Music Match, Music Net and almost 60 others sites! As always, you can also get the full CDs with photographs, artwork and lyrics at all live shows and off www/hilaryscott.com, cdbaby.com, towerrecords.com, and other websites.

The Hilary Scott Fan Club website was recently moved to a new website hosting company, and in the interim experienced some "glitches". The problems are being ironed out and we expect the site to be fully functional again very soon. In the meantime, bear with us. Currently, after logging in the first time, registered members may find they aren't recognized as such when trying to access the "My Profile" and "Member List" parts of the site. Just log in again, and you will be able to access those functions.

Fans who join the fan site have access to special downloads of previously unreleased material, special posters, the ability to upload their own gig photos to share with others, and to participate in the forum!

  Mike Robertson - Bass Rob Lampe Release Party
At last!....The whole Rabbit story from Mike... If you've visited the Band Blog recently, you could finally read the "rest of the story" about Rabbit. In addition to being a fine bass player, Mike is also a writer. Enjoy!!
Purchase CDs on the Hilary Scott website , on the CDBaby website (www.cdbaby.com) and in retail stores listed on the website.

Note: Hypothermia and The Best of Hilary Scott Live - Volume 1 can only be purchased at gigs and on the Hilary Scott website.

To purchase CDs and merchandise....click here
Hurricane Relief
  Hurricane Katrina aftermath
Our deepest thanks to all of you who have donated so far. Even now, there remains a very great need to help the hurricane survivors.

Pastor Wright and the Total Experience Gospel Choir visited stricken areas in April, and Pastor Wright has this to say about their visit: "The trip was another eye-opener. We were touched so deeply by the people and also the devastation that is still present. We were able to present checks totaling $15,000 to three agencies plus the pickup truck loaded with gifts and toys."

Your donation is and will be very much appreciated by those who have lost so much.

How to Donate....

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