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-- Jan 2: Day 2 of 365 Days of Glorious Health
-- How Henry David Thoreau Found Energy at Walden
-- Snoring often overlooked as health problem

Jan 2: Day 2 of 365 Days of Glorious Health
Read Genesis: Chapters 8-14 _Walk 3 miles: actual miles walked _Eat 5 fruits or vegetables _Virtue: Temperance-eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation

Around January 1, I've seen patients try to begin or end a habit as part of a New Year's resolution. Correctly thinking that habits greatly change their health, they use the first of the year as starting point for beginning new habits. I've noticed six things that successful habit changers do that the stuck do not do. You might consider these six things as you go about constructing resolutions for the year.

Read on...

How Henry David Thoreau Found Energy at Walden
In his book, Walden, in the chapter called "Higher Laws," Henry David Thoreau gives an explanation of a way to find energy and genius. I've compared his description with that given by Benjamin Franklin and by Leonardo di Vinci in the first chapter of my new book.

The table of contents of the book...

Snoring often overlooked as health problem
Sleep-disordered breathing, ranging from snoring to obstructive sleep apnea, is associated with a higher prevalence of behavioral problems in children, researchers report in the December issue of Pediatrics. "Although many studies have reported increased behavioral problems in clinical samples of children referred for suspected SDB, those studies could be biased by an over-referral of children with behavioral problems," lead investigator Dr. Carol L. Rosen told Reuters Health.

I really enjoy finding someone with untreated sleep apnea, not because I enjoy the problem but because I enjoy finding something that's easily treated that can make such a huge difference in a person's life. Frequently people suffer with no know diagnosis Sometimes there's a diagnosis and no real treatment. But, when you treat sleep apnea you can see many problems improve (all well documented by research): depression, behavior problems, hypertension, obesity, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath, impotence.

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