Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
an Ann Farrell Company

A quantum endeavor = living your great life doing your great work 
 Just for Coaches! Edition 

November, 2010 e-Zine

  The 5 things you Must do Now to have the business that you love!
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Founder and President
Quantum Endeavors
The Corporate Success Coach
In This Issue
The 5 Musts for You Now!
Free TeleConference Details!
Quick Links
"Your Corporate Success"
Program Site 

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My products and programs for Coaches

Done-for-you and 
 Ready-to-be-customized with your unique coaching "voice"!

My complete
Coaching and Business System

* more than 70 Documents used to build my successful Corporate Coaching business
* my trademarked high-end coaching engagement platform
*Three 120 minute TeleClass recordings 

* One one-on-one strategy with me to create your best plan for success
*A renewable License Agreement to use all of these materials directly in your business.

If you are a certified coach who wants to do executive, leader, team or professional coaching, everything you need to do so is here!

Also Available
*Ready-for Corporate Workshops
*Quick Start Kit
*Every Great Coach Deserves a Great Business! Program
Experiential e-Book! includes 9 templates
*Coaching for Corporate Business Building Program
*Corporate Coach Certification Program
And more!


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November 29th
2 pm Eastern Time



Time and lifetimes.  Both are fleeting.  November 3rd was not only my son's 15th birthday (how is that even possible?) it is also the day that my 27-year-old nephew enterred hospice (how is that even possible!).  Time and lifetimes fly by way too quickly.  Despite the fact that I really focus on living fully in each moment, key milestones such as these make me feel like an unknowing participant in a time travel exercise!

The focus of today's e-Zine is twofold: first, there are key things that you need to do to have the business that you love and 2) now is when you must do them because time and lifetimes are way too short not to be doing what you love! 
So as my son said to me the morning of his birthday on the topic of signing him up for Driver's Ed (aghh!),

"let's get right to it"...

The 5 Things you Must do Now!

1) Get clear about your purpose

2) Get clear about your gifts

3) Get clear about your tribe

4) Get clear about your boundaries

5) Get clear about you at your best


The list of what you need to know to create the business that you love could actually be much longer.  The truth is, whether it is business owners, executives or coaches, my experience has been that the ways that people get in their own way on loving what they do, comes down to their level of clarity about these top five.


1) Get Clear About Your "Purpose"

My intent here is not to take you through one of my tools to help you find your purpose.  My intent here is to be very clear about one thing: you cannot build a business that you love if the work that you are doing in it does not feel purposeful to you. 


I coach purpose not as a destination but as a "neighborhood".  Great things happen when you are working in the neighborhood of your purpose.  These great things are not always visible to you until you move into that space or place of how you may best serve. Doing what it takes to gain this clarity about your "neighborhood" is one of the 5 keys.


2) Get Clear About All of Your Gifts

We have all been given many certain and diverse gifts. These gifts include strengths, talents, experiences, accomplishments as well as all that has come to us in our lives through struggle, pain,

passion and more.  Everything that comes to us does not come to serve us but rather so that we may be in service to others. Getting clear about all of your gifts is the pre-requisite to being able to fully stand in them to build a business that you love. 

3) Get Clear About Your Tribe
Gaining clarity about who "your people" are will enable you to build your business as a natural result of standing fully in your gifts in the neighborhood of your purpose with them. Trying to build your business without being clear about who your tribe is and how you might be in best service to them is difficult and most often very frustrating. It places you in a position of "selling" versus "enrolling".  It might land you business, but not necessarily business or clients that you love.

4) Get Clear About Your Boundaries
In order to have the business that you love, you must get clear about how it serves the bigger picture of living the life that you love.  Once you are clear about that, get clear about the boundaries that you need to put in place to have it do so.  Boundaries are the lines you will not cross no matter what or only in the case of a real emergency.  An example of a boundary for me is that my work schedule must fit my son's schedule. After all, being there for and with him is the very reason I left corporate.  

5) Get Clear About You at Your Best
Knowing who you are at your best and what you need to be that 
more is the single biggest challenge I see in my clients' struggles. Even once you get clear about your purpose, your gifts, your tribe and your boundaries without the clarity of You at Your Best, you are at risk to build a business full of struggle, stress and strain.  One of the biggest mistakes in this area is working in weaknesses versus strengths. An example of this is perhaps trying to sell your services through sales calls versus engaging with your tribe doing things that you love to do like speaking or workshops.
Once you are clear about these five things, the actually work of building the business that you love and that will love you back now can finally become very clear to you as well.  Attempts to build your business plan or strategy or even your business without such clarity might bring you work and maybe even great revenues but time is flying by way too fast...
Life is too short not to be doing what you love!
My Thanks & Giving!

Thanksgiving, is one way that I can both pay back and forward! 
This year's call will be on Monday, November 29th at 2 pm Eastern Time, 1 pm Central and 11 am Pacific.  I am very excited to share that all signs are that 2011 will represent a significant uptick in organizational and corporate spending on coaching for the talent in their organizations.  Our focus on this call will be "What are the Best Strategies for you to grow your business with coaching in these markets?" 
We already have more than 50 people registered for the call!  To join us, you may register at the following link: Register Now!
I launched a new Thanksgiving tradition last year! I hosted a free teleconference supporting coaches who want to know more about building their businesses with professional, organizational and corporate coaching.  I am passionate about great coaches deserving great businesses and believe that coaching in these big markets is a great way for a great coach to do so.  Hosting these kinds of call throughout the year, but especially around 
Coming Events!  Where you can find me!

Coaching for Corporate Business Building Program
  • This month's TeleClass and Mastermind Group events will be focused on strategies to grow your business well past the 6 figure threshold with one simple paradigm shift!
  • My next Business Building Group will be launching in January!  Learn more and register here...

International Coach Federation Annual Conference 
  • The Quantum Endeavors booth was the showcase for an incredible line-up of high profile coaches and experts in our industry thanks to the help of Viki Winterton of tce! 
  • Thank you to all of you who visited us there!  I look forward to keeping in touch and supporting you in your quantum endeavor.  See you all next year in Las Vegas!
By popular demand, my 90 Day Business Accelerator Program for coaches is back! 
  • Want to jump start building the business that you love and make 2011 your best year yet?  Contact me at ann@quantumendeavors.com to be considered for this special "high octane, rich results" program - seats are very limited! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends and gratitude and love to all!  Wishing you your quantum endeavor - living your great life and your great work!

Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
The Corporate Success Coach

Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
1s721 Alsace Court, Winfield, Il 60190

Copyright 2010 Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
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                             Coaching & Business System

Offer Expires: November 30, 2010                                  Learn more here!