Rebecca Herold

The Privacy
Tip of the Month


Online, it's tempting to dig into everything that's put in front of you, but before you do, give thanks... for your ability to use security and privacy precautions and tools.




Do you load files, URLs or Facebook application invitations from your friends, links or Twitter pals without pause? Taking basic security precautions will have you thankful, not sorry. Make sure your anti-virus, anti-malware and firewall software is current (updated and not expired), and exercise a little caution with your web activities, lest you feel like a big turkey. 



Watch what you say. Expect that anything you send, post or do online could be seen by anyone, now or later. If you fumble, the penalty can really set you back.



Never put anything on a social media site that you would not want the world to see. Even if the site promises they will not, and "never," share your information, a recent Facebook incident shows that they very well may be doing just that... either through conscious efforts, or flaws in their site design. Click here for the Wall Street Journal story describing the situation.


Think about it: When people in the medical field post or share even seemingly basic information about their day online, they may be supplying information about individuals that can point to patient personal information - a huge HIPAA violation! Click here to see an article about Twitter that uncovers just that.


Have you heard about sites like PleaseRobMe.com that are calling out "over sharing" on the Internet? Before you check in at a location on Foursquare or divulge what restaurant you're enjoying, consider that you may be advertising that your home is empty, and criminals are trolling for just that information. Often it is better to share AFTER you've been somewhere than while you're actually there.


Did you know...

I'm speaking at the CSI Annual Conference in National Harbor, MD this week and also giving a one-day class on Wednesday. To learn more about booking me to speak or give a class for you, just shoot me an email.  


On December 1, I'm co-facilitating a presentation on social media at the Iowa chapter of the American Marketing Association. The event will be chock-full of useful information and is open to the public! Please click here to learn more or register.


I've recently been named to the Technical Advisory Board for eGestalt, a tool to help auditors measure compliance. Click here to see the announcement. Also, I'm proud to have been named to the Elsevier Computers & Security Editorial Board.  

We may be thankful for the Internet, social media and electronic communications, but playing it safe is always the best call.


Thanks for reading, and have a glorious Thanksgiving,


Content provided by: 
Rebecca Herold & Associates, LLC
Mobile: 515.491.1564, Business: 515.996.2199