GOOOH Marco - Get Out Of Our House - Career Politicians

May 19, 7 pm Live Video Conference with Asset Preservation Institute; "Specific tools for restoring our Republic" ; Speakers include  John Chambers from SAF, Dr. Kirk Elliott from ICA, Alex Snitker from Liberty Underground and Keith Flaugh from South FL GOOOH (Click Here for login Details)  

Join Our Mailing List!

Stay current with events at

1)  May 23, 6 - 9 PM, Naples, Frantz Kebreau; "Stolen History" , Bellasea Hotel, 221 9th St. S (Click Here)  

2) Florida Parents' Educator Convention in Kissimmee, Florida, May 26-May 29

(Click Here) 


3) May 31, Bonita Springs, 7 PM; " An evening with Oath Keepers and Col. Mike McCallister" , Announced candidate for US Senate.( Click Here) 


4) June 24 , Naples First Baptist Church. 6 -8 PM, "Florida Awake" with Mat Staver and David Barton... DON'T MISS THIS!   and get your Free tickets now or you will need high powered binoculars!

(Click Here)

What is the GOOOH Process: in two words  " Citizen Choice" 


Get Out Of Our House! A NON-Partisan, national plan to replace career Politicians in the US House with Citizen Legislators.

GOOOH has 3 principles, each is a contract between you and your Citizen Legislator:

  1. Accountability
  2. Term Limits
  3. Eliminate Special Interest Money

(Click here for explanation of the 3 principles:) 


Accept your "12 new member Challenge" and

MAKE IT SO   by March.  We will ring the
Liberty Bell for every one who sends us their 12 new members Names and email addresses!!



Member participants are critical. You can do your part! Do you realize that if every current member does this, GOOOH will have 1 million plus members by March 2011? These can and should be your friends, neighbors and family both here In SW Florida or anywhere in our nation.

Go to and scroll to the bottom of the HOME page, click the last item "For More exciting things to do" and again scroll down to the section "send a personal note". These are tools you can click on and use to cut and paste your own personal note to friends and family.

Thought or Quote of the WEEK


" Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the Constitution of his country... By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be the better prepared to defend and assert them." by Chief Justice John Jay 


John Jay was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1777-1778 and co-author of the Federalist Papers with Hamilton and Madison"

Reread Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution and think about the freedoms you have lost our nation has been enslaved by massive debt. Do we own our house( nation) or do the Foreign Debtors?


Devote a few hours a month to making a difference in your Princt, Community, Congressional District and our Nation! 
 What can you do now to help preserve our Republic?

   - Help GOOOH by handing out US Constitutions  at local event in your area. You can buy 1000 US Constitutions from Heritage for $180. Put a large label on the inside cover with and  Hand them out and use them to talk about GOOOH. It's fun and effective!


 - Create a NON-Partisan Precinct training and canvassing project of your neighborhood. We can help you with the materials and help you get the voter registration data you will need to be effective. Call 239-250-3320 , Act Now!

In Liberty,

Keith Flaugh, 239-250-3320

"GOOOH has the strategic solution, if WE have the Courage!"