GOOOH Florida

VOTE BYRON DONALDS. Absentee Ballots are out and early voting started July 30 In Collier and starts August 4 in Lee County.


"IF you like Marco Rubio and Allen West, you will love Byron Donalds!"



                         $6,705 in just 5 days!

                We are more than halfway to our goal!

Friends and fellow patriots,

I have some exciting news from the campaign and I wanted you to be the first to know! As you may have 'heard', we are now running radio ads (click here to listen). The response to these ads has been overwhelming supportive. Well, today we are giving you a sneak peak of what is coming next, Byron's first television commercial! You can watch it online by clicking on the image below.


Byron Donalds - The Citizen Candidate - TV Ad 
Byron Donalds - The Citizen Candidate - TV Ad


Byron needs your help to get this ad on the airwaves. We have a goal of raising $12,000 within the next 12 days so we can give the people a true choice this August. Help us kick off the Victory Bomb with a big 24-hour push!

We can either continue to vote for typical politicians and get the same results or make a change and elect a true conservative and citizen legislator. But we can't do that without your help.

Stand with Byron today and help get this ad on the air with a contribution of $25, $75 or even $150!

TV commercials are a game changer in campaigns and with your help we will be able to get this ad on television and send your citizen candidate to Washington. We have a country to save and it starts right here, right now with Byron Donalds and you! Join the fight to save America and take a stand today!

Thank you for your support of Byron.


Erika Donalds


P.S. After you have watched our commercial be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

 Conservative CAPE Pac endorses Byron Donalds




Also check out for his postition on the issues.

"Those who are apathetic to their politics will be ruled by their inferiors!" Plato


Thought or Quote of the WEEK
"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."  Do you know the source?

What is the GOOOH Process: in three words  " Citizen Choice" 

                                                                   and "Competition"


Get Out Of Our House! A NON-Partisan, national plan to replace career Politicians in the US House with Citizen Legislators.

GOOOH has 3 principles, each is a contract between you and your Citizen Legislator:

  1. Accountability
  2. Term Limits
  3. Eliminate Special Interest Money

(Click here for explanation of the 3 principles:) 


GOooh 2012 strategy: Compete in the primary against the incumbent in his/her party in as many of the 435 Congressional Districts as possible! We will NOT be a third party!




for current news, videos and calendar!


Join Our Mailing List!


 In Liberty


Keith Flaugh 239-250-3320



"GOooh is the strategic Solution, if WE have the courage!"