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Vero Beach, FL - Ed. 2011.2.03
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This week has been all about the Super Bowl.  So it is with this week's FLASH as well.   If you aren't a football fan, all we can do is say we are sorry! But there is a lot of party ideas you might enjoy! Don't worry though!  Next week the game will be over and we'll be returning to our usual format. In the meantime it's all about football,, sit back relax and enjoy!.....

Finally!! It's just 3 days 'til the Green Bay Packers face off with the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Dallas Cowboys' Stadium in Arlington, TX. Kick-off will be at approximately 6:25 EST and the game will be shown on FOX. In this issue, you'll find all types of information, suggestions and ideas that will help you and your friends to enjoy the game even more!  With FLASH'S help there's still time to plan to have some friends over. So, GO FLASHERS -- GO TEAM! 



david L 



According to the parents and kids who have worked with him, David Luethje is a 'super' coach and mentor ... training the stars of tomorrow!  It seems fitting for our Positive Person this week to be connected with sports. David has been coaching little league teams here for the past 8 years and he has just retired as President of  the Vero Beach American Little League. However, he is still managing a league team, as well as managing a traveling team. David has lived in Vero Beach for 40 years, starting in business with his Dad at Carter & Associates, Inc.,- Vero's oldest Surveying and Engineering business. David and his wife, Melrine have two children, daughter Deanne 15 and son David 11. David says his greatest inspiration has come from his parents. Along with them, the  things that make David proud are his family, his degree from the University of Florida - (Go Gators!), and his involvement in the business community here in Vero. He is an active member of Rotary and supports many local causes, with little league baseball being front and center.  Along with training baseball's stars of tomorrow , David enjoys golf, hunting and fishing. Thank you, Coach,  for being such a terrific role model for our kids!  FLASH thinks you really are SUPER!  




                           Friends watching football and eating pizza.

If you're having a Super Bowl Party anyway, why not turn it into a mini fund raiser for your favorite charity. Here's the way it works: Tell your friends what you plan to do and charge a PARTY TICKET price of only $5 to $10 to attend your amazing party. (Cheaper than a movie ticket these days,...especially if you can't resist 'movie popcorn!') If you're short of cash, take out your expenses, but add a small donation yourself and give the proceeds to a charity. If you don't already have a favorite charity, we hope you will consider one of our FLASH PARTNERS below.  

Childcare Resources

Exchange Club

Genealogy Society

                           Indian River Habitat For Humanity

                                      Pelican Elementary PTA

                                               Red Cross

   Saint Edwards  

If you are with a non-profit organization and would like to partner with FLASH contact us by clicking HERE


                 COKE'S 'SUPER' CHARITABLE!




Speaking of charity, check out the website below where you can 'cheer' (vote) for your favorite team. COKE will donate $1.00 to the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF AMERICA for each click made, - all the way up to $200,000! They will also donate an additional $10,000 to the hometown club of the winning team.  Thanks COKE! Come on FLASHERS .... It will only take a minute to donate $1.00 to this worthwhile cause!  Click Here!




  SuperBowl Decor


TEAM COLORS -The team colors are:

Green Bay Packers - Green, Gold and White

Pittsburgh Steelers - Black, Gold and White

Keep these in mind as you decorate. You might use the color for paper plates and other paper products, for signs, balloons on the mailbox, crepe paper streamers, etc.


TABLECLOTH - For a table cover or runner, purchase some AstroTurf from a home supply store. (Around $20 more or less depending on size.) Mark yardage lines with white tape and 'stick-on' numbers. (You can use any other green material or paper if you prefer.) 


CENTERPIECE - Place a block of Oasis Floral Foam on a shallow container. Place a real football on top and surround the base with Sunflowers or yellow Mums.


Make a circle of cheerleader pom-poms in black, green, gold and white and place football in the center.  You can also put two or more pom-poms in vases.


SERVERS - Try to use the teams' colors in your serving bowl and platters. If you don't have those colors, use clear, white or baskets lined with theme colored napkins. If you want to purchase some special ones, TARGET has several football themed pieces. The store also has Super Bowl T-shirts, and Junior Footballs and Helmets at about $10 for your decorations. Check out the website HERE.




riverside theatre-3

You can purchase tickets by calling (772) 234-8052 or visiting


mcwilliam banner1 

mcwilliam 1


Grand Harbor - Harbor Front  - Offered at $259,900. Diane DeFrancisci 772/538-1614 and Stacey Clawson 772/559-7984

McWilliam - 2



The Seasons - Offered at $ 475,000.  

