KATHLEEN + DOUGLAS LANDY,                   Benefit Co-Chairs

ELLEN BERKENBLIT and ROSY KEYSER   Artists' Advisory Board Co-Chairs

ROB WYNNE, Honorary Chair



The Board of Directors


The Time In Children's Arts Initiative


Malena Belafonte, Elliot Bellen, Cyndie Bellen-Berth�z�ne, Spring Dautel, Dalia Fateh, Susan Numeroff 

 invite you to celebrate   

Judy Chicago




A Gala and Arts Auction 



in support of  



bringing at-risk children out of underserved schools  

 - every week of the school year  -  

and into the world of the living arts 


                                         Fred Tomaselli, September 15, 2005


March 4, 2011


6PM - 7PM  Sponsors' Preview and Reception

7PM - 9PM  Party and Auction


    Delicious Delicacies Artisanal Fromagerie  and Bistro    

Cocktails and Absinthe Service Kindly Provided by Pernod Absinthe


Hand crafted confections G. Chocolates  


Sara Friedlander, Christie's New York



Live Auction   8PM 

Benefit Ticket Pre-Sale

& Sponsorship Levels


Diamond Dust Supporter of the Time In Benefit at Haunch of Venison: $3000

All but $200 of ticket price is tax deductible Acknow-ledgement in press materials, social media + on website

� 4 tickets to the Preview Reception (6-7PM) and Benefit (7-9PM)


Diamond Dust Supporters fund one child for the entire year.


Platinum Supporter of the Time In Benefit at Haunch of Venison: $1000

All but $150 of ticket price is tax deductible

� Acknowledgement in press materials + on website

� 2 tickets to the Preview Reception (6-7PM) and Benefit  Party(7-9PM)

Platinum Supporters provide personal art materials for one class for an entire year.


Gold Leaf Supporters of the Time In Benefit at Haunch of Venison: $500

All but $75 of ticket price is tax deductible

� Acknowledgement of sponsorship in press materials and on website

1 ticket to the Preview Reception (6-7PM) and Benefit  Party(7-9PM)

Gold Leaf Supporters provide cultural field trips for one class for the entire year.


Benefit Party and Auction Tickets:  (7-9PM)    $200

(all but $50 of ticket price is tax deductible)


Young Collectors (under 30) Benefit Party and Auction Tickets (7-9PM) $75

(all but $50 of ticket price is tax deductible)

Artists & Donors

Marina Abramovic  Brian Alfred  Grimanesa Amoros  Joe Amrhein Michael Anderson  Pierre D'Argyll  Sylvie Auvray  Donald Baechler Noah Becker Shari Belafonte Martine Bellen Ellen Berkenblit Phillip Buntin Billy the Artist Bizzid James Bohary Catrine Bodum Monika Bravo Karin Bruckner BTA Jason Caplan Nathan Carter Marc van Cauwenbergh Sister Mary Corita Judy Chicago City Frame Ian Francis Crash Ryan Cronin Miranda Cuckson Richard Cutrona Diamond Club International Andrea DiFiore Josh Dorman Cornelius Duffalo Benjamin Edwards Stephen Ellis Christina Ernst Tamar Ettun Tony Feher Tory Franklin Fab 5 Freddy Anna Galtarossa & Daniel Gonzalez Elyse Goldberg Nicolas-Gumo Matthew Greenbaum Zoë Greenbaum John Gurrin Gregory de la Haba Greg Haberny Dana Hadad Hiro Haraguchi Bill Hayward Anna Ruth Henriques Oliver Herring highresolution printing Per Hillo Sarah Hinckley Tamar Hirshl David Humphrey Sharka Brod Hyland Vandana Jain Ralph Jackson Liz Jaff Rosy Keyser Hedya Klein Jorgen Klubien Peter Krashes Ira Kononova Inez Van Lamsweerde& Vinoodh Matadin LA II Jsun Laliberte Nickolas Lascot Jess Levey Yali Lin Jeanine Lobell Hew Locke Melissa Marks Michael Massala Chelsea Mason Tomokazu Matsuyama Jon McCafferty Divya Mehra Momenta Quartet Jazzminh Moore New York City Opera Lindsey Nobel Roxy Paine Hyeondo Park Joana Penna Emilio Perez Pedro Perez Joyce Pierpoline Joan Pierpoline,studio IntraMuros Charlotte Rachlin Brian Reed Asya Reznikov Sheila Rock Les Rogers Matthew Ronay Martin Roth Maria Joao Salema Gaetano Salvadore Isca Greenfield Sanders Claire Seidl The Setai Fifth Avenue Mark Sheinkman Ida Simonsen for Marni Heather Sinclair Johana SkalskyArlene Slavin David Slovic Jan Staller Rafael Vargas Suarez Fred Thaler For Macrose Music Linda Thaler For The Kaplan Thaler Group Caroline Thaw Barbara Thomas Fred Tomaselli Janaina Tschape Paul Villinski Manuela Viera Gallo Oliver Wasow Carrie Mae Weems Lee Wells
Rob Wynne 

