Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
FREE lunch on me! 
Part of my total "stimulus package" for your success!  
February 2009 e-Zine
In This Issue
Quantum Transitions!
Your Corporate Success!
Your Best Life, Biggest Impact
Quick Links
Check out my new website 
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC
Founder and President
Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
Executive, Leadership and Business Success Coaching
Live your best life and career!
Register now for
"Your Corporate Success"
Enjoy your best life and career with premium executive coaching
 starting at $30 per month.
*Monthly TeleClass
*Monthly TeleCoaching 
* Executive Coaching Tools
* Discussion Boards
* Mastermind Groups
* The advice of experts in all of the areas critical to your personal and career success
and much, much more. 
Whether you are gainfully employed, unemployed or under-employed,
Your Corporate Success is waiting for you! 
Special memberships available for certified coaches who want to expand their business into 
Coaching for Corporate 
to reserve your Charter Member slot!  
Join Our Mailing List


"Aim for service and success will follow." 
Albert Schweitzer 
"The best ideas happen in conversation with people who care.  One person's idea bumps into another's experience and new possibilities appear that didn't exist a moment before."
 David L. Miller
(Thanks, Jillane!) 
"And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
 Anais Nin
More than 70,000 U.S. jobs were lost on January 26th, a day now referred to as "Black Monday".  In October, 2007 for every job posted there were 10 qualified applicants.  That number rose to 33 by October 2008 and is now approaching 100.  All the more reason for us to find ways to support those who find themselves in transition. 
If someone you know is in transition, please pass this e-Zine on to them!  And whether it is you, your spouse, a relative, friend or co-worker, know that one of the most traumatic changes to go through is a layoff.  It effects all involved - both emotionally and our performance.
Tough times call for big innovations!  Please read on to learn about two new programs I am launching as my own stimulus package for both your career and personal success - including, a true FREE wonderful lunch!
Quantum Transitions! 
 "Get a Life, not a Job"
  Your Best Life & Career
  February 13, 9 am - noon
  Wheaton, Il - Arrowhead Country Club
Traditional outplacement programs are great for getting people into job-hunting mode. Over the past few months, I have had much opportunity to talk with and speak to groups of people in transition.  Within a few seconds it is totally clear to me whether or not a person should be reaching out to contacts, interviewing and networking to find their next employment opportunity - or not! At  least, not yet!
This workshop is the first in a series focused on making successful transitions to Your Best Life & Career.  In this session, participants will explore the gift in the loss of their job, a critical step in gaining the mindset required to successfully move forward.  Once they "get the gift", then we will construct the possibilities of passion & purpose to help identify career options that will best support them to really leverage their strengths to be the best they can be.
At noon, the participants are invited to stay, and you are invited to come, and enjoy a Free lunch on me as well as the opportunity to hear directly from the author of " Get Hired Fast",  Brian Graham.  Brian will share his tips and tools to cut through the congestion and confusion of the job hunt process.  Registration required by 2/10.
Cost of this workshop is $89.  Register with a friend and save $20 off of both of your registrations.  To register, email me at ann@quantumendeavors.com asap as seats are limited by the venue and are going fast!   
Your Corporate Success!
A Breakthrough model making Premium Executive Coaching, now formally recognized as the most effective career development tool, available and affordable to all!
Take Accountability for Your Own Career Success 

I have intentionally created an executive coaching model that is so affordable that there is no excuse for any of us not to be investing in our own success! 

 By leveraging the same trademarked content I created to support my executive coaching engagements with member site technology, enables me to make it available to you at a full year Charter Member rate of $30 /month (billed monthly) and only $44 per month standard rate.
Your Membership Includes:

* A monthly TeleClass on topics critical to your success                 * A monthly group TeleCoaching addressing your issues

* Supporting trademarked executive coaching tools
* Access to personal assessments and feedback
* Knowledge and skill building articles
* The latest in business "think" and key topics
* All back issues of Quantum Endeavors e-Zines
* Discussion boards, Accountability Center, Masterminds
* Discounts on all products, programs, workshops and one-on-one coaching
* And for coaches, training, templates & forms for your Coaching for Corporate
 And all for less than $1 per day!  
To reserve your Charter Member pricing, contact me at ann@quantumendeavors.com
Your Best Life & Biggest Impact - Now! 
My husband and I had the opportunity to spend the Inaugural week in Washington, D.C. as our son participated in the Junior Inaugural Youth Conference.
For five days and nights we were immersed in the experience of people taking accountability to do something about the issues facing our country and our world.  Not once was heard talk of what "he" must do. It was all what "we" must do. 
With all of the challenges that can only be addressed together, there is no place for any one of us playing small or safe or easy or thinking that "charity begins at home" means inside the walls of our houses.  Our home, our family, our responsibility is to the whole as well as the pieces.  Now is not the time to lay low because of  economic fear.  It is exactly the time for us to step up - up and into our best lives and biggest impacts! 
Take the steps to do it now! "We" are counting on you! 
Wishing you your best life and biggest impact!
Ann Farrell
Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
Copyright 2009 Quantum Endeavors, Inc.
A Free
Lunch on me!
Arrowhead Country Club
Butterfield Road, Wheaton, Il
 Noon, Friday, February 13th
 Register Now at ann@quantumendeavors.com
Valued at $30