Craig   VonKohorn 772/713-7973


beer keg 



Arrange a do-it-yourself bar with an assortment of sodas and beer. Keep them iced in a cooler or for a more 'creative' container, think washtub or wheelbarrow or one of those rectangular wine coolers. Large plastic flower pots hold more ice than the standard ice buckets. Finally, if you have enough beer drinkers, a keg is always fun!   




Printable Popcorn Bag



Serve them in upside down football helmets


Package them in individual brown lunch sacks for your guests to pick up and snack on throughout the game. Scatter several small bowls around for the peanut shells.


Serve in a rectangular Pyrex dish and decorate with sour cream to create yardage lines. Tie a string between two skewers for 'goal posts' and anchor them in cheese chunks in the 'end zones'. ( It won't last long, but it makes a fun impression!) Serve with corn chips. NOTE: If you are going to someone else's house for the game, you'll be a hit if you offer to bring this!  


They have become sort of a game tradition, but they're inexpensive and  easy to pick  up from KFC or a supermarket deli! (Shhh... We won't tell and you too will be able to enjoy the game!)



You can either cut up your own celery, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli and decorate with cherry tomatoes and black olives...OR pick up an already prepared tray at the supermarket!





(Recipe in last week's FLASH)


To your favorite recipe, add a little Horseradish


(from the deli)




For dessert have a variety of 'pick-up' finger food.



In the freezer at your supermarket. You can decorate Eclairs to resemble footballs by adding white icing laces.(Around 50 to the box for about $6.00)



 Your own or from the Bakery.


A cute theme idea is to decorate your homemade cookies and make them look like footballs. Outline them and make the laces (xxx's) with white icing. (You can create an icing 'tube' by cutting off a tiny corner of a plastic zip-lock bag.)  



Make 'em from a mix! Our FLASH Publisher is known for her 'homemade" brownies. Her secret (shhh!) is to take them out of the oven 5 minutes before the box  instructions tell you! Cut them in football shapes (ovals) and make laces with white icing. You will have some bits and crumbs left over. Save them to put on ice cream later!



                              SET UP A 'SUPER' BETTING POOL!


You can make a grid for betting by printing out the template from the website below on a standard piece of copy paper with your print screen set on "landscape" to have a horizontal page.  If you prefer, you can use the template as a pattern and draw it larger on poster board. You will see there are 10 squares across and 10 down for a total of 100 squares. Make sure there is enough space in each square for participants' names. Write the STEELERS name across the top of the board, and PACKERS name down the left side. Number the top grids from 0-9, and the do the same to the grids down the left side. Pass the board to your guests interested in placing a bet (price per square) and have them write their names on the empty squares they pick. Unless you have 100 guests (Don't!),  participants can choose  more than one square. For example, if you have 20 guests, each one may pick up to 5 squares. If you price the squares at $1.00 each, a guest would pay $5.00. When the game ends, match the last digit of each team's score with the grid to find the lucky square and the winner. For example, if the final score is STEELERS 17, PACKERS 14, line up the No. 7 from the STEELERS side of the grid with the No. 4 on the PACKERS side. The person whose name is written in the intersecting square wins the pool. If no one claimed the winning square, declare whoever is closest to the winning square the winner and the winner takes home $100!! Or...give half to your charity and the other half to the winner!    


          Pittsburgh Steelers Authentic NFL Pro Line Football Helmet                     you tube                  


It's going to be interesting to see quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers (Packers) and  Ben Roethlisberger square off in Sunday's game. 'Big Ben' has led the Steelers to two Super Bowl victories in the last decade and at 23 was the youngest quarterback to ever win! On the other hand, the Pacers haven't won a Super Bowl since 1997, but Rodgers wasn't playing for them then and he holds the #1 spot of all time with a career passing rating of 98.4 to #8 Roethlisberger's 92.5. This video of Rodgers in target passing at practice is incredible!

champion home health care 




Some heart attacks are sudden and intense -- but most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here is a list of warning signs that you should pay attention to.  

  • Chest Discomfort - Discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can fell like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in Other Areas of the Upper Body - Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of Breath - May occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other Signs - These may include lightheadedness, breaking out in a cold sweat, or nausea. 

