Some trips go better than others! Deckhand Richard Wright and I, along with 2 other charter boats, headed to Mexico on January 4. The trip started off terribly, the winds blowing 25-35 knots WNW and the temperature 21 degrees. We had to get rolling cause there was a window of good weather forecast in 5 days to cross the Gulf of Mexico ..... so off we went. A half hour out of Pirates Cove, we got to the open waters of Pamlico Sound, the first spray hit us and immediately froze over! As spray continuously hit our starbord side for the next 4 hours, it built up on our curtains, outriggers, bow deck, covering boards and cockpit deck.... we were not happy.... and bit concerned..... I was worried my outriggers were going to come apart there was so much ice on them..... thought of turning around! Finally got to Adams creek and calm water... began using a space heater on the curtains to get ice off them so we could open them up, and then spent the next 4 hours beating the ice off the riggers & bridge sides and everywhere else. Felt like the crabbers in the Bering Sea, but when they iced up, they had rubber sledge hammers and shovels..... we used a plastic squeegee and a chamois mop!! Needed a few drinks when we finally tied up in Wrightsville Beach that evening! The weather and the rest of the trip went well... finally got all the ice off the OBSESSION in Florida two days latter. Our crossing of the Gulf of Mexico was calm the whole way.... whole trip took 6 days. When we arrived at Isla Mujeres, we were surprised at how few boats were there......only 6 of the 20 slips out Enriques Marina were full....but other than the disappointment in not seeing old friends, the thought of less crowded fishing grounds had us jacked up and as it turned out with good reason. Weather was unusually cool the entire 2 months and sunny days were the exception, but the fishing was spectacular the entire time we were there. Most seasons, we have a mixture of fishing by circling around balls of bait with frigate birds over them and sailfish around them, as well as just straight trolling, where we see sailfish 'free jumping' or just mark areas of bait or sailfish. This year was predominately fishing around birds and 'balls of bait', and with so few boats competing for the spots, we were able to have sustained action very often all day long.
I can't really say there were more sailfish this year than other years, though certainly there were plenty of them, but the reduced fishing pressure factored in to the excellent fishing we had virtually every day! We caught 10 or more sailfish 11 of the 13 days we fished in January, 24 of the 26 days in February and 7 of the 10 days in March, averaging 19 sailfish/day in January, 24 fish/day in February and 17 fish/day in March. We ended up catching 1048 sailfish, far exceeding our previous best season, and achieving personal goals that Richard and I had discussed while heading down there, in light of the exceptional sailfishing off North Carolina this past summer and off Florida in December and January.
In January, Steve Smith & Charles Demark caught 34 sailfish for our best day of the month. Dan Homa and crew caught 28 sails one day, including 7 sailfish in one circle, as they kept hooking fish as fast as one was released....they also captured a quad and a few doubles and triples.
In mid February, Jeff Gill & friends did a sensational job hooking fish, catching 35 sailfish out of 46 bites, including a quadruple header, which they followed by hooking four more and while fighting them, hooked four more to set a new OBSESSION record of 8 sailfish in one long circle. Later in February, Professor Ian Trayer and wife Barbara, from England, who have been fishing these waters since the early nineties, saw their best fishing ever, catching 11 their first day, 31 their second day and our season's, and their personal best, 51 sailfish their final day..... and we quite around 1PM.... they were justifiably worn out. Randy Johnson & his crew caught 42 & 43 sailfish in successive days in late February.
 In March, David Botely and crew caught 41 sailfish, our best day ever in March. A few days later, with some friends and another boat captain, we headed out to swim with the sails .....found a great bunch right out of the gate, and followed them for 2 hours with everyone taking turns swimming with the ball of bait and sailfish.... there were atleast 30 or more sailfish on the surface corralling, chasing escaping bait or charging thru the 4 ft diameter ball of sardines, and another 80+ sailfish hovering below and taking turns .....UNBELIEVABLE..... even I jumped in as Captain Brian Peele maneuvered the boat..... mate Richard, having the best endurance and the strongest swimmer followed them for 2 miles.
