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January 25, 2010
Never Ever Network Again!
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Founder and President
Quantum Endeavors
Executive, Leadership and Business
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There is no doubt that the most powerful form of the word "network" is it's noun state.  It is just as clear that elevators were never meant to be speaker's podiums nor business cards invitations for "e" or phone spam.  Whether you are seeking more success inside your company, for your own company or to land a new position...
Please never ever network again...
60 Seconds to Your Success! 
Never Ever Network Again!
Some words lose value when they are "verbed".  Network is a great example of that.  Your network is your array of connections gathered with intention and purpose.  At its best, it is a powerful entity through which we can accomplish much together that would be impossible alone.
At is worst, it is the source of spam, unwanted sales calls, surface acquaintances who "elevator speech" you, trade business cards and
open the floodgates for canned sales pitches that have nothing or little to do with you, your intention or purpose.  And when you choose to "opt out" from what you never really opted into, you are now the bad guy. This is what can happen to "network" when it is verbed! 
I do not like to be "networked" any more than you do.  The sense of being "worked" feels so insincere and shallow - like being talked at instead of talked to. And yet, the powerful and treasured 
relationships throughout my life and career, have been born in my network. Through it, I am rich in the one thing that I value the most - deep, authentic and purpose-filled relationships. 
The secret to building your rich network, is to never ever network again!  Instead, from here on consider the verbed form of network to be "net worth"!  And in your network, your net worth is measured in the currency of authentic relationships! 
Authentic relationships are built through the art of authentically listening versus telling, "giving" versus "taking", serving versus looking to be served, enrolling versus selling, the joy of abundance versus the fear of scarcity.
No more elevator speeches!  No more opening the conversations with the telling of your story!  No more collecting the business cards of all you meet. The epidemic of these practices is resulting in the numbing of the possibilities of making real and powerful connection.  Without real connection, the contact that you make will be of little to no value to you in your search for more success or the next job. 
The real work of work and the power of networks is relationships!
People will go far out of their way to serve and support those that they care about and are in relationship with.  Your challenge is to grow your "net-worth" by investing in creating these authentically through asking not what your network can do for you, but rather what you can do for your network. Your relationship currency is your most valuable asset in both good times and bad!
Join me in the SOAR for Success Series as I lead you through two powerful tools for growing your network "net-worth" in next week's Session #5.
Coming special events and speaking engagements!

Today!  University of Chicago Alumni Club's  Join me and three other panelists, Monday, January 25th at 5:30 at Ungaretti and Harris at 70 W. Madison (between Clark and Dearborn) on the 36th floor.  Panel description is posted at: http://alumniandfriends.uchicago.edu/site/apps/ninet/content2.aspx? topic:  Resolve to Advance Your Career: Maintaining Your Network in Good Times and Bad" 

Coaching Boom 2010 event hosted by Coaching Millions author, Milana Leshinsky. I will be one of 30 Expert Speakers at this virtual event launching the second week in February including more than 30 hours of expert seminars focused on supporting you to build your thriving business.  Learn more at http://www.profcs.com/app/?Clk=3479353 Register at this link and you will be eligible to win free entry to my Coaching for Corporate Boot Camp program!

Chicago American Marketing Association, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Monday, February 15th at 5:30 pm.  Topic: Create Your Best Life and Career.  Learn more about this organization at this link: http://www.chicagoama.org 
St. Hubert's Job and Career Ministry, Palatine, Il. I will be the speaker for their event on Saturday, February 27th at 9:00 am.  Topic: "You're Hired!  Keys to Winning the Job!".  
SOAR to Success Leadership Series:  This week marks the fourth session of my six part series and it is focused on the third element of the SOAR to Success model - Accountability.  It is not too late to join the remaining 3 sessions lives!  Learn more at: Register Now!  The discount price ends 2/10 with the close of the last pilot session.
Wishing you your best life and biggest impact!
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
P. S. 
Join "Your Corporate Success", an executive, leader and business success coaching engagement program, or refer someone who does and get one month membership FREE with your purchase.  Contact me to get this special offer! 
Copyright 2010 Quantum Endeavors, Inc.