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AOS USA Maritime Updates 

The Professional Association of Catholic Mariners, Cruise Ship Priests and Catholic Maritime Ministers.


September 20, 2012
In This Issue
Check out our new Website!
Long time Port Chaplain, Fr Chia passes away.
Notes from our Members!
Three provides free mobile internet to seafarers.
US & China combined counter piracy exercise.
State of Asia Cruies Industry.
Prayer for Hurricane Season
Resource Links
Upcoming Events


Prayer Requests:



Please keep the following AOS-USA Members in your prayer:


For Fr. Michael J. Ryan, Cruise Ship Priest Member, who is having surgery for esophageal cancer.


For Fr. Dominic Hahn, Cruise Ship Priest Member, and Cruise Assignment Agent for Holland America Line who is struggling with cancer.


A prayer of thanksgiving for the healing of a bad staph infection for Fr John R. Olsavsky, Cruise Ship Priest Member.


For the repose of the soul of Fr. James F. Barry, AOS-USA Cruise Ship Priest, who passed suddenly


Fr. Tim Brian - Cruise Ship Priest member, who is facing heart problems.


Fr. Marvin Klemmer - Cruise Ship Priest member facing illness.


Fr. Donald Koch - Cruise Ship Priest member facing illness.



For a close supporter of  AOS-USA as he goes through recovery for alcoholism. May he welcome the Holy Spirit to guide him.


For the repose of the soul of Fr. Joseph Christensen, Cruise Ship Priest Member who passed away recently.



For Fr. Maurice Pierce, Cruise Ship Priest member, who is struggling with health issues of late. He appreciates the prayers of his AOS Family. 


















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   AOS Streaming Video

Check out our newly designed website!


Did you know it includes prayers for seafarers? Check it out!


Long-Time AOS Port Chaplain Fr. Luis Chia Passes Away

   Editor's Note:  AOS-USA thanks Pat Poulos, the director of the Houston International Seafarers' Center for notifying us of this news.  AOS-USA is saddened by his loss, yet we give thanks for the many years he gave in service to the People of the Sea.


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston:

Fr. Luis Chia, 88 years old, died on Tuesday, September 18 at 4:00 p.m.


He was ordained April 5, 1959, served in the Archdiocese since September 28, 1968, incardinated into the Archdiocese on April 12, 1973.


He was retired and living at Maloney Hall. Among his ministries he had served many years in the Catholic Chaplain Corps and at the Houston International Seaman Center.


Vigil Service will be at Ascension Chinese Catholic Church on Friday, September 21 with a Rosary at 7:00 p.m. followed by a Scriptural Vigil Service.


Funeral Mass will be at Ascension Chinese Catholic Church on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.


Notes from our Members!


 Editor's note:  Some days, we get emails that really speak for themselves about the ministry that AOS-USA's members are called to.  We have some awesome members doing great work. We appreciate each of you!



1 Sept 2012


Fr Diaz Castaneda
Fr Jaime Diaz Castaneda
 My experience onboard as a Cruise Ship Priest  has been very positive spiritually: time of peace, contemplation, reflection, reading, meeting new interesting people, realizing that we are "Catholic", members of a world community where language, color, culture,etc do not make a difference, global perspective when you deliver your homily, people willing to put their gifts to the service of our transitory community, thanking God for all the beauty of nature, for food, music and all available comfort and for the places visited etc.
A cruise is for me like a retreat. God is present all the time. I increase in valuing my priestly ministry as I hear people grateful for being able to celebrate daily the Holy Eucharist. In the middle of all the comfort and delight of the trip, I rediscover the essential, that is in and beyond all that, and my conviction that we must live soberly, free to arrive any time to our final port.
I experience that the question is not whether to enjoy or not all these things, but how to do it with detachment, without being trapped, able to live in abundance and in scarcity as Paul did, always in thanksgiving. And from the ship to look to the world around, with all its problems and good things, in solidarity specially with those who can never take part on a cruise, but are mistreated, exploited, abandoned, killed and wounded around the world.

In my last cruise took place the strike of workers in the platinum mine in South Africa and the killing of 37 (if I remember well) for the crime of asking for fair wages. This was topic of reflection and awareness with my little community: how often money is more important than people, how exploitation is the way to make profit, how the poor are voiceless, all this with the support of the law, the police and guns in favor of the exploiters! What a scandal when we celebrate fraternity, solidarity and sharing in the Holy Eucharist! 


Fr. Jaime Diaz Castaneda

AOS-USA Cruise Ship Priest





 20 September 2012




Kearney Rose

Rose Kearney

AOS Dublin




Regarding  my endeavours to become acquainted with the "Irish Cruise Ships Priests":

Yesterday I travelled to Ballina to meet with Fr Sean Noone, one of the AOS-USA Cruise Ship Priests living in Ireland.  And while time was short, it was a wonderful meeting and he is so willing to do whatever is required on the north- west side ports - not too many of them but nonetheless it is so necessary to have an AOS presence. (Where he lives in Co Mayo you could throw a stone and it would reach the USA)


He was telling me about his various engagements with the seafarers at whatever hour accommodates them and appears so interested in the crew members. It was so obvious how they would relate to him and his willingness to befriend them and I think he would never spare himself and would always make himself available for both passengers and crew. 


Rose Kearney 


AOS-USA Associate Member

 Dublin, IRELAND





14 September 2012




Pierce, Fr Maurice
Fr. Maurice "Moe" Pierce longtime Cruise Ship Priest




 Just a note to inform you that our famous Fr. Moe Pierce (Fr Maurice Pierce)  is under the weather lately.