Deckhand Richard Wright, who did a great job fishing the 2009 North Carolina fishing season with me, is back for the 2010 season on the OBSESSION. We have already fished half a dozen days out of Oregon Inlet since returning from Mexico. Other that our first trip, where we filled the box full of 40-50 lb yellowfin tuna, we have been catching 100+ lb bluefin tuna every day. Last year, bluefins stayed nearly the entire month of April. As we got into May, more yellowfins showed up and we caught them pretty good thru early July. The big dolphin showed up in mid May and we caught them thru June, after which we caught a mixed bag of gaffer and school dolphin thru September. Bigeye tuna were caught from late May thru September. From the middle of July thru August we had some outstanding action with sailfish, and from early August thru late September great action for white marlin. From mid-September thru Christmas we had excellent yellowfin tuna fishing, and very good wahoo fishing in the fall as well.
 The FISHING CALENDAR section of my website provides detailed information on what is biting when you plan on going fishing or when to go fishing for a particular species.
The OBSESSION is available for charter out of Pirates Cove at least thru the first or second week of December. We leave the dock at 5 AM and return around 5 PM. We head out of Oregon Inlet; the run offshore takes around 2 hours. The cost of chartering the OBSESSION, and all offshore full day charter boats fishing out of Pirates Cove Marina in 2010, is $1650 for 1-6 people and this includes all bait, tackle, and ice for your fish. A tip for the mate (15%) is customary if service is satisfactory. All you need to bring is your food and beverages in coolers. Pirates Cove has a fish cleaning service available, and there are two local businesses that vacuum pack and freeze your fillets if you are staying overnite. FISHING LICENSES are not needed as all charterboats have blanket licenses to cover our customers.
You can reserve a date(s) by email captjeff@mindspring.com or phone: (C) 252-473-8487 (H)
252-480-0094 A $400 deposit is required to secure your dates... this deposit is fully refundable: 1) with notification of cancelllation of your trip 2 or more weeks prior to your scheduled date or; 2) due to bad weather. The deposit can be sent to: Captain Jeff Ross 3102 S. Ocean View Ct Nags Head, NC; 27959 If you need additional people to share costs for a charter, please call me and I will discuss several options for you. Last year I put 6 or 7 groups together..... this works best when I have several weeks advance notice to line things up! Check out my website for more information on my boat, myself, my fishing operation as well as fishing reports and pictures of recent catches OBSESSION-CHARTERS.COM We updated the section FISHING REPORTS of my website last year.... you can now place comments on it simply by clicking on the word 'Comments' underneath the reports title.
I am booked for the Oregon Inlet Tuna Roundup June 4 & 5, the Dare County Boat Builders Billfish Tournament on July 16 & 17, the Alice Kelly Ladies Tournament August 8 and the Pirates Cove Billfish Tournament August 10-13. I am not booked for the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament June 14-19 nor the Virginia Beach Billfish Tournament Aug 19-21. If interested in fishing one of these great tournaments, whether you have a full group or want to join one, please call/email and I will discuss availability and get you the relevant tournament information.
My plans are to again run the OBSESSION to Isla Mujeres, Mexico for the light tackle sailfishing season in winter 2011 (obsession-charters.com/mexico). The OBSESSION will be available for charter from January 9 thru March 20. You can reserve dates now by email (captjeff@mindspring.com ) or phone (C:252-473-8487 or H:252-480-0094). If you do not have a full group and are looking to split some days with a few others, let me know....in the past I have had good luck putting groups together. I am taking bookings now for the 2011 Mexico fishing season.

. Best wishes and tight lines.... Cap'n Jeff Ross.
P.S. PLEASE feel free to forward this to any of your fishing buddies.... we need all the business we can get!!
My wife, Ruth Ann, is an NC Real Estate Broker with Village Realty in Nags Head. If you are interested in buying, selling or following the market, please let her know. She would love to speak with you! Now is the time to buy real estate on the Outer Banks. Prices have dropped, there are great deals and plenty of properties to view! Call now to set up an appointment.
Ruth Ann can be reached at 252 473-8495

Captian Jeff Ross
3102 S Ocean View Ct
Nags Head, NC 27959