United Way of  
Midland County
Live United - United Way



Dear , 
As we reflect on the past year and look forward to 2009, we have so much to celebrate here in Midland County.  United Way would like to invite you to join us on February 18th for our Annual Meeting Celebration. Held once again at The H Ballroom, breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m., with our program beginning promptly at 8:00 a.m. (Register by clicking the link below.)
We are grateful to the Midland community for demonstrating their commitment to those in need by investing in the record-setting United Way campaign this year. Join us on February 18th as we share how your donations have benefited friends and neighbors in need and how we will continue to meet the ever-growing and changing needs of our community.
Living United, we are making a difference!
Best regards,
Ann T. Fillmore
Executive Director  



Big Brothers Big Sisters 2008 Friendship Award Recipients

 Big Brothers Big Sisters
presents the 
2008 Friendship Award

At its 2008 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, November 19th, Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Heart of Michigan presented Jody Webb and Teigha McRoberts with their highest honor, the 2008 Friendship Award. The Friendship Award is presented to an individual or organization that demonstrates support and commitment to Big Brothers Big Sisters and the children in our community. This year was unique in that the agency chose two award winners. 

On May 10, 2001 something magical began. Jody Webb was matched as a Big Sister to then 12-year-old Little Sister Teigha McRoberts. Over the next 7-1/2 years the magic continued as their relationship grew. Jody has opened the door to new opportunities and experiences for Teigha as she now applies for college scholarships. Through their friendship, Jody has demonstrated the power of mentoring, which has inspired Teigha to do the same. For the past two years, Teigha has reached out to another child through the Big Brothers Big Sisters after school program, Teaming Up With YOUth. "Teigha has seen first-hand that the simple gift of friendship can make a difference in the life of a child. She has benefited from the mentoring experience herself and is now passing that gift on to someone else," said Michelle Waskevich, a Big Brothers Big Sisters caseworker.
Teigha isn't the only Little to have benefited greatly from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Statistics show that Littles that have been mentored are:

�         46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs
�         27% less likely to begin using alcohol
�         52% less likely to skip school

For more information on how you can have fun, make a friend and make a difference, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Heart of Michigan at www.bbbsheartofmi.org or (989) 631-5360.


Beneath everything we are
 and everything we do,
we are all people.
Connected.  Interdependent.  United.

MidMichigan Home Care Hospice Volunteers
Providing Trusted Care
 MidMichigan Home Care
Retiree John Holmes felt an overwhelming desire to fill the void by giving back to the community in a positive way. John became a MidMichigan Home Care hospice volunteer, helping patients enjoy their last days and providing caregivers a much-needed respite.
"I'll never forget walking into the facility where my first patient was staying, and meeting him for the first time. I sat down and began to visit with him...and before I knew it, an hour had passed.  At that point, all of my apprehensions subsided," John recalled.  Well-prepared for his visit, John participated in a thorough hospice volunteer training program to learn about the death and dying process and how to help terminally ill patients and their families. 
As John continued to assist hospice patients, he had the pleasure of meeting their wonderful families. He explained, "The hospice volunteer experience quickly develops into a triangle of friendship between the patient, their family and the volunteer."
After sometimes spending many months getting to know patients and their families, John often experiences some difficulty saying good-bye to his friends, yet he knows the entire experience was well worth it in the end.  "No matter how difficult it can be to say good-bye, I am glad to have been there, if only to have held a hand or whispered in an ear," he said.

Did you know?
Your donation of $1000 will
connect and support
a Big Brother or Sister with a Little
for one year.


 National Mentoring Month

A New Year's Resolution You Will Want to Keep:
Each one of us remembers that someone special--a neighbor, teacher, relative or friend--who broadened our horizons and brought a little magic into our lives. Maybe it was the person who taught you to throw a baseball straight, patted you on the back, or just listened. It may have been someone who helped you make a good decision, when a bad one was the plan.
So what better way to start a new year than to return the favor by mentoring a young person? January is National Mentoring Month, as well as the month when most of us make resolutions. Becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister may be the one resolution you keep. Giving just a few hours, a couple of times a month can make a big difference in a child's life, and your life as well. 
Not sure if you're mentor material? According to research conducted by Big Brothers Big Sisters, there are many commonly held misperceptions.
One is that a mentor has to have a prestigious job or high standing in the community. The fact is, kids don't care about titles, only your caring and commitment.
There is also the misperception that it takes too much time to be a mentor. BBBS volunteers commit just a few hours, a couple of times a month to their Littles. The value is in the quality of the time spent, not the quantity.
Some folks tell us they worry that they will run out of ideas for things to do with their Little. BBBS organizes all kinds of indoor and outdoor group events for Bigs and Littles. They also provide ideas on low-cost or free activities. One Big told us, "Spending time with my Little Brother is easy. Stuff I'd do by myself is more fun with him." Another tells us he makes time for community service, like volunteering at a food bank with his Little Brother. "It's so important for his growth, in terms of building his self-esteem. To know that he can change the world, even if it's just a small thing. It's the small things that make a difference."
Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Heart of Michigan is actively recruiting mentors. The need for male mentors is urgent.   
There are many young people who need a caring adult mentor to provide encouragement and support. Resolve to mentor a child, and have a great and rewarding new year.


We Welcome Your Gifts!

There are many ways to support your community. If you have goods or services you would like to donate in support of our community through United Way of Midland County, please contact Christy Thomson at thomson@unitedwaymidland.org.


Do you have an issue with a landlord?
Are you considering bankruptcy?
Are you thinking about fighting a traffic violation?
These are just a few of the reasons community members look to the United Way Volunteer Center's Ask the Lawyer program for help. Area lawyers volunteer their time to give low-income Midland County residents an opportunity to discuss legal issues. Clients receive a free, confidential, fifteen minute session with a licensed attorney.
The walk-in program takes place the third Thursday of each month from January through November between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., at the United Way of Midland
County, located in the Strosacker Building at 220 W. Main Street, Suite 100.  

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