He carries around oxygen because of his failing lungs and now his heart is being attended to.


Moe has been a cruise chaplain for a long time. He lived just to take cruises. He was always super joyful telling all about his ministry aboard ...He took it seriously and has acquired many contacts.


He has been generous with this ministry and joyful in carrying it out.  It was Moe who introduced me to Apostleship of the Sea.

He is still hanging in but maybe we should recognize his commitment to the sea for long in his retired life.

Blessings to Maurice Pierce !

Thanking you,
Fr. Bill Kornacker
AOS-USA Cruise Ship Priest 
Windsor Ontario, CANADA







Lowe, Fr William
Fr William Lowe

 This last note is  written to AOS-USA Cruise Ship Priest Fr. William Lowe & his wife Linda . Fr. Lowe is one of our priest who was formerly a priest in the Episcopal Church.  It is wonderful to see how many of our priests are able to create small faith communities onboard, which keep up with each other once off the ship.


Dear Fr. Lowe,


I have a tale to tell regarding my Cruise.



The ship was going to Southampton via New Zealand. ...Alas, I broke my leg re-embarking at Napier and ended up in Hastings hospital wasn't all gloomy as I had Easter in New Zealand with a lovely mixed population consisting mainly of Islanders...what great faith they had as well.
Tongans, Fijians, Maoris and all the mix of migrants who had settled in New Zealand from all over the world....they are a lovely people....St Vincent de Paul  took me under their wing and became instant family...much the same as our Daily Mass crew aboard our cruise ship.
I told everyone on my return about my good fortune having a Priest aboard and what's more he was married and they were a great team...I cannot believe our church has not allowed our own priests to marry at this point when they see the good work that you is a wonder to me that you and Linda came over ....but it is the church's gain that you did.



Without going onto detail, I am in need of your prayerful support right now...will tell you more at a later date...
Once again, so happy to hear from you...I am not in touch with anyone else but think ,fondly, of Mary who declared herself your 'altar girl'....
Love from here to you both,




Cruise Passenger  



Courtesy: Mobile News

Written by: Paul Withers 

Posted on: 19 September 2012



Three will provide seafarers visiting ports across the UK with free mobile internet as part of a national scheme run in collaboration with the Merchant Navy Welfare Board.

The operator has provided 32 mobile Wi-Fi hotspots to the national charity, aiming to promote welfare services to seafarers and helping them stay in touch with loved ones using Facebook, Skype, Twitter and email.


Each device will be loaded with 15GB of data a month, enough to make 1,500, 10 minute Skype calls per month or send out 75,000 emails. The Mi-Fi devices are enabled with thew latest HSPA+ technology, which Three said provides a faster mobile internet experience than 3G.


Three's Director of Corporate Affairs, Hugh Davies said: "We have invested heavily in our network so that customers receive the best possible data experience. This means that when customers connect their smartphone, tablet or laptop, they enjoy effortless streaming, clear internet calls and fast browsing.


"For seafarers, a connection to one of our portable MiFi devices means it's free and easy for them to stay in contact with loved ones."


Merchant Navy Welfare Board port welfare manager Carolyn Lewis (pictured right) said: "Working at sea can be very dangerous and isolating. Many contracts will last a minimum of six months and seafarers are expected to work long hours, seven days a week. The lack of communication between seafarers and their families can add to the stress of working at sea.




US & China - combined counter-piracy exercise 

Courtesy: Dennis Bryant's Maritime News



US & China - combined counter-piracy exercise

The US Navy issued a news release stating that US and Chinese forces teamed up in a counter-piracy exercise in the Indian Ocean near the Horn of Africa.Personnel from the guided missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81) and the PLA(N) frigate Yi Yang (FF 548) conducted a combined visit, board, search, and seizure boarding.(9/19/12).

Click to read full News Release



State of Asia Cruise Industry Panel Opens Second Annual Cruise Shipping Asia-Pacific




 Click to read full article


Prayer for Hurricane Season


O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude; you are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control. The Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, and invade our land and spread chaos and disaster. During this hurricane season, we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with the passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son in our behalf, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jerusalem where a storm-less eternity awaits us.  


Originally dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Audrey in 1957.  - Fr. Al Volpe, Cameron Parish, LA  


Other News Items  



Apostolatus Maris Bulletin N.112 2012/II 


Apostolatus Maris Bulletin April 2012 (111)  


2012 Easter Message from the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants 


Apostolatus Maris Bulletin December 2011 (110) 


Apostolatus Maris Bulletin Sept 2011 (109) 


Apostolatus Maris Bulletin July 2011 (108)   


Audio Report: No Pirates of the Caribbean - Vatican Radio (December 7, 2011) 


Piracy video from Lloyd's List 



Important Upcoming Events for
AOS USA Members


XXIII World Congress of the Apostleship of the Sea
November 19-23, 2012
@ The Vatican

AOS World Congress Invitation 

 AOS World Congress Provisional Time-Table (Agenda) 

Recommendations of XXII World Congress Poland 2007 



World Fisheries Day

November 21, 2012

World Fisheries Day Home Page: 

World Fisheries Day Face Book Page:   



Houston Maritime Ministry Training Program
February 17 - March 1, 2013
Houston International Seafarers' Center



May God Bless you with Smooth Sailing throughout your day!

Contact Info
Doreen M. Badeaux
Secretary General
Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America
1500 Jefferson Drive
Port Arthur, TX  77642-0646
PH:  409-985-4545
FAX:  409-985-5945