Quantum Endeavors, Inc.

                                  an Ann Farrell company 

The e-Zine Just For Coaches!
Every Great Coach Deserves a Great Coaching Business!  


September, 2011 e-Zine  


Do You Believe? 


Ann Farrell,


The Corporate Success Coach

Founder and President
Quantum Endeavors




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Coaching for Corporate Program



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Get Your Great Coaching Business NOW!




Check out
My products and programs for Coaches

Done-for-you and 
 Ready-to-be-customized with your unique coaching "voice"!

My complete
Corporate & Professional  Coaching Business  Blueprint
 * more than 70 Documents used to build my successful Corporate Coaching business
* my trademarked high-end coaching engagement platform
*Three 120 minute TeleClass recordings 

* One one-on-one strategy with me to create your best plan for success
*A renewable License Agreement to use all of these materials directly in your business.

If you are a certified coach who wants to do executive, leader, team or professional coaching, everything you need to do so is here!
Also Available
*Ready-for Corporate Workshops
*Quick Start Kit
*Every Great Coach Deserves a Great Business! Program
Experiential e-Book! includes 9 templates



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I love supporting my clients whether they are executives, leaders, business owners or coaches to create great success in their lives and careers.  How we each define success is a personal choice deeply rooted in our core values.  How we go about making success happen is a big part of the karma that we put out there in the world.  And just like a boomerang, what we put out just might come back to us! 


Here is my most recent karmic experience.


Do you believe in karma?  Email me your karma stories too!                                     

Karma: Do you believe? 


I retired from corporate to launch my own executive and leader coaching business in 2006.  I am very grateful for the fact that within 3 months my business exceeded six-figures and grew to mid-six figures by year three.  How all that happened is what I share and teach coaches in my Coaching for Corporate Business Blueprint and Business Building programs.  What I have NOT shared till now is what that success enabled me to do and how that has come back to me in my life. 


During my third year in business I began to fully appreciate the concept that the more revenue I make, the more I can give.  With the support of my husband, I took a big chunk of my revenues that year and donated it to a cause I had only just become aware of - a program that provides free breast cancer screening and diagnostics for women with no medical insurance or financial means. The program is called "Buy a Mom a Mammogram".  


The organization behind this program is A Silver Lining Foundation.  The person behind the foundation is Dr. Sandy Goldberg who I had just had the pleasure to get to know in the way that we coaches get to know people - heart to heart, soul to soul.  Dr. Sandy is a breast cancer survivor herself and since has committed her life to equal access to quality and timely cancer screening and diagnosis.  Please click here to learn more about her great programs: www.asilverliningfoundation.org.


I had been touched by breast cancer once in my family with my closest cousin years before, once when I lost my best girlfriend and our son's godmother in 2000 and about a year after I began my involvement with A Silver Lining Foundation when my current closest girlfriend was diagnosed. The statistics are that one in three women will be diagnosed with this disease in their lifetime.  So when I got the call with my diagnosis on Friday, the 13th of May this year my reaction was not "why me" but rather "why not me".  


My doctor warned me that there are few days as dark as the one where you are told you have cancer.  My husband and I went through that darkness together for days before we were ready to tell our family, weeks before we told friends and even then we waited till we had a good sense of my prognosis before we told our teenage son.  My surgery was on June 22nd and my sisters were with me one week later for the moment when the darkness was lifted by the news from my surgeon. 


In a few consecutive beautiful moments she confirmed not only was I 
now cancer free, but that I would not require either chemo or radiation treatments, and I could start a five-year drug therapy that would reduce my risk of reoccurrence back to that of the normal population.  You see my cancer was found at Stage 0.  In my annual mammogram. 


When I informed Dr. Sandy that I was now not only one of her biggest supporters, but also a poster story for her "Buy a Mom a Mammogram" program her response was this:


Do I believe in karma?  Absolutely! 




And even more so in gratitude.  I am so very grateful for the opportunity to continue to try to make a difference with my life and my love and to support others to do the same.   I will continue to boldly DARE coaches to build their successful businesses too for as I well know - the more we make, the more we can give and there are many causes needing our help.


(Quantum DARE is the name of the model that I use in my Coaching for Corporate and Organizations 8-Week Business Building Boot Camp! Check out the "Giveaway for Coaches" Event below for a free copy of the mp3 recordings and materials for Session #1 and a coupon for $100 off the full 8-sessions to only $199! Event ends September 14th.)








There is an old saying that you reap what you sow. And your love and support of our ladies in need circled back to you."


       Special event just for coaches! thru 9/14!




You know that I love sharing quality resources that can help you in your business!    Well, this is the case now...

My friend Erika Kalmar Coaching Biz Start-Up Strategist created a free event for you where she lined up an incredible list of business building resources for you. These are worth over $2,000 but you can access them for FREE for a limited time!

The Giveaway For Coaches is open NOW

To claim your free gifts, rush to this site and gain instant access to what is there just waiting for you (don't overlook mine valued at $150!) 


Register by September 14th to get your 

FREE products at this link!



Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC 
The Corporate Success Coach

Ann Farrell is one of the most respected voices in the corporate coaching industry.  She is an executive, business and leadership coach who ignites high performance in people and organizations through "Revealutionary Leadership".  Her passion for empowering people to fully step into their personal and professional best is at the heart of her coaching.

As the only woman to rise from entry level to the top of the house in the 150-year history of her Fortune 200 company, she combined her 30-years of corporate experience testing what works best with coaching best practices to create trademarked programs and tools that have delivered great results for more than 50 Fortune 500 companies as well as small businesses and wildly successful individuals.  

Her signature leadership development coaching system for executives, leaders and teams has been selected by more than 50 corporate coaching firms now licensed and using it to deliver transformational results.  Her client companies include:  The Chicago Cubs Organization, GE (General Electric), Navistar International Corporation, Alcoa Corporation, Sara Lee Corporation, Allstate Insurance, Players Choice, The National Speakers Bureau and many more.

Ann also supports coaches to build successful professional coaching businesses with her signature Coaching for Corporate Coaching Business Blueprint, Coaching for Corporate Business Building 8-Week Boot Camp and her one-on-one Business Building Mentor / Coaching program that starts at only $99 per month! 



Wishing you your quantum endeavor - living your great life doing your great work!

Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
The Corporate Success Coach
Founder and President 
Quantum Endeavors, Inc., a Certified Women-owned business. 

Copyright 2011 Quantum Endeavors, Inc.