Women's most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, and back or jaw pain. If you experience any of the above or a 911 or get to the hospital.  Not taking action or guessing could prove to be



Champion is always ready to help with your loved one. Call (772) 257-0442 if we can help or visit our website .

walk in St. Ed's


                                      'SUPER' FUN AND GAMES


                                          SUPER BOWL TRIVIA!                  


Here we've gathered a few fun Trivia questions all about past Super Bowls. Try stumping your guests before the game starts or during the commercial breaks!


Q: Who was the MVP of the first-ever Super Bowl?  

A: Bart Starr - Green Bay Packers

Q: Who was the first wide receiver to win Super Bowl MVP?

A: Lynn Swan - Pittsburgh Steelers

Q: Who was the first ever 3-time Super Bowl MVP?

A: Joe Montana

Q: Which quarterback has the record for most consecutive completions in  a   Super Bowl? How many?

A: Joe Montana - 13

Q: Which was the first Super Bowl in which the winning points came on the final play of the game? Which team scored?

A: Super Bowl XXXVI; New England Patriots

Q: Which player holds the record for most rushing yards in a single Super Bowl? 

A: Timmy Smith - Washington Redskins

Q: Which player has the most career fumbles in the Super Bowl?

A: Roger Staubach, Dallas Cowboys


                                        ANOTHER GAME

Before the game begins, ask your guests to put their name on a piece of paper and write guesses about today's game. Example: Who will win the coin toss? Who will be MVP? What will be the final score?, etc. Read the answers after the game and give the one with the most correct answers a  prize, - maybe a Super Bowl T-shirt!





If you  have little ones around and/or some of your guests may bring a few more, they can be a distraction for the more serious game watchers. Here's the solution! First, hire a fun baby sitter, preferably a highschool cheerleader in uniform. She can take the kids outside and teach them a few cheers,  play catch with a mini football or do other outdoor games. Indoors, if you have a Wii game, she can  take the kids into a separate room to play games of their own. (Ask some of the other parents to bring additional remotes with their names on them.) Have special snacks and inexpensive prizes available.






That's right! The commercials have become almost as popular as the game itself! Everyone has a favorite, like Budweiser's "Wha's Up" series, the E-Trade baby, and of course, last year's Betty White Snicker commercial which launched the 88 year old on a whole new career! Our favorite though would have to be the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales which usually are funny, nostalgic or both. (An interesting bit of history is that the Clydesdales were first used by the Busch family on April 7, 1933 when they paraded through the streets of St. Louis carrying a case of beer to celebrate the repeal of Prohibition!) Here's one of their commercials that we especially like called "FETCH" from 2008 Super Bowl.).

penelope's banner


  "  When In Doubt ...Wear RED!"
penelope's final 2-3
A very energetic and fun color. It is the color of life. I love red and I think it suits almost every complexion. It is good for any time, too. Bright reds-scarlet, pillar-box red, crimson, cherry are very happy and youthful. And perhaps a red that is a little more somber is better for the not-so-young and the not-so-slim, too! If you do not choose to have a dress or suit of red, then you may use it instead for accessories-a red scarf to wear with an all-black or gray outfit is great. A red coat in the winter is nice because it's such a warm color! Stop by Penelope's today to see what they have in red! VALENTINE'S DAY is right around the corner!