Benefit Ticket Pre-Sale

Begins Today


Brian Alfred, 2010 
When & What
Buy Tickets Now!

No More Time Outs

Time In

It's sad, but the majority of Time In's kids have never been celebrated for their talents.  For them, just getting through the day is often the first order of business.

But watch them at Time In and you'll be overwhelmed by their capacious joy, intelligence,  giftedness and expressiveness. 

And you will wonder why in the world we're letting all that good stuff go right out the window. 

Shouldn't we be working together to ensure the growth and development of these kids just the way we do for our own?

Because what's good for our neighbors' kids has got to end up being good for our kids.


In a Sunday Times article Paul Tough wrote, "When educators do succeed at educating poor minority students up to national standards of proficiency, they invariably use methods that are radically different and more intensive than those employed in most American public schools."

Children who can control their inner lives and who trust their imaginations become leaders.

Please, no more time outs.

The Time In Children's Arts Initiative: 
Changing the World, One Child at a Time 

Hew Locke
Hew Locke, 20


Benefit Committee

Cyndie Bellen-Berthézène*, Spring Dautel* and Irene Nickolai

Elliot Bellen*  

Ellen Berkenblit  

Amy Cappellazzo  

Raphaël Castoriano  

Ian Dench  

& Virginia Garcia Esteban Dalia Fateh*  

Helga Fisch  


Sara Friedlander  

Dana Haddad  

Jeanne & Michael Johngren Enrique Liberman  

Susan Numeroff*  

Joan Pierpoline  

Bettina Prentice  

Caryn Schact & David Fox Ida Simonsen  

Carol Stringari

Lee Wells  

Marc Wilson
* Board of Directors



Young Collectors Committee

Emma Hall & Nilani Trent


Peter Brandt Elizabeth Fairfax Brown Fernanda Gilligan Saara Pritchard Michelle Tilou


Christie's, New York 



Become a Fan of Time In on Facebook!
The Time In Children's Arts Initiative
Cyndie Bellen-Bertheez�ne, Founder + Executive Director

Yes, I am delighted to support The Time In Children's Arts Initiative  and look forward to joining you at the Benefit!


Enclosed is my check/credit card payment in the amount of $ ________ for ________ # tickets.

______ Diamond Dust ($3000) ______ Platinum ($1000) ______ Gold Leaf ($500)

______ Party + Auction Ticket ($200)    ______ Young Collector's Ticket ($75)

______ I will not be able to attend, but would like to support The Time In Children's Arts Initiative Enclosed is my contribution of $ ______.  


You may also RSVP by phone at  212-209-1552  or 917.318.9499, email to, or fax to 917.591.3162





ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NAME [as you would like to appear on printed materials and website, if different from above; for Sponsor Levels]






PHONE                                                                             E-MAIL


Payment Method:

______ My check (made payable to The Time In Children's Arts Initiative) is enclosed

______ Please charge my ______ Visa ______ Mastercard ______ American Express


Total Amount to be Charged: _______________ Credit Card #: ________________________________________________________________

Cardholder's Name: _________________________________________________________

Expiration Date: _________________________ Security Code _________________


Billing Address Street Number: ______________ Billing Zip Code: ________________

*We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. We require the billing address street number, zip code, and security code to process all credit cards.


This completed RSVP form can be mailed to The Time In Children's Arts Initiative, 227 West 29 th Street Studio 4R, New York, NY 10001

All contributions to The Time In Children's Arts Initiative, a 501c3, are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.    

More Information to come!
Be among the first to preview the Auction Site while it's still being built!