25600 Woodward Ave Suite 218 Royal Oak, MI 48067

248.399.7317  [email protected]

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Just a reminder of my upcoming workshops.  I am currently offering a special discount of $100 off the regular price for the Getting the Love You Want couples workshop on April 16-17.  But hurry, this offer expires at the end of the day on March 31, 2011.
See below for more information about this and more upcoming workshops including the Sex on the Download teleclass on internet infidelity and three workshops being held in London, England.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Getting the Love You Want: All Couples

Based on the best-selling book by Dr. Harville Hendrix

"Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples"

April 16-17: Offices of Joe Kort & Associates


This workshop will benefit you if: 

  • You want to enrich a good relationship
  • You are beginning a relationship you want to keep
  • You are in a difficult relationship and you want to resolve longstanding conflicts
  • You are near break-up and want to decide if the relationship can be saved

 Your participation will give you: 

  • New communication skills that break destructive cycles of relating
  • Greater compassion and understanding of yourself and your partner
  • An understanding that the unconscious forces that attract you to your partner are also the source of conflict
  • Awareness of how to use your relationship for mutual healing and fulfillment
  • Ideas for re-establishing the excitement and connection of your early time together 

This workshop includes:
Lectures, guided imagery, written exercises and communication processes. While couples are invited to participate and to build a supportive group atmosphere, they are not pressured into unwelcome self-disclosure. This workshop emphasizes partners sharing with each other. Confidentiality is maintained in a safe and comfortable environment.


For more information, please go to: http://www.joekort.com/allcouples.htm


To register, go to: http://www.joekort.com/workshops/default.htm


Register before April 1st and receive a $100 discount using the coupon code GTLYW0411


After March 31, 2011, register for the full price of $750


Sex on the Download Teleclass Series: NEW DATES

A four part teleclass with Joe Kort and Tammy Nelson


(Be on the call live or listen to the recording after the class available for download)


"Sex on the Download" is a reflection of our current culture of internet relationships where the growing societal influence of connecting in cyber relationships can create real time intimacy, but may also lead to compulsive sexual behaviors, porn addition and compulsive infidelity.

This second series of classes will focus on helping the partners of those suffering from compulsive sexuality. We will address internet infidelity and help for the partner. Topics will include the stages of internet infidelity recovery and why it can take the partner years to heal and forgive; how to help partners discover the new rules and boundaries of their relationship and what they can and can't live with; as well as how to manage disclosure versus discovery and how to negotiate privacy versus secrecy.

Therapists, educators, sexuality counselors and medical practitioners will benefit from this training to help anyone who uses the internet as a pathway to relationship, connection, sexuality or pleasure and finds themselves caught in a web of cyber chaos, pain, addiction or crisis.

Learn direct interventions, insight oriented and non-pathologizing behavioral changes, and directed attempts to connect for couples, using lecture, case example and worksheets and handouts. Supervision, group discussion and ongoing support is included in this LIVE teleclass.

Four Tuesdays: April 5, 12, 19, 26, 2011
12pm - 1pm EST

COST: $200 (student discount may be available) 


Click here to register. 

Workshops in London, England


Reclaiming the Man in the Mirror, May 5, 2011: Workshop for gay and bisexual men on sex, love and intimacy.  Click here for more information.


Sex on the Download, May 6, 2011: A one day workshop for therapists.  Click here for more information.


Getting The Love you Want, May 7-8, 2011: Gay & Lesbian Couples, 2-day couples workshop.  Click here for more information.

Joe Kort professional photo 2009
Joe Kort, PhD

Joe Kort, Ph.D, MA, LMSW, ACSW

25600 Woodward Ave  |  Suite 218  |  Royal Oak, MI  |  48067

248.399.7317  |  [email protected]