Make sure that you tell your friends that they need to subscribe!
 Merely forwarding the email does not place them on the subscriber list.
community calendar
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
  • MOAA Ladies Club luncheon and Program, meets on the fourth Friday of the month. Luncheons are open to wives or widows of men who have served in the uniformed branches, or to women who have served. Call Barbara Willey for information, (772) 567-6997.
  • Sebastian Fishin' Chicks November's meeting Thursday, Nov. 18 @ 5:45. Beginning January, monthly meeting on last Thursday at 5:45 pm at the Roseland Center, 129 Place off of Roseland Road. Email for more information.
  • Indian River Bromeliad Society Meets on the first Monday of the month @ 7:00 pm at the Garden Club of Indian River County, 2526 17th Ave, Vero Beach. We have speakers, educational workshops, monthly raffles, member's plants sales, field trips, etc. For more information, call (772) 713-6007 or
  • The Exchange Club of Indian River Meets every Wednesday at Culinary Capers, 737 22nd St. and is a 501(c)3 that raises funds for child abuse prevention programs. Contact Andrew Malloy for more information (772) 473-4416
  • The Indian River Genealogical Society Meets monthly on every second Tuesday, September through May, at 9:30 am in the large first floor conference room of the IRC Main Library, 1600 21 St., Vero Beach. All IRGS general meetings are free and open to the public. For more information check the website
  • Vero Beach Computer Group General Monthly Meeting is at 7-8:30 pm  (December's is the last one at the Board of Realtors, it will then return to the Media Room in the Main Library. Special Interest Groups meet in History Room, Main Library; Phone (772) 569-4289;  $20 membership,; all kinds of computer help and interests.  
  • Indian River Corvette Club Monthly General Membership Meeting at C.J. Cannon's at the Airport, 737 22nd St., Vero Beach at 5:30/dinner and 6:30/meeting on the second Thursday of every month.
  •  Vero Beach Christian Business Association Meets 11:30 am on the fourth Thursday of the month (except in November and December when it's the third Thursday due to the holidays) at Carrabba's, 1285 US 1, Vero Beach. Cost is $14 with advance RSVP or $17 at the door. Visit for meeting dates, times, and topics.
  • Vero Beach Orchid Society meets on the 3rd Thursday each month at 7:00 pm at the Garden Club of Indian River County, 2526 17th Ave.; BRING A FRIEND,
  • Vero Beach Art Club Business meetings held the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, with a 1/2 hour social that begins at 6:30; Leonhart Auditorium, Vero Beach Museum of Art. Public is invited. A guest artist demonstration, presentation, or toher special feature makes for an enjoyable function. (772) 231-0303. 
  • Taxpayers Association, Indian River County, Inc. A not-for-profit corporation that meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Joey's Bistro, corner of 20 St. and Indian River Blvd., Vero Beach; Arrive by 11:45 am. Invocation at 12:00 noon. Phone (772) 567-9567 or  
  • Rotary Club of Vero Beach Meets Thursdays at the Quail Valley River Club, 2345 Hwy A1A from 12:00-1:15.
  • Treasure Coast Vero Beach Rotary Club Meets Tuesdays from 12:00-1:15 at C.J. Cannons at Vero Beach Airport. Members range in age from 30 to retired and are business professionals and small business owners in our community. We meet to listen to interesting speakers on topics important to our community, to share fellowship with new friends, and to plan projects to serve our local community. Lunches are $15.
  • Treasure Coast Kiwanis Meets Wednesday mornings at 7:00 am to 8:10 at C.J. Cannon's by the airport.
  • Direct Sales Women's Alliance December's meeting will be the holiday party. It will be at Las Palmas Cuban Restaurant located at 925 Village Square, Sebastian, FL 32958, on December 14th at 6:30P.M.  For more information, (772) 633-9914 or email


  • FINAL WEEK - GUYS AND DOLLS ~ Riverside Theatre A beloved classic, Guys and Dolls features one of the greatest musical scores in the history of the American theatre. Call the box office today! (772) 234-8052
  • "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden

    The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit" will premier at McKee Botanical Garden on Dec. 15, 2010. The exhibit includes five painted bronze sculptures of some of Seuss's most beloved characters, as well as eight "Unorthodox Taxidermy" heads of imaginary creatures such as the Goo-Goo Eyed Tasmanian Wolghast.

    "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden�

    5:00 am - 7:00 am

    Warm Nights ~ Cool Jazz in the Park

    This season's Jazz in the Park Concert will feature the James Archer Quartet in the Museum's new Alice and Jim Beckwith North Sculpture Park. Concert will begin at 5:00 and continue until 7:00. Admission is $10 and open to the public. Enjoy $2 wine and beer, $4 mixed drinks, and complimentary hors d'oeuvres while relaxing to the sound of Jazz.

    Warm Nights ~ Cool Jazz in the Park�

    6:00 am

    King of the Hill Tennis Tournament

    The second tournament is the King of the Hill, a six week tournament played at The Boulevard Tennis Village and Club. This event gives tennis fans the opportunity to enjoy high level doubles competition while providing the tennis professionals the opportunity to participate in the festivities and enjoy the spirit of competition. For more information, please call Gigi Casapu at 772-785-5937 (work) or 772-979-5582 (cell), Laurie Connelly at 772- 633-1721, or the Youth Guidance office at 772-770-5040.

  •  FINAL WEEK - GUYS AND DOLLS ~ Riverside Theatre A beloved classic, Guys and Dolls features one of the greatest musical scores in the history of the American theatre. Call the box office today! (772) 234-8052
  • "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden

    The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit" will premier at McKee Botanical Garden on Dec. 15, 2010. The exhibit includes five painted bronze sculptures of some of Seuss's most beloved characters, as well as eight "Unorthodox Taxidermy" heads of imaginary creatures such as the Goo-Goo Eyed Tasmanian Wolghast.

