Monday September 10th
at the
Village of Philmont Board Meeting
held in the
Philmont Village Hall
starting at
There will be a visual presentation by Philmont Beautification, Inc. in joint session with the Summit Reservoir Area Revitalization Exec. Steering Committee Co-chairs, Trustee Larry Ostrander and Trustee Barbara Sagal at the end of the Village of Philmont Board Meeting in the Philmont Village Hall, 122 Main Street, Philmont, on Monday, September 10th, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
The presentation will outline the objectives of the Brownfield Area Opportunity grant awarded to the Village of Philmont by the NYS/DOS Office of Communities and Waterfronts aimed at creating a plan for the economic and social community revitalization of the Summit Reservoir and surrounding area.
There will be a short Q&A opportunity at the end of the presentation.
All persons interested are invited to attend!