    "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden�

    5:00 am - 8:00 am

    Gallery Stroll~In the 3rd District

    Art Galleries in the Downtown Dine & Design (3D) District of Vero Beach (14th Avenue and beyond) will host their monthly "Gallery Stroll with art galleries open to the public. They will be offering refreshments and showcasing their artists newest work. Some galleries will be featuring Guest Artists or special events and artists will be on hand to discuss their work and to greet visitors. Restaurants and many other 'artsy' businesses will also be open. Plan to make a night of it and pick up your cards listing participating galleries, shops and restaurants at one of the many businesses in the 3K District. This event is free and open to the public. Call (772) 299-1234 for more information

  • FINAL WEEK - GUYS AND DOLLS ~ Riverside Theatre A beloved classic, Guys and Dolls features one of the greatest musical scores in the history of the American theatre. Call the box office today! (772) 234-8052
  • "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden

    The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit" will premier at McKee Botanical Garden on Dec. 15, 2010. The exhibit includes five painted bronze sculptures of some of Seuss's most beloved characters, as well as eight "Unorthodox Taxidermy" heads of imaginary creatures such as the Goo-Goo Eyed Tasmanian Wolghast.

    "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden�

    1:00 am - 2:30 am

    Cooking For Your Pet

    Sponsored by the Humane Society this workshop will feature the Author of How to Cook for your Pet, Cousino. She will be discussing the benefits of home cooking for companion animals, reveal which foods are healthy and which are unsafe for pets to consume, and elaborate on some of the pitfalls of commercially prepared pet foods. Presentation will also include a cooking demonstration.

    Call (772) 388-3331 ext. 18 to reserve your seat.
    Presentation is free ~ donations of pet food, supplies and gently used sheets, towels and blankets are always welcome.

    1:30 am

    Seussical Jr. Producation

    Back from the Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta, RCT students present the musical based on favorite Dr. Seuss characters. Tickets are $8.

    8:00 am - 12:00 pm

    The Farmers Market Oceanside

    9:00 am - 5:00 am


    Gardenfest is celebrating its 10th year at Riverside Park, Vero Beach. It is a two-day event that has everything you want for your garden. There are over 70 vendors with everything for sale including: plants, pottery, fountains, furniture and lighting. Experts will be available to answer your questions about gardening challenges.

    Children can make a craft at our Youth Activities Tent from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hungry shoppers' appetites can be accommodated at our food court. And anyone who buys a raffle ticket qualifies to win one of many fabulous prizes.

    Admission is FREE


    7:00 pm

    Unravel the Ribbon Fashion Show

    Unravel the Ribbon Fashion Show to benefit Special Equestrians.

    Saint Edward's School Waxlax Center.

    Call Chandler MacWilliam for more information (772) 473-8678.

  • FINAL WEEK - GUYS AND DOLLS ~ Riverside Theatre A beloved classic, Guys and Dolls features one of the greatest musical scores in the history of the American theatre. Call the box office today! (772) 234-8052
  • "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden

    The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit" will premier at McKee Botanical Garden on Dec. 15, 2010. The exhibit includes five painted bronze sculptures of some of Seuss's most beloved characters, as well as eight "Unorthodox Taxidermy" heads of imaginary creatures such as the Goo-Goo Eyed Tasmanian Wolghast.

    "A Season of Seuss: The Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden and Art Exhibit." at McKee Botanical Garden�

    1:30 am

    Seussical Jr. Producation

    Back from the Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta, RCT students present the musical based on favorite Dr. Seuss characters. Tickets are $8.

    9:00 am - 5:00 am


    Gardenfest is celebrating its 10th year at Riverside Park, Vero Beach. It is a two-day event that has everything you want for your garden. There are over 70 vendors with everything for sale including: plants, pottery, fountains, furniture and lighting. Experts will be available to answer your questions about gardening challenges.

    Children can make a craft at our Youth Activities Tent from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hungry shoppers' appetites can be accommodated at our food court. And anyone who buys a raffle ticket qualifies to win one of many fabulous prizes.

    Admission is FREE


Children's Art Festival
Women's Apparel Boutique
 824 Beachland Blvd.
 Vero Beach, FL 32963
 (772) 231-7405


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